24 research outputs found


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    This study addresses the critical issue of farmer indebtedness as the primary cause of agrarian distress in Haryana, India. The pervasive challenge of debt negatively impacts farmers’ livelihoods and agricultural sustainability, creating a cycle that hampers investment in modern farming technologies and sustainable practices. The study highlights the disproportionate access to credit, with institutional lenders favoring semi-medium, medium, and larger farmers, while small and marginalized farmers resort to non-institutional sources with higher interest rates. This unequal access perpetuates financial strain on the latter group. The findings emphasize the urgent need for government intervention and institutional support to assist marginalized and small farmers. The study advocates for comprehensive measures, including risk mitigation strategies, enhanced credit access, minimum support prices, and sustainable agricultural policies, to break the cycle of farmer debt and ensure the well-being of those crucial to our food systems

    The growth performance of selected spice crops in Haryana state / Procesy wzrostu wybranych upraw roślin przyprawowych w rejonie Harijana

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    Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to evaluate the growth performance of spice crops in Haryana state of India. Materials and methods: The study is based on secondary data obtained over the period of 17 years i.e., from 2001-2002 to 2017-2018. Four spice crop – ginger, turmeric, garlic and fenugreek were selected from rabi and kharif season on the basis of the largest area sown. In order to analyze the data descriptive statistics (mean and C.V.) and CGR (compound growth rate) were employed. Results: The study revealed a significant positive growth rate of 2.20%, 4.50% and 2.20% in the area, production and productivity of ginger in the district of Panchkula, respectively. In the district of Yamunanagar, a growth rate 13.80% and 10.20% was found in the area and production of turmeric. However, a negative productivity growth rate of -3.20% was also revealed. A positive growth rate 1.50%, 3.30% and 0.17% was found in the area, production and productivity of garlic in Karnal district. In the district of Yamunanagar, a growth rate for fenugreek of 7.30% and 7.60% and 13.90% in the area, production and productivity was found. The state of Haryana recorded a significant growth of 1.7%, 2.8% and 1.1% per annum in the area, production and productivity of spice crops respectively. Conclusions: The study revealed a positive growth rate across all the selected spice crops, indicating improving prospects of spice crops in Haryana state.Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem pracy jest analiza wzrostu uprawy, produkcji i wydajności produkcji roślin przyprawowych w rejonie Harijana w Indiach. Materiały i metody: Badanie opiera się na danych wtórnych z okresu 17 lat, tj. od sezonu 2001-2002 r. do 2017-2018 r. Na podstawie największej powierzchni zasiewów, z sezonu uprawowego Rabi i Charif, wyselekcjonowano do analizy cztery rośliny przyprawowe – imbir, kurkuma, czosnek i kozieradka. W badaniach wykorzystano narzędzia statystyki opisowej (średnia arytmetyczna i współczynnik zmienności C.V.) oraz CGR (skumulowany wskaźnik wzrostu). Wyniki: Badanie wykazało znaczący dodatni przyrost, odpowiednio o 2,20%, 4,50% i 2,20% w odniesieniu do powierzchni, produkcji i wydajności imbiru w dystrykcie Panchkula. W dystrykcie Yamunanagar stwierdzono wzrost o 13,80% w odniesieniu do powierzchni i o 10,20% w odniesieniu do produkcji kurkumy. Ujawniono jednak ujemny wskaźnik wzrostu wydajności na poziomie -3,20%. W dystrykcie Karnal, dodatnie wskaźniki wzrostu w wysokości 1,50%, 3,30% i 0,17% stwierdzono odpowiednio w odniesieniu do powierzchni, produkcji i wydajności produkcji czosnku. W dystrykcie Yamunanagar stwierdzono też, że wskaźnik wzrostu kozieradki wynosił odpowiednio 7,30%, 7,60% i 13,90%. Cały rejon Harijana odnotował umiarkowany wzrost o 1,7%, 2,8% i 1,1% rocznie, odniesiony odpowiednio do powierzchni, produkcji i wydajności uprawy roślin przyprawowych. Wnioski: Badanie ujawniło dodatnie wskaźniki wzrostu wszystkich wybranych upraw roślin przyprawowych, co wskazuje na rosnące perspektywy upraw tych roślin w Harijanie

    The Growth Performance of Selected Spice Crops in Haryana State

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    Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to evaluate the growth performance of spice crops in Haryana state of India


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    Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to evaluate the growth performance of spice crops in Haryana state of India. Materials and methods: The study is based on secondary data obtained over the period of 17 years i.e., from 2001-2002 to 2017-2018. Four spice crop – ginger, turmeric, garlic and fenugreek were selected from rabi and kharif season on the basis of the largest area sown. In order to analyze the data descriptive statistics (mean and C.V.) and CGR (compound growth rate) were employed. Results: T he s tudy r evealed a significant p ositive g rowth r ate o f 2 .20%, 4.50% and 2.20% in the area, production and productivity of ginger in the district of Panchkula, respectively. In the district of Yamunanagar, a growth rate 13.80% and 10.20% was found in the area and production of turmeric. However, a negative productivity growth rate of -3.20% was also revealed. A positive growth rate 1.50%, 3.30% and 0.17% was found in the area, production and productivity of garlic in Karnal district. In the district of Yamunanagar, a growth rate for fenugreek of 7.30% and 7.60% and 13.90% in the area, production and productivity was found. The state of Haryana recorded a significant growth of 1.7%, 2.8% and 1.1% per annum in the area, production and productivity of spice crops respectively. Conclusions: T he s tudy r evealed a positive g rowth rate across all the selected spice crops, indicating improving prospects of spice crops in Haryana state

    Progress of crop insurance schemes in Haryana, India

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    Subject and purpose of the work: The paper examines the progress of crops under the crop insurance scheme in Haryana State of India. Materials and Methods: The study is based on secondary data over a period of 16 years, since the launching of crop insurance schemes in Haryana. In 2004, the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme was started, then the Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme and in 2016 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana were launched. We collected seasonal information regarding the number of farmers, sums insured, premiums paid, claims, etc., in order to analyse the percentage of loanee and non-loanee farmers. Results: The study revealed a positive performance of loanee farmers, non-loanee farmers and the area covered, the number of beneficiaries and claims paid to insured farmers from the beginning of crop insurance as referred in the paper. Conclusions: This study has shown that there is a positive performance of National Agriculture Insurance (NAIS), Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) and Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in Haryana


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    Subject and purpose of the work: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the overall physical and financial performance of the crop insurance schemes in Haryana. Materials and methods: The study was purely based on secondary data collected from the Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Union of Haryana. The compound annual growth rate and the percentage method have been used to analyse the performance of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Results: The compound annual growth rate of benefited farmers was higher in the Rabi crop (28%), and in the same way, the overall area covered (1.4%) was also higher in the Rabi crop. The non-loanee farmers adopted Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) without any kind of loan in any scheme such as the Kisan credit card. The growth rates of non-loanee farmers of Rabi and Kharif crops were observed at 143.2% and 184.3% which was highly satisfactory. Loanee farmers were already large in number since the commencement of PMFBY. Conclusions: It was found that the parameters such as area covered, loanee, non-loanee farmers and the number of beneficiaries of Rabi and Kharif crops increased and had a significant effect on the farmer’s coverage over the years. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana gives a positive assurance to farmers. As the number of beneficiaries of this scheme increases and farmers have the assurance that if their crop is damaged due to natural calamities their claim will be settled, they will use a high-yielding variety of seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and new technology, thus production and productivity will increase. They play a vital role in the coverage of cultivated area and will ultimately decide to participate in crop insurance. Hence, this scheme has proved effective in maintaining the farmer’s interest in crop insurance and ensuring the timely settlement of claims, which has been the main driving force in retaining farmers under crop insurance


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    Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to assess the nature, extent and sources of debt and the measures of the burden of debt on farmers. Materials and methods: The study was based on primary data collected (by field survey) from a sample of 600 farmers selected from Haryana state in India. With regards to the selection of farmers/respondents, a proportionate sampling technique was employed. For the analysis of the collected data, average (or mean value) and percentage techniques were used. The data were collected in January, February and March, 2021. Results: The study revealed that the average amount of debt per sampled farmer is 563 960 rupees. This amount of debt is very high. Institutional sources played a major role in loan disbursement to farmers. Of the total amount owed, one third of all the debt was incurred from non-institutional sources at a higher rate of interest; 67.03% was incurred for productive purposes and the remaining 32.97% of debt was incurred for non-productive purposes. Non-productive debt adds nothing to agricultural production. 67% of all farmers in the state belong to marginal and small farm-size category. Thus, at small size of land holdings, at higher rate of interest charged by non-institutional sources and non-productive loans are the main cause of farmer indebtedness. Conclusions: Farmers have been trapped under the burden of debt and are not in a situation to pay their loans back within the prescribed period of time

    Evaluation of the crop insurance performance in Haryana/ Ocena efektów działania programu ubezpieczeń upraw w stanie Haryana

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    Subject and purpose of the work: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the overall physical and financial performance of the crop insurance schemes in Haryana. Materials and methods: The study was purely based on secondary data collected from the Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Union of Haryana. The compound annual growth rate and the percentage method have been used to analyse the performance of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Results: The compound annual growth rate of benefited farmers was higher in the Rabi crop (28%), and in the same way, the overall area covered (1.4%) was also higher in the Rabi crop. The non-loanee farmers adopted Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) without any kind of loan in any scheme such as the Kisan credit card. The growth rates of non-loanee farmers of Rabi and Kharif crops were observed at 143.2% and 184.3% which was highly satisfactory. Loanee farmers were already large in number since the commencement of PMFBY. Conclusions: It was found that the parameters such as area covered, loanee, non-loanee farmers and the number of beneficiaries of Rabi and Kharif crops increased and had a significant effect on the farmer’s coverage over the years. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana gives a positive assurance to farmers. As the number of beneficiaries of this scheme increases and farmers have the assurance that if their crop is damaged due to natural calamities their claim will be settled, they will use a high-yielding variety of seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and new technology, thus production and productivity will increase. They play a vital role in the coverage of cultivated area and will ultimately decide to participate in crop insurance. Hence, this scheme has proved effective in maintaining the farmer’s interest in crop insurance and ensuring the timely settlement of claims, which has been the main driving force in retaining farmers under crop insurance.Przedmiot i cel opracowania: Celem badania jest ocena ogólnych efektów fizycznych i wyników finansowych działania systemów ubezpieczenia upraw w stanie Haryana. Materiały i metody: W badaniu wykorzystano wyłącznie na dane wtórne pozyskane z Departamentu Rolnictwa i Spraw Socjalnych Rolników w stanie Haryana. Do analizy wydajności programu Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana wykorzystano skumulowany roczny wskaźnik wzrostu (compound annual growth rate, CAGR) i metodę procentową. Wyniki: Skumulowany roczny wskaźnik wzrostu wśród rolników korzystających ze świadczeń była wyższa w odniesieniu do upraw rabi (28%), podobnie jak ogólna powierzchnia upraw objętych ubezpieczeniem (1,4%). Rolników niebędących pożyczkobiorcami zdefiniowano jako rolników, którzy przystąpili do ubezpieczenia PMFBY bez zaciągania jakiejkolwiek pożyczki w jakimkolwiek programie, takim jak np. karta kredytowa Kisan. Wskaźnik wzrostu wśród rolników niebędących pożyczkobiorcami wyniósł odpowiednio 143,2% i 184,3% w odniesieniu do upraw rabi i kharif, co jest wynikiem wysoce zadowalającym. Rolnicy będący pożyczkobiorcami stanowili liczną grupę już od samego początku działania programu PMFBY. Wnioski: Wykazano, że parametry takie jak obszar upraw objętych ubezpieczeniem, liczba rolników będących pożyczkobiorcami, liczba rolników niebędących pożyczkobiorcami oraz liczba beneficjentów w odniesieniu do upraw rabi i kharif wzrastały i na przestrzeni lat miały istotny wpływ na powierzchnię upraw objętych ubezpieczeniem przez rolników. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana daje rolnikom pozytywne poczucie pewności. Liczba beneficjentów tego programu rośnie, a rolnicy zyskują pewność, że – jeżeli ich uprawy zostaną zniszczone w wyniku klęsk żywiołowych – ich roszczenia zostaną zaspokojone, zatem są bardziej skłonni stosować wysokowydajną odmianę nasion, pestycydy, herbicydy i nową technologię, dzięki czemu wzrasta produkcja i produktywność. Te dwa czynniki odgrywają istotną rolę w powiększaniu obszaru upraw objętych ubezpieczeniem i ostatecznie skłaniają rolników do przystąpieniu do programu ubezpieczeń. Program ten okazał się zatem skuteczny w podtrzymywaniu zainteresowania rolników ubezpieczeniem upraw i zapewnianiu terminowego zaspokajania roszczeń, co było główną siłą napędową utrzymywania ubezpieczenia upraw wśród rolników

    Progress of crop insurance schemes in Haryana, India / Postępy w realizacji programów ubezpieczeń upraw w stanie Hariana w Indiach

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    Subject and purpose of the work: The paper examines the progress of crops under the crop insurance scheme in Haryana State of India. Materials and Methods: The study is based on secondary data over a period of 16 years, since the launching of crop insurance schemes in Haryana. In 2004, the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme was started, then the Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme and in 2016 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana were launched. We collected seasonal information regarding the number of farmers, sums insured, premiums paid, claims, etc., in order to analyse the percentage of loanee and non-loanee farmers. Results: The study revealed a positive performance of loanee farmers, non-loanee farmers and the area covered, the number of beneficiaries and claims paid to insured farmers from the beginning of crop insurance as referred in the paper. Conclusions: This study has shown that there is a positive performance of National Agriculture Insurance (NAIS), Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) and Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in Haryana.Przedmiot i cel pracy: W artykule przeanalizowano rozwój upraw w ramach programu ubezpieczenia upraw w stanie Hariana w Indiach. Materiały i metody: Badanie opiera się na danych wtórnych z okresu 16 lat, czyli od momentu uruchomienia programów ubezpieczeń upraw w stanie Hariana. W 2004 roku uruchomiono krajowy program ubezpieczeń rolniczych, następnie zmodyfikowany krajowy program ubezpieczeń rolniczych, a w 2016 roku Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Zebraliśmy informacje sezonowe dotyczące liczby rolników, sum ubezpieczenia, płaconych składek, szkód itp. w celu przeanalizowania odsetka rolników korzystających i niekorzystających z pożyczek. Wyniki: Badanie wykazało pozytywne wyniki rolników korzystających z pożyczek, rolników nie korzystających z pożyczek oraz obszarów objętych ubezpieczeniem, liczby beneficjentów i odszkodowań wypłaconych ubezpieczonym rolnikom od początku istnienia ubezpieczenia upraw do chwili obecnej. Wnioski: Badanie to wykazało, że w stanie Hariana odnotowano pozytywne wyniki krajowego programu ubezpieczeń rolniczych (NAIS), zmodyfikowanego krajowego programu ubezpieczeń rolniczych (MNAIS) oraz programu Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)

    Indebtedness among farmers in Haryana state, India / Zadłużenie wśród rolników w stanie Hariana w Indiach

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    Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to assess the nature, extent and sources of debt and the measures of the burden of debt on farmers. Materials and methods: The study was based on primary data collected (by field survey) from a sample of 600 farmers selected from Haryana state in India. With regards to the selection of farmers/respondents, a proportionate sampling technique was employed. For the analysis of the collected data, average (or mean value) and percentage techniques were used. The data were collected in January, February and March, 2021. Results: The study revealed that the average amount of debt per sampled farmer is 563 960 rupees. This amount of debt is very high. Institutional sources played a major role in loan disbursement to farmers. Of the total amount owed, one third of all the debt was incurred from non-institutional sources at a higher rate of interest; 67.03% was incurred for productive purposes and the remaining 32.97% of debt was incurred for non-productive purposes. Non-productive debt adds nothing to agricultural production. 67% of all farmers in the state belong to marginal and small farm-size category. Thus, at small size of land holdings, at higher rate of interest charged by non-institutional sources and non-productive loans are the main cause of farmer indebtedness. Conclusions: Farmers have been trapped under the burden of debt and are not in a situation to pay their loans back within the prescribed period of time.Przedmiot i cel pracy: Badanie ma na celu ocenę charakteru, zakresu i źródeł zadłużenia oraz pomiar stanu zadłużenia rolników. Materiały i metody: Badanie oparto na danych pierwotnych zebranych (z badań terenowych) na próbie 600 rolników wybranych ze stanu Hariana w Indiach. W odniesieniu do doboru rolników / respondentów zastosowano proporcjonalną technikę doboru próby. Do analizy zebranych danych wykorzystano różne miary statystyki opisowej (lub wartości średnie) i procenty. Dane zostały zebrane w styczniu, lutym i marcu 2021 r. Wyniki: Badanie wykazało, że średnia kwota zadłużenia przypadająca na badanego rolnika wynosi 563 960 rupii. Ta kwota zadłużenia jest bardzo wysoka. W wypłacie kredytów dla rolników ważną rolę odegrały źródła instytucjonalne. Z całkowitej kwoty zadłużenia jedna trzecia całego zadłużenia została zaciągnięta ze źródeł pozainstytucjonalnych przy wyższej stopie procentowej; 67,03% zaciągnięto na cele produkcyjne, a pozostałe 32,97% zadłużenia zostało zaciągnięte na cele nieprodukcyjne. Zadłużenie nieprodukcyjne niczego nie wnosi do produkcji rolnej. 67% wszystkich rolników w stanie należy do kategorii marginalnej i małej wielkości gospodarstw. Tak więc mały rozmiar gospodarstw rolnych, wyższe oprocentowanie z pozainstytucjonalnych źródeł kredytowania oraz kredyty nieproduktywne są głównymi przyczynami zadłużenia rolników. Wnioski: Rolnicy pozostają zadłużeni i nie są w stanie spłacić swoich kredytów w wyznaczonym terminie