7 research outputs found

    Boltzmann equation approach to transport in finite modular quantum systems

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    We investigate the transport behavior of finite modular quantum systems. Such systems have recently been analyzed by different methods. These approaches indicate diffusive behavior even and especially for finite systems. Inspired by these results we analyze analytically and numerically if and in which sense the dynamics of those systems are in agreement with an appropriate Boltzmann equation. We find that the transport behavior of a certain type of finite modular quantum systems may indeed be described in terms of a Boltzmann equation. However, the applicability of the Boltzmann equation appears to be rather limited to a very specific type of model

    Transport und Relaxation in Quantenmodellen

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    Das Transport- und Relaxationsverhalten verschiedener Quantenmodelle wird untersucht. Den ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die Untersuchung der Transporteigenschaften von speziellen finiten modularen Quantensystemen bzgl. einer Boltzmann-Gleichung (BG). Diese Systeme, in denen unter bestimmten Bedingungen diffusiver Transport beobachtet werden kann, wurden mit verschiedenen Methoden zur Beschreibung von Quantentransport untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich das diffusive Transportverhalten in diesen Systemen aus der zugrunde liegenden Schrödinger Dynamik heraus beschreiben lässt. Ob die diffusive Dynamik in diesen Systemen ebenfalls auf der Basis einer BG beschrieben werden kann, wird analytisch und numerisch untersucht. Im zweiten Teil wird die Relaxationsdynamik in quantenmechanischen Vielteilchensystemen untersucht. Speziell wird versucht, die Lebensdauern von angeregten Elektronen (Löchern) in Metallen, welche mit dem Fermi-See der Elektronen wechselwirken, mittels der zeitfaltungsfreien Projektionsoperator-Methode (TCL) zu bestimmen. Letztere liefert einen analytischen Ausdruck für die Dämpfungsrate (inverse Lebensdauer), welche temperaturabhängig ist und im Rahmen von Standard-Streuprozessen interpretiert werden kann. Um dieses analytische Ergebnis zu testen, wird es angewendet, um die Lebensdauern angeregter Elektronen (Löcher) in Aluminium zu bestimmen, für das ein Jellium Modell verwendet wird. Die Ergebnisse, die man über Monte-Carlo-Integration erhält, werden mit experimentellen und theoretischen Daten aus Selbstenergie-Rechnungen verglichen. Des Weiteren werden die Lebensdauern angeregter Elektronen in Kupfer ermittelt, für das ein Tight-Binding-Modell verwendet wird


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    WOS: 000441467500006The objective of this study was to determine the adaptation abilities and quality parameters of selected advanced soybean breeding lines at the double cropped growing conditions. 20 advanced Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] breeding lines (F-7) and four soybean varieties having maturity group HI and IV (ARISOY, ATAEM-7, BRAVO and NOVA) were used. The differences between the lines and varieties were significant for the grain yield. The mean grain yield of breeding lines and varieties ranged from 2460 to 3488 kg ha(-1) and from 2933 to 3440 kg ha(-1), respectively. Also KA-07-05-13 advanced soybean line had the highest grain yield in terms of two years' average. The highest plant height was obtained from KA-07-08-15 (82.2 cm) and the lowest pod height from KA-07-08-15 (12.2 cm) and BDNA-19 (12.1 cm) lines. Significant differences were determined for pod number per plant among the 24 soybean genotypes. The pod number per plant was the higher in BDNA-12 and BDNA-13 lines than the varieties. In this research, the number of day for flowering varied between 33.0-42.1 days and the number of days for maturating ranged from 102.4 to 113.6 days. The earliest flowering time was detected from KA-07-08-14 line and the earliest maturating time was observed from BDNE-14 line. In a two-year average, 100-seed weight ranged between 14.2-20.8 g in breeding lines. The highest 100-seed weight was obtained from KA-07-03-5 (20.8 g) and KA-07-03-9 lines (20.1 g). While the highest oil percentage was obtained from ARISOY, the highest and statistically same oil percentage was recorded from KA-07-05-9 (21,6%), KA-07-08-12 (21,2%) and KA-07-05-5 (21,2%). The average protein content of soybean lines and cultivars varied from 41.6% to 49.3%. The higher protein percentage value was obtained from the BDAF-4 (49.3%) breeding line.TUBITAK "The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey"Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [113 O 082, 113 O 086]We are grateful to the TUBITAK "The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey" funded this research with the project codes of 113 O 082 and sub number: 113 O 086


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    WOS: 000457338900001Double crop agriculture is a great advantage for the coastal Mediterranean climate. Although a number of soybean varieties have been recommended for cultivation, the information on the stability for double cropping is lacking for the agro-climatic conditions of Mediterranean coastal zone. Ten high-yielding advanced soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr] lines and four registered soybean varieties having maturity group III and IV (ARISOY, ATAEM7, BRAVO and NOVA) were evaluated for double cropping in different regions and years (2014, 2015 and 2016 in Izmir-Bornova, 2015 and 2016 in Antalya-Aksu). The F test was first applied to check differences of the deviation variances from the zero. In addition, statistics of ecovalance (W-i(2)) and stability variance (sigma(2)(i)), estimating the contribution of a genotype to total Genotype x Environmental interaction (GxE), were estimated. As a result of this research, two different conclusions were determined. If sufficient water is provide (500-700 mm) BATEM 306 and BATEM 317 lines can be grown, otherwise, the other two (BATEM 207 and BATEM 223) can be suitable to grow in the regional conditions.TUBITAK "The Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [113 O 082, 113 O 086]We are grateful to the TUBITAK "The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey" funded this research with the Project codes of 113 O 082 and sub number: 113 O 086