84 research outputs found

    The SU(n) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection

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    We study the SU(n) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection. Our approach is based on the free field approach. We construct the free field realizations of the boundary state and its dual. For an application of these realizations, we present integral representations for the form factors of the local operators.Comment: LaTEX2e file, 27 page

    Vertex operator approach to semi-infinite spin chain : recent progress

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    Vertex operator approach is a powerful method to study exactly solvable models. We review recent progress of vertex operator approach to semi-infinite spin chain. (1) The first progress is a generalization of boundary condition. We study Uq(sl^(2))U_q(\widehat{sl}(2)) spin chain with a triangular boundary, which gives a generalization of diagonal boundary [Baseilhac and Belliard 2013, Baseilhac and Kojima 2014]. We give a bosonization of the boundary vacuum state. As an application, we derive a summation formulae of boundary magnetization. (2) The second progress is a generalization of hidden symmetry. We study supersymmetry Uq(sl^(MN))U_q(\widehat{sl}(M|N)) spin chain with a diagonal boundary [Kojima 2013]. By now we have studied spin chain with a boundary, associated with symmetry Uq(sl^(N))U_q(\widehat{sl}(N)), Uq(A2(2))U_q(A_2^{(2)}) and Uq,p(sl^(N))U_{q,p}(\widehat{sl}(N)) [Furutsu-Kojima 2000, Yang-Zhang 2001, Kojima 2011, Miwa-Weston 1997, Kojima 2011], where bosonizations of vertex operators are realized by "monomial" . However the vertex operator for Uq(sl^(MN))U_q(\widehat{sl}(M|N)) is realized by "sum", a bosonization of boundary vacuum state is realized by "monomial".Comment: Proceedings of 10-th Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics, LaTEX, 10 page

    Difference equations for the higher rank XXZ model with a boundary

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    The higher rank analogue of the XXZ model with a boundary is considered on the basis of the vertex operator approach. We derive difference equations of the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type for 2N-point correlations of the model. We present infinite product formulae of two point functions with free boundary condition by solving those difference equations with N=1.Comment: LaTEX 16 page

    Unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups

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    We show that irreducible unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups can be obtained by induction from a distinguished class of sub super Lie groups. These sub super Lie groups are natural analogues of polarizing subgroups that appear in classical Kirillov theory. We obtain a concrete geometric parametrization of irreducible unitary representations by nonnegative definite coadjoint orbits. As an application, we prove an analytic generalization of the Stone-von Neumann theorem for Heisenberg-Clifford super Lie groups

    Noise Enhanced Stability in Fluctuating Metastable States

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    We derive general equations for the nonlinear relaxation time of Brownian diffusion in randomly switching potential with a sink. For piece-wise linear dichotomously fluctuating potential with metastable state, we obtain the exact average lifetime as a function of the potential parameters and the noise intensity. Our result is valid for arbitrary white noise intensity and for arbitrary fluctuation rate of the potential. We find noise enhanced stability phenomenon in the system investigated: the average lifetime of the metastable state is greater than the time obtained in the absence of additive white noise. We obtain the parameter region of the fluctuating potential where the effect can be observed. The system investigated also exhibits a maximum of the lifetime as a function of the fluctuation rate of the potential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E vol. 69 (6),200

    The Polymer Stress Tensor in Turbulent Shear Flows

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    The interaction of polymers with turbulent shear flows is examined. We focus on the structure of the elastic stress tensor, which is proportional to the polymer conformation tensor. We examine this object in turbulent flows of increasing complexity. First is isotropic turbulence, then anisotropic (but homogenous) shear turbulence and finally wall bounded turbulence. The main result of this paper is that for all these flows the polymer stress tensor attains a universal structure in the limit of large Deborah number \De\gg 1. We present analytic results for the suppression of the coil-stretch transition at large Deborah numbers. Above the transition the turbulent velocity fluctuations are strongly correlated with the polymer's elongation: there appear high-quality "hydro-elastic" waves in which turbulent kinetic energy turns into polymer potential energy and vice versa. These waves determine the trace of the elastic stress tensor but practically do not modify its universal structure. We demonstrate that the influence of the polymers on the balance of energy and momentum can be accurately described by an effective polymer viscosity that is proportional to to the cross-stream component of the elastic stress tensor. This component is smaller than the stream-wise component by a factor proportional to \De ^2 . Finally we tie our results to wall bounded turbulence and clarify some puzzling facts observed in the problem of drag reduction by polymers.Comment: 11 p., 1 Fig., included, Phys. Rev. E., submitte

    Asymptotically exact probability distribution for the Sinai model with finite drift

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    We obtain the exact asymptotic result for the disorder-averaged probability distribution function for a random walk in a biased Sinai model and show that it is characterized by a creeping behavior of the displacement moments with time, ~ t^{\mu n} where \mu is dimensionless mean drift. We employ a method originated in quantum diffusion which is based on the exact mapping of the problem to an imaginary-time Schr\"{odinger} equation. For nonzero drift such an equation has an isolated lowest eigenvalue separated by a gap from quasi-continuous excited states, and the eigenstate corresponding to the former governs the long-time asymptotic behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Adiabatic reduction near a bifurcation in stochastically modulated systems

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    We re-examine the procedure of adiabatic elimination of fast relaxing variables near a bifurcation point when some of the parameters of the system are stochastically modulated. Approximate stationary solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation are obtained near threshold for the pitchfork and transcritical bifurcations. Stochastic resonance between fast variables and random modulation may shift the effective bifurcation point by an amount proportional to the intensity of the fluctuations. We also find that fluctuations of the fast variables above threshold are not always Gaussian and centered around the (deterministic) center manifold as was previously believed. Numerical solutions obtained for a few illustrative examples support these conclusions.Comment: RevTeX, 19 pages and 16 figure

    Finite size fluctuations and stochastic resonance in globally coupled bistable systems

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    The dynamics of a system formed by a finite number NN of globally coupled bistable oscillators and driven by external forces is studied focusing on a global variable defined as the arithmetic mean of each oscillator variable. Several models based on truncation schemes of a hierarchy of stochastic equations for a set of fluctuating cumulant variables are presented. This hierarchy is derived using It\^o stochastic calculus, and the noise terms in it are treated using an asymptotic approximation valid for large NN. In addition, a simplified one-variable model based on an effective potential is also considered. These models are tested in the framework of the phenomenon of stochastic resonance. In turn, they are used to explain in simple terms the very large gains recently observed in these finite systems

    Modulational instability in nonlocal Kerr-type media with random parameters

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    Modulational instability of continuous waves in nonlocal focusing and defocusing Kerr media with stochastically varying diffraction (dispersion) and nonlinearity coefficients is studied both analytically and numerically. It is shown that nonlocality with the sign-definite Fourier images of the medium response functions suppresses considerably the growth rate peak and bandwidth of instability caused by stochasticity. Contrary, nonlocality can enhance modulational instability growth for a response function with negative-sign bands.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, revTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.