127 research outputs found
Reconstruction and Identification of Hadronic Tau Decays with ATLAS
The presence of tau leptons in the final state is an important signature in
many Higgs boson and SUSY searches. With the ATLAS detector, hadronically
decaying tau leptons can be reconstructed in a wide range of transverse
energies. The reconstruction algorithm for hadronically decaying tau leptons is
explained and the performance of tau lepton identification is shown.
Particularly important is the discrimination of hadronically decaying tau
leptons against overwhelming backgrounds from QCD jets
HIV-1 Subtype D Infections among Caucasians from Northwestern Poland—Phylogenetic and Clinical Analysis
Background: HIV-1 subtype D infections, which are associated with a faster rate of progression and lymphocyte CD4 decline, cognitive deficit and higher mortality, have rarely been found in native Europeans. In Northwestern Poland, however, infections with this subtype had been identified. This study aimed to analyze the sequence and clinical data for patients with subtype D using molecular phylogeography and identify transmission clusters and ancestry, as well as drug resistance, baseline HIV tropism and antiretroviral treatment efficacy. Methods: Phylogenetic analyses of local HIV-1 subtype D sequences were performed, with time to the most recent common ancestor inferred using Bayesian modeling. Sequence and drug resistance data were linked with the clinical and epidemiological information. Results: Subtype D was found in 24 non-immigrant Caucasian, heterosexually infected patients (75 % of females, median age at diagnosis of 49.5 years; IQR: 29–56 years). Partial pol sequences clustered monophyletically with the clades of Ugandan origin and no evidence of transmission from other European countries was found. Time to the most common recent ancestor was 1989.24 (95 % HPD: 1968.83–1994.46). Baseline drug resistance to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors was observed in 54.5 % of cases (mutations: M41L, K103N, T215S/D) with evidence of clustering, no baseline integrase or protease resistance and infrequent non-R5 tropism (13.6%). Virologic failure was observed in 60 % of cases an
Wideotrening komunikacji, podejście zorientowane na rozwiązanie i program „starszy brat, starsza siostra" w pracy z rodziną z dzieckiem nadpobudliwym
Z wprowadzenia: "Pomoc rodzinie w trudnych sytuacjach życiowych i sposób jej realizacji przez specjalistów
osadzone są zazwyczaj w wybranym podejściu, a więc z zastosowaniem
wybranej metody oddziaływania (Czabała 2000), stosunkowo rzadziej jednak stosuje
się łączenie wielu różnych metod pracy. Fakt ten wydaje się uzasadniony potencjalnym
ryzykiem ich wzajemnej interferencji i możliwością pojawienia się
chaosu metodologicznego. Z drugiej jednak strony zwiększenie efektywności
świadczonej pomocy przez zastosowanie więcej niż jednej formy działania wydaje
się potencjalnie możliwe. Prowadzi to więc do konieczności odwołania się do celu
nadrzędnego pomocy profesjonalnej. Definiując psychoterapię, Norcross (1990,
s. 218) ujmuje ją jako „świadome i zamierzone zastosowanie metod klinicznych
i interpersonalnych zabiegów, pochodzących ze sprawdzonych twierdzeń nauk
psychologicznych, w celu towarzyszenia ludziom w modyfikacji ich zachowań,
właściwości poznawczych, emocji i/lub innych indywidualnych charakterystyk na
takie, które wydają się uczestnikom tego procesu pożądane”."(...
Zasoby podmiotowe i radzenie sobie ze stresem a zdrowie osób bliskich wspierających chorych na białaczkę
The aim of the conducted research was to learn the psychological mechanisms leading to health in relatives who support patients with leukaemia.
The Functional Health Model developed by Helena Wrona-Polańska (2003), which is based on a systems theory that takes into account the relationship between a person and his or her environment, is the theoretical basis of the work. According to Wrona-Polańska (2003, 2011), health is understood as a function of creative coping with stress, where the key role is played by resources or their deficits, which determine the effectiveness of coping. The fundamental importance in the adopted model is attributed to the pro-health personality, a complex variable that influences three pathways to health (the competence path, the emotional path and the tension path).
The research covered 100 people supporting patients with leukaemia. A standardized interview constructed on the basis of the Questionnaire of Stressful Life Events (KWS) by Helena Wrona-Polańska (2003), estimated scales and questionnaire tools were used in the research. Health was defined on the basis of the operational definition of health given by Wrona-Polańska (2003), it was measured with five indicators: a sense of health, a sense of calm, a sense of quality of life, a sense of lack of fatigue and participation in social life. The result obtained by the participants on the scale of anxiety as a state (Wrona-Polańska, 2011) was the indicator of stress level. Styles of coping with stress were measured by using the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations Questionnaire (CISS). The questionnaire and standardized interviews were used to study the resources. Self-esteem was measured with The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (SES), sense of coherence was measured with Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC-29), dispositional anxiety was measure with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI X-2) developed by D. Spielberg, J. Strelau, M. Tysarczyk and K. Wrześniewski, sense of support and self-efficacy in struggling with the disease of a close relative was measured with a standardized interview.
The analysis of the results was qualitative and quantitative, and included the following groups of variables: health, stress and coping styles as well as resources. The statistical analyses, that were carried out, revealed that 2/3 of the participants assessed their health as average or high. Half of the people supporting leukaemia patients experience a high level of stress. 1/4 of respondents have a low level of sense of coherence and control, 1/3 of respondents have a low
sense of support and self-efficacy in coping with the disease of a close relative, half of the respondents have a high level of dispositional anxiety.
The statistical analyses, that were carried out, enabled to determine the predictors of health, stress and coping with stress. The regression analysis revealed that the positive predictors of health of people supporting leukaemia patients are: seeking social contacts and a sense of support from others, while negative ones are: a style focused on emotions and dispositional anxiety. Stress is explained by a style focused on emotions, a sense of coherence and dispositional anxiety. Subjective resources are the psychological mechanisms conditioning the health of people supporting leukaemia patients. The resources affect the health of close relatives who support patients with leukaemia, strengthen the sense of health, counteract high levels of stress and condition the coping with a difficult situation such as a close relative’s suffering from leukaemia. Health is conducive to the search for social contacts understood as seeking support, a strong sense of coherence, a sense of support from others and positive self- esteem, which helps to avoid concentration on negative emotions and motivates to engage in activities that release positive emotions. Concentration on negative emotions and high level of dispositional anxiety threaten the health of the participants.
The results of the research can be applied in psychological practice - to construct preventive and health promoting programs among people supporting patients with leukaemia
Zasoby podmiotowe jako wyznaczniki zdrowia osób wspierających chorych na białaczkę
INTRODUCTION: The article presents problematic aspects related to subjective health level in people supporting leukemia patients and the relationship between their subjective resources and their health.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: In the study the following has been used: estimation scales used to measure subjective level of health, as well as The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) by Spielberger, Strelau, Tysarczyk and Wrześniewski, Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29) by Antonowsky, and Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale.
RESULTS: As indicated by the results, respondents’ subjective level of health is at an average level, 10 respondents have experienced health deterioration since the diagnosis of leukemia in a close relative was posted. Respondents are characterized by a low subjective quality of life. The relation between a high level of subjective health and a high sense of coherence, high self-esteem and lower level of trait anxiety has been demonstrated. A positive correlation between the time elapsed after a diagnosis and the level of health and self-esteem of respondents has been observed.
CONCLUSIONS: The ability to use and increase resources possesed by the respondents is crucial for their health. Psychological support is required not only by leukemia patients, but also people supporting those patients.WSTĘP: W artykule prezentowana jest problematyka dotycząca subiektywnego poziomu zdrowia osób wspierających chorych na białaczkę oraz związków występujących pomiędzy zasobami podmiotowymi a zdrowiem badanych.
MATERIAŁ I METODY: W badaniu zastosowano skale szacunkowe służące do pomiaru subiektywnego poziomu zdrowia oraz Inwentarz Stanu i Cechy lęku (ISCL-STAI) Spilbergera, Strelau, Tysarczyk i Wrześniewskiego, Kwestionariusz Orientacji Życiowej (SOC-29) Antonovsky’ego, Skalę Samooceny Rosenberga.
WYNIKI: Jak wskazują wyniki badań, subiektywny poziom zdrowia badanych jest na przeciętnym poziomie, 10 badanych osób odczuwa pogorszenie swojego stanu zdrowia od momentu postawienia diagnozy białaczki u osoby bliskiej. Badani odznaczają się niskim poczuciem jakości życia. Wykazano związek pomiędzy wysokim subiektywnym poziomem zdrowia a wysokim poczuciem koherencji, wysoką samooceną oraz niższym poziomem lęku jako cechy. Stwierdzono występowanie dodatniej korelacji pomiędzy czasem ,który upłynął od diagnozy a poziomem zdrowia i samooceną badanych.
WNIOSKI: Dla zdrowia badanych kluczowa jest umiejętność wykorzystania i pomnażania posiadanych zasobów. Wsparcia psychologicznego wymaga nie tylko pacjent, ale również osoby bliskie wspierające chorych
Risk of All-Cause Mortality in HIV Infected Patients Is Associated with Clinical, Immunologic Predictors and the CCR5 Δ32 Deletion
OBJECTIVE: Investigation of the interplay between the CCR5 Δ32/wt genotype and demographic, epidemiological, clinical and immunological factors associated with mortality in the cART era. DESIGN: Longitudinal data from 507 HIV-infected patients following the Δ32 allele detection were analyzed. METHODS: Cumulative 15 years mortality was calculated using Kaplan-Meyer methodology. Hazard ratios were estimated using univariate Cox models. Basing on Akakie information criteria and statistical significance multivariate Cox model was constructed and effect plots presenting adjusted hazard ratio time-dependency were drawn. Analysis of the association of all-cause mortality and CCR5 Δ32/wt genotype prior to the antiretroviral treatment (cART) initiation (n = 507) and on the therapy (n = 422) was also performed. RESULTS: A mortality rate of 2.66 (CI 2.57-3.19) per 100 person-years was observed. Univariate analysis factors modifying the risk of death included the CCR5 genotype, gender, history of cART, AIDS diagnosis and also CD4 lymphocyte nadir, zenith, the latest CD4 count and stable levels >500 cells/µl. For multivariate analysis the following predictors were selected: CCR5 genotype (HR for wt/wt 2.53, CI 1.16-5.53, p = 0.02), gender (HR for males 1.91, 95%CI 1.1-3.36, p = 0.023), introduction of combined antiretroviral treatment (HR 4.85, CI 3.0-7.89, if untreated or treated <1 month, p<0.0001) CD4 count of 500 cells/µl for six months or more (HR 4.16, CI 1.95-8.88 if not achieved, p = 0.028), the latest CD4 count (HR 5.44, CI 3.39-8.74 for <100 cells/µl, p<0.0001) and history of AIDS (HR 1.69, CI 1.03-2.79, p = 0.039). Among untreated individuals the Δ32/wt genotype was associated with notably better survival (p = 0.026), while among cART treated individuals the Δ32 mutation did not correlate significantly with higher survival rates (p = 0.23). CONCLUSIONS: The Δ32 CCR5 allele is associated with a reduction of the risk of all-cause mortality in HIV (+) patients alongside clinical and immunologic predictors such as AIDS, history of cART, lymphocyte CD4 cell count and gender
The present High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments require unprecedented amount of computingpower and storage space. We present the WLCG structure of the LHC computing,which will be used to perform data processing required by the ATLAS collaboration. Wealso describe the ATLAS detector full simulation chain. Finally, we quantify the computingneeds and up-to-date usage of the ACK CYFRONET AGH resources by the ATLAS detector simulations
An insight into the stages of ion leakage during red blood cell storage
Packed red blood cells (pRBCs), the most commonly transfused blood product, are exposed to environmental disruptions during storage in blood banks. In this study, temporal sequence of changes in the ion exchange in pRBCs was analyzed. Standard techniques commonly used in electrolyte measurements were implemented. The relationship between ion exchange and red blood cells (RBCs) morphology was assessed with use of atomic force microscopy with reference to morphological parameters. Variations observed in the Na+, K+, Cl−, H+, HCO3−, and lactate ions concentration show a complete picture of singly-charged ion changes in pRBCs during storage. Correlation between the rate of ion changes and blood group type, regarding the limitations of our research, suggested, that group 0 is the most sensitive to the time-dependent ionic changes. Additionally, the impact of irreversible changes in ion exchange on the RBCs membrane was observed in nanoscale. Results demonstrate that the level of ion leakage that leads to destructive alterations in biochemical and morphological properties of pRBCs depend on the storage timepoint
Elementary particle physics experiments, which search for very rare processes, require theefficient analysis and selection algorithms able to separate a signal from the overwhelmingbackground. Four learning machine algorithms have been applied to identify τ leptons inthe ATLAS experiment: projective likelihood estimator (LL), Probability Density Estimatorwith Range Searches (PDE-RS), Neural Network, and the Support Vector Machine (SVM).All four methods have similar performance, which is significantly better than the baselinecut analysis. This indicates that the achieved background rejection is close to the maximal achievable performance
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