81 research outputs found
Finite-size and finite-time effects in large deviation functions near dynamical symmetry breaking transitions
We introduce and study a class of particle hopping models consisting of a
single box coupled to a pair of reservoirs. Despite being zero-dimensional, in
the limit of large particle number and long observation time, the current and
activity large deviation functions of the models can exhibit symmetry-breaking
dynamical phase transitions. We characterize exactly the critical properties of
these transitions, showing them to be direct analogues of previously studied
phase transitions in extended systems. The simplicity of the model allows us to
study features of dynamical phase transitions which are not readily accessible
for extended systems. In particular, we quantify finite-size and finite-time
scaling exponents using both numerical and theoretical arguments. Importantly,
we identify an analogue of critical slowing near symmetry breaking transitions
and suggest how this can be used in the numerical studies of large deviations.
All of our results are also expected to hold for extended systems.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figure
Fluctuation Induced Forces in Non-equilibrium (Diffusive) Dynamics
Thermal fluctuations in non-equilibrium steady states generically lead to
power law decay of correlations for conserved quantities. Embedded bodies which
constrain fluctuations in turn experience fluctuation induced forces. We
compute these forces for the simple case of parallel slabs in a driven
diffusive system. The force falls off with slab separation as (at
temperature , and in all spatial dimensions), but can be attractive or
repulsive. Unlike the equilibrium Casimir force, the force amplitude is
non-universal and explicitly depends on dynamics. The techniques introduced can
be generalized to study pressure and fluctuation induced forces in a broad
class of non-equilibrium systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Dynamical symmetry breaking and phase transitions in driven diffusive systems
We study the probability distribution of a current flowing through a
diffusive system connected to a pair of reservoirs at its two ends. Sufficient
conditions for the occurrence of a host of possible phase transitions both in
and out of equilibrium are derived. These transitions manifest themselves as
singularities in the large deviation function, resulting in enhanced current
fluctuations. Microscopic models which implement each of the scenarios are
presented, with possible experimental realizations. Depending on the model, the
singularity is associated either with a particle-hole symmetry breaking, which
leads to a continuous transition, or in the absence of the symmetry with a
first-order phase transition. An exact Landau theory which captures the
different singular behaviors is derived.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
Dynamical phase transitions in the current distribution of driven diffusive channels
We study singularities in the large deviation function of the time-averaged
current of diffusive systems connected to two reservoirs. A set of conditions
for the occurrence of phase transitions, both first and second order, are
obtained by deriving Landau theories. First-order transitions occur in the
absence of a particle-hole symmetry, while second-order occur in its presence
and are associated with a symmetry breaking. The analysis is done in two
distinct statistical ensembles, shedding light on previous results. In
addition, we also provide an exact solution of a model exhibiting a
second-order symmetry-breaking transition.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figure
DNA unzipping and the unbinding of directed polymers in a random media
We consider the unbinding of a directed polymer in a random media from a wall
in dimensions and a simple one-dimensional model for DNA unzipping.
Using the replica trick we show that the restricted partition functions of
these problems are {\em identical} up to an overall normalization factor. Our
finding gives an example of a generalization of the stochastic matrix form
decomposition to disordered systems; a method which effectively allows to
reduce dimensionality of the problem. The equivalence between the two problems,
for example, allows us to derive the probability distribution for finding the
directed polymer a distance from the wall. We discuss implications of these
results for the related Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation and the asymmetric
exclusion process.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, minor modifications, added discussion on
stochastic matrix form decompositio
Superfluid-insulator transition of disordered bosons in one-dimension
We study the superfluid-insulator transition in a one dimensional system of
interacting bosons, modeled as a disordered Josephson array, using a strong
randomness real space renormalization group technique. Unlike perturbative
methods, this approach does not suffer from run-away flows and allows us to
study the complete phase diagram. We show that the superfluid insulator
transition is always Kosterlitz- Thouless like in the way that length and time
scales diverge at the critical point. Interestingly however, we find that the
transition at strong disorder occurs at a non universal value of the Luttinger
parameter, which depends on the disorder strength. This result places the
transition in a universality class different from the weak disorder transition
first analyzed by Giamarchi and Schulz [Europhys. Lett. {\bf 3}, 1287 (1987)].
While the details of the disorder potential are unimportant at the critical
point, the type of disorder does influence the properties of the insulating
phases. We find three classes of insulators which arise for different classes
of disorder potential. For disorder only in the charging energies and Josephson
coupling constants, at integer filling we find an incompressible but gapless
Mott glass phase. If both integer and half integer filling factors are allowed
then the corresponding phase is a random singlet insulator, which has a
divergent compressibility. Finally in a generic disorder potential the
insulator is a Bose glass with a finite compressibility.Comment: 16 page
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