19 research outputs found
Respon Tanaman Jagung Terhadap Pemupukan Fosfor Pada Typic Dystrudepts
On the acid soil, phosphorus nutrients become critical for agricultural crops growth. At the present, price of fertilizers significantly increase and fertilizers are not available. These conditions can affect on soil productivity and crop production. The objective of these research were to study the response of maize (Zea mays L.) to phosphate fertilizers on Inceptisol. The research was conducted in Cicadas Village on Typic Dystrudept. Experiment was conducted in a randomized completely block design, with 8 treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of 6 dosages of P fertilizers,which were P source is SP-36 WIKA Agro 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha-1. SP-36 and Tunisia rock phosphate (40 kg P ha-1) were used for standard. Pioneer 12 variety of maized was used as an indicator. Plot size was 5 m x 6 m and the maize was planting with distance of 75 cm x 20 cm with one seed per hole. The results showed that organic C and N, P (extracted by Bray 1), K and CEC on the soil were low. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased which was P extracted by HCl 25% from 24 to 67 mg P 100 g-1 soil and which were extracted by Bray 1 increased from 0,87 to 63.31 mg P kg-1 soil. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased plant height from 175.2 cm become to 221.1 cm. Plant height of maize using SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer (210.6 cm) was similar to plant heigh using SP-36 fertilizer (213.4 cm) but less height from Tunisia rock phosphate. The yield of maize on SP-36 WIKA Agro (4.94 t ha-1) were linely higher than SP-36 (4.69 t ha-1), significantly was higher than that of Tunisia rock phosphate. Maximum dosage of SP-36 fertilizer was 66.67 kg P ha-1, and optimum dosage was 42 kg P ha-1. Value of Relative Agronomic Effectiveness SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer was heigher than SP-36
Pengekstrak, Status Dan Dosis Pupuk Kalium Untuk Padi Gogo Pada Hapludults, Braja Selebah, Kabupaten Lampung Timur ( Status and Dosage of Potassium Fertilizer for Upland Rice in Hapludults, Braja Selebah, East Lampung District )
. Potassium is a primary macro nutrients and it becomes a limiting factor of plant growth in the upland acid soil. There have not been much studied about the best K extraction, K nutrient status, and the rate of K fertilizer application for upland rice in Hapludults. The objective of this research is to investigate the best extractant for K nutrient, evaluate K nutrient status and the best rate of K fertilizer for each K nutrient status for upland Hapludults with very low K content. The study was conducted in the village of Braja Harjosari, Sub district of Braja Selebah, East Lampung (05o 10 \u2757.43 "S and 105o 46\u27 33.27" E), in dry season of 2015 until the rainy season of 2015/2016. In the first season, a series of artificial K nutrient status from low to high was made by adding K fertilizer with doses of 0 X, ¼ X, ½ X, ¾ X, and 1 X, where X is the amount of K fertilizer intended to achieve the levels of 0.6 cmol(+)kg-1 K in the soil. In the second season, a fertilization response trial on each K nutrient status, with doses of 0, 20, 40, 80, and 160 kg K ha-1 was established Plots dimension was 25 m x 6 m in the first season and 5 m x 6 m in the second season. Observations were made on soil chemical properties and dry grain weight. The K extraction tested were 1N NH4OAc pH 7, 1N NH4OAc pH 4.8, 25% HCl, Truog, Mehlich 1, Bray 1, Bray 2, Colwell, Morgan Venema. The results showed that the best nutrient K extraction of Hapludults soil was the Colwell. The low, medium and high K nutrient status was <21.5, 21.5 – 26.5 and > 26.5 mg kg-1, and the dosage of K fertilizer for upland rice in each nutrient status K was 125, 110, and 80 kg KCl ha-1
Indonesian Rock-phosphate Effectivity for Maize Crop on Ultisols Soils
Rock phosphate is a slow release phosphate source which can be directly used on acid soils. There are some rock phospahate deposits in Indonesia. Total phosphate and calcium content in rock phosphate vary between 8.79 – 31.88% P2O5, and 0.60 – 57.50% Ca. The objective of these research is to study the Indonesian rock phosphate effectivity for maize on Ultisol soil. The research wasconducted at green house using randomized complete block design, 8 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments consist of 5 kinds of different Indonesian rock phosphate, control, supherphos fertilizer and Tunisia Rock Phosphate as a standard comparison of P fertilizer.Relative Agronomic Effectivenes Analyses was used to see the effectivity of each rock phosphate. The result of these study shows that the effectiveness of Rock Phosphate from Jampang Tengah Sukabumi (DE-1), Brati Kayen Pati (DE-9), Padaherang Ciamis (DE-3), and Karang Mulya Ciamis (DE-5) were aqually the same as Superphos. Indonesian Rock Phosphate\u27s effectivenesswas almost the same as Tunisian Rock Phosphate. Phosphate fertilizing using rock phosphate obviously increased the soil content of phosphorus, both the available P and the reserved ones, and Superphos did better than the rock phosphate. Rock phosphate effectivity on Typic Plintudults was lower than thaton Typickanhapludults
Land Productivity Enhancement by Sulfur Nutrient Management in Vertisol Rice Field
Sulfur is a secondary soil macro nutrients needed by plants as the most important part of the essential amino acids (cystine and methionine), protein synthesis, chlorophyll production and carbohydrate metabolism. The research aimed to study the land productivity improvement of Vertisol rice field by controlling the sulfur nutrient. The study was conducted in Dawu, Paron, and Guyung, Gerih, Ngawi, East Java, Indonesia, during the dry season 2013 and 2014. A randomized complete block design, with eight treatments and three replications were applied. The treatments were some rates of S-fertilizer application combined with in situ straw compost, ZA and Kieserit. Experimental plots dimension is 6 m x 5 m. Ciherang and Membramo were rice varieties grown in legowo 2:1 system. The results showed that S-fertilizer application can increase the weight of dry grain harvest and dry grain milled. The optimum doses of S-fertilizer were 24 kg S ha-1. Kieserit application resulted in less grain yield than ZA. Manure can increase the weight of dry grain harvest and tend to increase the weight of dry milled grain compared to those of the control treatments