35 research outputs found

    Usulan HET Pupuk Berdasarkan Tingkat Efektivitas Kebijakan Harga Pembelian Gabah

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    Kebijakan menaikkan HET pupuk memang tidak populis. Namun dalam konteks makro, kebijakan ini justru mampu memperbaiki kinerja produksi beras saat ini, asal pemerintah menjamin HPP gabah aman sampai di petani. Paling tidak ada empat manfaat jika HET pupuk Urea dinaikan: (1) Menghindari penggunaan pupuk urea berlebih, (2) Produksi dan rendemen gabah ke beras meningkat, (3) Subsidi pupuk menjadi berkurang, dan (4) Petani akan mulai beralih ke pupuk organik. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa HET pupuk urea yang ditetapkan pemerintah sekarang sebesar Rp 1200/kg sangat relevan dengan realita di lapangan, dimana harga gabah yang diterima petani hanya sekitar Rp 1500/kg atau 86,7% dari HPP yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Tanpa mengurangi keuntungan petani, jika efektivitas kebijakan HPP gabah bisa mencapai 100%, maka pemerintah sebenarnya masih relevan menaikkan HET pupuk urea menjadi Rp 1500/kg

    Analisis Penawaran dan Permintaan Daging Sapi di Indonesia Sebelum dan Saat Krisis Ekonomi: suatu Analisis Proyeksi Swasembada Daging Sapi 2005

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    This research intended to analyze the domestic beef production and demandinfluence factors and projected for the next ten years forward in relation with thegovernment program for “the meat self-sufficient on 2005”. This research used thenational time series data for 1970 to 1999 period. The econometric model(simultaneous regression) approach through the three stage least squares (3SLS)method had been implemented in order to reach the objectives of this research. Theanalysis of the research results shown that the variables with the economic effectsfor the domestic of beef production are the beef price it self, interest, population ofcows, the price cows and the price of feedstuff. The variables that have theeconomic effects on the beef domestic demand are the price of beef itself, the priceof fishes, the price of eggs, the price of the goat (sheep) meats, income per capitaand consumer needs or requests. The elasticity value shown that the beef productionjust only response to the beef price itself and the cows price variables change. Thedomestics demand of the beef just only response to the beef price itself and incomeper capita variables change. The analysis of the research results also shown that thedomestics beef production and demand on the economy crisis are 1.3 and 0.5 timeslower than before economy crisis. Beside that, the projection results shown that thebeef self-sufficient can not be reach, meanwhile on this year, the domestics beefproduction only 66.8 percent from the total demand

    Dampak Kenaikan Harga Bbm Terhadap Kinerja Pertanian Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Penyesuaian HPP Gabah

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    Perubahan Struktur Ekonomi dan Kesempatan Kerja Serta Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia di Indonesia

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    The result of Assessment on “Changes of Economic and Employment Structure as wellas Quality of Human Resource in Indonesia” showed that in 1995 – 2001 periodseconomic (GNP) structure in Indonesia has been changed from S-I-A (Services-Industry-Agriculture) pattern to I-S-A pattern. Meanwhile, during the same period employmentstructure was remain stable, namely A-S-I pattern. The unbalanced changes betweeneconomic and employment structures were predicted to be the factors causing laborproductivity and society welfare in agricultural sector were declining. In agriculturalsector itself the absorption of labor force was dominated by food crops sub sector. Therewas a quality improvement in human resource. However, the problem is governmentcapability to create employment was not sufficient to provide job opportunity forimproved human resource

    Potensi Dampak Kebijakan Harga Dalam Mendorong Penerapan Teknologi Anjuran Dan Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai

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    EnglishSoybean is one of the major food commodities in Indonesia and its demand increases both as direct consumption and for food industries. However, up to now domestic soybean production is only able to meet domestic demand of about 30 − 40%. To increase domestic production and reduce imported soybean, Indonesian government has issued soybean price policy. Research results in Banten, West Nusa Tenggara, and Central Java Provinces showed that soybean price policy of Rp7,600/kg − Rp7,700/kg was not able to encourage farmers to manage their soybean farming intensively and to grow soybean instead of other food crops (corn, green beans, peanuts). Thus, additional potential soybean production is estimated only 4.23%. Therefore, the government needs to review and readjust the level of current soybean price policy to encourage farmers to grow and manage their soybean farming intensively. Efforts to incr ease soybean production should not only be done through single price policy alone, but it should also be coupled with other policy instruments, such as the provision of good seed and site specific technology, infrastructure, and market acessibility improvement. IndonesiaKedelai merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan utama di Indonesia dan permintaan terhadap komoditas initerus meningkat baik untuk dikonsumsi langsung maupun untuk industri pangan. Produksi kedelai dalam negeri baru mampu memenuhi permintaan tersebut antara 30−40%. Dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi kedelai dalam negeri dan mengurangi jumlah impor, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan Harga Beli Petani (HBP). Hasil kajian di Provinsi Banten, NTB, dan Jateng dengan menggunakan analisis keuntungan kompetitif dan melibatkan 180 petani contoh menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan HBP sebesar Rp7.600/kg–Rp7.700/kg belum mampu mendorong petani untuk mengelola USAha tani kedelainya secara intensif dan menggantikan lahan komoditas pangan lainnya dengan tanaman kedelai, sehingga potensi tambahan produksi kedelai diperkirakan hanya sebesar 4,23%. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah perlu meninjau dan menyesuaikan kembali besaran HBP kedelai yang berlaku sekarang untuk mendorong petani mau menanam kedelai. Upaya peningkatan produksi kedelai sebaiknya tidak hanya dilakukan melalui kebijakan tunggal HBP saja, tapi dibarengi juga dengan beberapa instrumen kebijakan lainnya, seperti penyediaan benih bermutu dan teknologi spesifik lokasi, perbaikan infrastruktur, dan akses pasar

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Penggunaan Bibit Bersertifikat Kelapa Sawit Di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    EnglishOil palm is one of Indonesia\u27s non-oil and gas main export commodities. However, the productivity of oil palm, especially on smallholder oil palm plantation, is relatively low due to most farmers adopt noncertified seed. This study aims at assessing the impacts of oil palm certified seed and noncertified seed on production and farmers\u27 income increase in West Kalimantan, as well as payback period of investment costs. A set of tools analysis were employed in this study, namely NPV, IRR, payback period, and ROI. The research results showed that the oil palm small holders adopting certified seed earned higher yield of 66.34% than those adopted noncertified seed. The first group also obtained higher NPV, IRR, and ROI of 79.45%, 31.84%, and 55.19%, respectively, than the latter. The farmers adopting certified seed were also able to return all investment more quickly. In the future, attempts to increase oil palm production should be prioritized through certified seed adoption and the planted area expansion. Enhancing certified seed production is necessary through oil palm experimental station capacity improvement in producing seed. The government should also encourage oil palm seed local producer along with strict supervision and guidance.IndonesianSawit merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor utama nonmigas Indonesia. Namun, produktivitas sawit khususnya pada perkebunan sawit rakyat masih rendah akibat banyak petani yang menggunakan bibit tidak bersertifikat/palsu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak penggunaan bibit bersertifikat relatif terhadap bibit tidak bersertifikat di Kalimantan Barat terhadap peningkatan produksi dan pendapatan petani, serta waktu kembali biaya investasi. Seperangkat analisis diterapkan untuk menjawab tujuan dari penelitian ini, seperti NPV, IRR, payback period, dan ROI. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perkebunan sawit rakyat yang menggunakan bibit bersertifikat mampu berproduksi 66,34% lebih tinggi dari bibit tidak bersertifikat, serta memberikan NPV, IRR, dan ROI lebih tinggi masing-masing 79,45%; 31,84%; dan 55,19%. Petani yang menggunakan bibit bersertifikat juga mampu mengembalikan modal yang diinvestasikan lebih cepat dibanding petani yang menggunakan bibit tidak bersertifikat. Peningkatkan produksi sawit ke depan sebaiknya diprioritaskan dengan mendorong lebih banyak lagi petani yang menggunakan bibit bersertifikat terutama untuk menggantikan tanaman sawitnya yang sudah berumur tua, dan prioritas berikutnya baru perluasan areal sawit. Oleh karena itu, perlu upaya penyediaan bibit bersertifikat secara memadai melalui peningkatan kapasitas kebun percobaan sawit dalam memproduksi bibit, serta mendorong munculnya produsen bibit lokal melalui pengawasan dan pendampingan secara ketat