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Reflections on Gibbs: From Statistical Physics to the Amistad
This note is based upon a talk given at a celebration in Austin Texas of the
achievements of J. Willard Gibbs.
J. Willard Gibbs, the younger, was the first American physical sciences
theorist. He was one of the inventors of statistical physics. He introduced and
developed the concepts of phase space, phase transitions, and thermodynamic
surfaces in a remarkably correct and elegant manner. These three concepts form
the basis of different areas of physics. The connection among these areas has
been a subject of deep reflection from Gibbs' time to our own. This talk
therefore tries to celebrate Gibbs by talking about modern ideas about how
different parts of physics fit together.
At the end of the talk, I shall get to a more personal note. Our own J.
Willard Gibbs had all his achievements concentrated in science. His father,
also J. Willard Gibbs, also a Professor at Yale, had one great achievement that
remains unmatched in our day. I shall describe it.Comment: This work was originally given as a talk in 2003 in Austin, Texas. It
has now been updated in a manner aimed at publicatio
Entropy is in Flux
The science of thermodynamics was put together in the Nineteenth Century to
describe large systems in equilibrium. One part of thermodynamics defines
entropy for equilibrium systems and demands an ever-increasing entropy for
non-equilibrium ones. However, starting with the work of Ludwig Boltzmann in
1872, and continuing to the present day, various models of non-equilibrium
behavior have been put together with the specific aim of generalizing the
concept of entropy to non-equilibrium situations. This kind of entropy has been
termed {\em kinetic entropy} to distinguish it from the thermodynamic variety.
Knowledge of kinetic entropy started from Boltzmann's insight about his
equation for the time dependence of gaseous systems. In this paper, his result
is stated as a definition of kinetic entropy in terms of a local equation for
the entropy density. This definition is then applied to Landau's theory of the
Fermi liquid thereby giving the kinetic entropy within that theory.
Entropy has been defined and used for a wide variety of situations in which a
condensed matter system has been allowed to relax for a sufficient period so
that the very most rapid fluctuations have been ironed out. One of the broadest
applications of non-equilibrium analysis considers quantum degenerate systems
using Martin-Schwinger Green's functions\cite{MS} as generalized of Wigner
functions, g^. This paper describes once again these how the
quantum kinetic equations for these functions give locally defined conservation
laws for mass momentum and energy. In local thermodynamic equilibrium, this
kinetic theory enables a reasonable local definition of entropy density.
However, when the system is outside of local equilibrium, this definition
fails. It is speculated that quantum entanglement is the source of this
Slippery Wave Functions V2.01
Superfluids and superconductors are ordinary matter that show a very
surprising behavior at low temperatures. As their temperature is reduced,
materials of both kinds can abruptly fall into a state in which they will
support a persistent, essentially immortal, flow of particles. Unlike anything
in classical physics, these flows engender neither friction nor resistance. A
major accomplishment of Twentieth Century physics was the development of an
understanding of this very surprising behavior via the construction of
partially microscopic and partially macroscopic quantum theories of superfluid
helium and superconducting metals. Such theories come in two parts: a theory of
the motion of particle-like excitations, called quasiparticles, and of the
persistent flows itself via a huge coherent excitation, called a condensate.
Two people, above all others, were responsible for the construction of the
quasiparticle side of the theories of these very special low-temperature
behaviors: Lev Landau and John Bardeen. Curiously enough they both partially
ignored and partially downplayed the importance of the condensate. In both
cases, this neglect of the actual superfluid or superconducting flow interfered
with their ability to understand the implications of the theory they had
created. They then had difficulty assessing the important advances that
occurred immediately after their own great work.
Some speculations are offered about the source of this unevenness in the
judgments of these two leading scientists.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure
Scaling and Linear Response in the GOY Turbulence model
The GOY model is a model for turbulence in which two conserved quantities
cascade up and down a linear array of shells. When the viscosity parameter,
, is small the model has a qualitative behavior which is similar to the
Kolmogorov theories of turbulence. Here a static solution to the model is
examined, and a linear stability analysis is performed to obtain response
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Both the static behavior and the linear
response show an inertial range with a relatively simple scaling structure. Our
main results are: (i) The response frequencies cover a wide range of scales,
with ratios which can be understood in terms of the frequency scaling
properties of the model. (ii) Even small viscosities play a crucial role in
determining the model's eigenvalue spectrum. (iii) As a parameter within the
model is varied, it shows a ``phase transition'' in which there is an abrupt
change in many eigenvalues from stable to unstable values. (iv) The abrupt
change is determined by the model's conservation laws and symmetries.
This work is thus intended to add to our knowledge of the linear response of
a stiff dynamical systems and at the same time to help illuminate scaling
within a class of turbulence models.Comment: 25 pages, figures on reques
Relating Theories via Renormalization
The renormalization method is specifically aimed at connecting theories
describing physical processes at different length scales and thereby connecting
different theories in the physical sciences.
The renormalization method used today is the outgrowth of one hundred and
fifty years of scientific study of thermal physics and phase transitions.
Different phases of matter show qualitatively different behavior separated by
abrupt phase transitions. These qualitative differences seem to be present in
experimentally observed condensed-matter systems. However, the "extended
singularity theorem" in statistical mechanics shows that sharp changes can only
occur in infinitely large systems. Abrupt changes from one phase to another are
signaled by fluctuations that show correlation over infinitely long distances,
and are measured by correlation functions that show algebraic decay as well as
various kinds of singularities and infinities in thermodynamic derivatives and
in measured system parameters.
Renormalization methods were first developed in field theory to get around
difficulties caused by apparent divergences at both small and large scales.
The renormalization (semi-)group theory of phase transitions was put together
by Kenneth G. Wilson in 1971 based upon ideas of scaling and universality
developed earlier in the context of phase transitions and of couplings
dependent upon spatial scale coming from field theory. Correlations among
regions with fluctuations in their order underlie renormalization ideas.
Wilson's theory is the first approach to phase transitions to agree with the
extended singularity theorem.
Some of the history of the study of these correlations and singularities is
recounted, along with the history of renormalization and related concepts of
scaling and universality. Applications are summarized.Comment: This note is partially a summary of a talk given at the workshop
"Part and Whole" in Leiden during the period March 22-26, 201
Theories of Matter: Infinities and Renormalization
This paper looks at the theory underlying the science of materials from the
perspectives of physics, the history of science, and the philosophy of science.
We are particularly concerned with the development of understanding of the
thermodynamic phases of matter. The question is how can matter, ordinary
matter, support a diversity of forms. We see this diversity each time we
observe ice in contact with liquid water or see water vapor (steam) rise from a
pot of heated water. The nature of the phases is brought into the sharpest
focus in phase transitions: abrupt changes from one phase to another and hence
changes from one behavior to another. This article starts with the development
of mean field theory as a basis for a partial understanding of phase transition
phenomena. It then goes on to the limitations of mean field theory and the
development of very different supplementary understanding through the
renormalization group concept.
Throughout, the behavior at the phase transition is illuminated by an
"extended singularity theorem", which says that a sharp phase transition only
occurs in the presence of some sort of infinity in the statistical system. The
usual infinity is in the system size. Apparently this result caused some
confusion at a 1937 meeting celebrating van der Waals, since mean field theory
does not respect this theorem. In contrast, renormalization theories can make
use of the theorem. This possibility, in fact, accounts for some of the
strengths of renormalization methods in dealing with phase transitions. The
paper outlines the different ways phase transition phenomena reflect the
effects of this theorem
Stationary transport in mesoscopic hybrid structures with contacts to superconducting and normal wires. A Green's function approach for multiterminal setups
We generalize the representation of the real time Green's functions
introduced by Langreth and Nordlander [Phys. Rev. B 43 2541 (1991)] and Meir
and Wingreen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 2512 (1992)] in stationary quantum transport
in order to study problems with hybrid structures containing normal (N) and
superconducting (S) pieces. We illustrate the treatment in a S-N junction under
a stationary bias and investigate in detail the behavior of the equilibrium
currents in a normal ring threaded by a magnetic flux with attached
superconducting wires at equilibrium. We analyze the flux sensitivity of the
Andreev states and we show that their response is equivalent to the one
corresponding to the Cooper pairs with momentum q=0 in an isolated
superconducting ring.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
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