33,964 research outputs found
Strange-Beauty Meson Production at Colliders
The production rates and transverse momentum distributions of the
strange-beauty mesons and at colliders are calculated
assuming fragmentation is the dominant process. Results are given for the
Tevatron in the large transverse momentum region, where fragmentation is
expected to be most important.Comment: Minor changes in the discussion section. Also available at
Charm Lifetimes and Mixing
A review of the latest results on charm lifetimes and D-mixing is presented.
The e+e- collider experiments are now able to measure charm lifetimes quite
precisely, however comparisons with the latest results from fixed-target
experiments show that possible systematic effects could be evident. The new
D-mixing results from the B-factories have changed the picture that is
emerging. Although the new world averaged value of y_CP is now consistent with
zero, there is still a very interesting and favoured scenario if the strong
phase difference between the Doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed and the
Cabibbo-flavoured D0 -> Kpi decay is large.Comment: Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Heavy Flavors,
Caltech, Pasadena, 10-13 Sept. 2001. To appear in proceeding
Language as a Geometry in Wittgenstein"s Tractatus
In TLP 4.011, while admitting that propositions expressed
by the phonetic notation, or the alphabet, just like the
written notes of a piece of music, do not seem at first sight
to be pictures of what they represent, the Tractatus insists
that those "sign-languages" (that is, the phonetic notation
and the written musical notes) prove to be pictures of what
they represent (that is, our speech and the piece of music,
respectively) "even in the ordinary sense". (TLP 4.016 also
says that "alphabetic script developed out of [hieroglyphic
script] without losing what was essential to depiction".) So,
contrary to the view of some commentators (e.g. Pears
1987, 115-121), instead of making an analogy here, the
Tractatus holds that a proposition is a picture literally. How
can a proposition be a picture literally
The weight distribution and randomness of linear codes
Finding the weight distributions of block codes is a problem of theoretical and practical interest. Yet the weight distributions of most block codes are still unknown except for a few classes of block codes. Here, by using the inclusion and exclusion principle, an explicit formula is derived which enumerates the complete weight distribution of an (n,k,d) linear code using a partially known weight distribution. This expression is analogous to the Pless power-moment identities - a system of equations relating the weight distribution of a linear code to the weight distribution of its dual code. Also, an approximate formula for the weight distribution of most linear (n,k,d) codes is derived. It is shown that for a given linear (n,k,d) code over GF(q), the ratio of the number of codewords of weight u to the number of words of weight u approaches the constant Q = q(-)(n-k) as u becomes large. A relationship between the randomness of a linear block code and the minimum distance of its dual code is given, and it is shown that most linear block codes with rigid algebraic and combinatorial structure also display certain random properties which make them similar to random codes with no structure at all
A labeling procedure for linear finite-state codes
A method to define the labels of the state diagram of a linear finite-state code is presented and investigated. This method is particularly suitable for simple hardware implementation since it simplifies the encoder structure. The method can also be applied to the labeling of a state diagram that is not completely connected to obtain a linear finite state code with larger free distance
On the decoder error probability of linear codes
By using coding and combinatorial techniques, an approximate formula for the weight distribution of decodable words of most linear block codes is evaluated. This formula is then used to give an approximate expression for the decoder error probability P(sub E)(u) of linear block codes, given that an error pattern of weight u has occurred. It is shown that P(sub E)(u) approaches the constant Q as u gets large, where Q is the probability that a completely random error pattern will cause decoder error
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