3 research outputs found

    An Investigation Into the Use of Ducktail at Transom Stern to Reduce Total Ship Resistance

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    In this study it is aimed to investigate the application of ducktail at transom stern to reduce total resistance using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Ducktail is additional retrofit device to reduce effect of wetted transom causes wave and wake which cannot fully generate far away therefore absorbs energy. The method about saving energy possibilities was determined. The RANSE code CFX fitted with shear stress transport (SST) turbulence is used to carry out the simulation. Grid generator ICEM CFD is used to build hybrid grids for RANS code solvers. The result indicate ducktail reduce resistance significantly based on Froude numbers. The wave and wake fully transmitted into the far field. Ducktail becomes alternative appendages to increase energy efficiency

    Penerapan Sistem Inventory Labotarium Digital Dengan Metode Critical Succes Factor Pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja

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    The system supplies the right stuff and fit is important for College field in terms of the preparation of Perguruan Tinggi Raharja and loaning stuff on the computer systems Laboratory (Lab. Digital). Lab. Digital Perguruan Tinggi Raharja is used to perform testing, scientific research, education, practice and research. Lab. Digital is equipped with the tools needed to support the activities that are carried out so that the need for the process of recording of inventory of existing equipment in the Lab. sk. this process it is important to monitor or monitor the condition of the existing equipment. The process of recording data inventory equipment Lab. Digital still performed manually has some drawbacks, namely in terms of storage and retrieval. If the goods supplied on Lab. Digital not groomed properly then the goods will be lost and many are not well maintained, in this regard are also not recorded properly on the Lab. SK Perguruan Tinggi Raharja would suffer losses as a result of monitoring the preparation did not go well. This has been the rationale of how making an inventory system so ease Perguruan Tinggi Raharja for monitoring data collection, monitoring of loan items of goods and the creation of reports in the Lab. Digital it is possible to use a combination of using the method of analysis of CSF (Critical Success Factor) as an attempt to interpret objective explicitly to specify the activities that must be performed and what information is needed. And by making the system inventory can be seen 4 conditions of goods if the goods arelost, damaged, or expired good so that it can monitor inventory items in a Lab. Digital Perguruan Tinggi Raharj

    Penggunaan Sandwich Plate System (Sps) Pada Konstruksi Inner Bottom

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju memberikan alternatif-alternatif dalam memperbaiki berbagai bentuk sistem, termasuk di dalamnya konstruksi struktur kapal. Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah pada permasalahan kebutuhan material ringan pada kapal, kecepatan proses produksi, penyederhanaan konstruksi dan biaya perawatan kapal yang rendah. Penggunaan material ringan Sandwich Plate System (SPS) menjadi salah satu jawaban dari permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut, penggunaan SPS dapat menyederhanakan bentuk dari konstruksi kapal dengan menghilangkan penegar inner bottom longitudinal dan mampu mengurangi Light Weight Tonnase (LWT). Artikel ini membahas perbandingan pola distribusi tegangan dan deformasi pada konstruksi bottom yang menggunakan SPS dan baja AH36, selain dari itu juga mengetahui seberapa besar pengurangan LWT yang dihasilkan untuk meningkatkan Payload kapal. Analisa dilakukan dengan simulasi numerik berdasarkan FEM pada konstruksi inner bottom dengan pembebanan muatan. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan besar tegangan maksimal untuk material baja AH36 sebesar 226 Mpa dengan menggunakan penegar, sedangkan konstuksi dengan material SPS tegangan maksimal yang dihasilkan sebesar 221 Mpa tanpa penggunaan penegar, dengan deformasi maksimal untuk AH36 dan SPS yaitu 77 mm yang terjadi pada bagian tengah blok konstruksi inner bottom. Dengan hilangnya penegar berat konstruksi berkurang sebesar 13,05% dari penggunaan material baja AH36 sehingga memberikan peningkatan payload sebesar 13,05%. Simulasi penelitian dilakukan pada kapal Bulk Carrier (BC)