61,432 research outputs found
Carrier States and Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
Applying the dynamical coherent potential approximation to a simple model, we
have systematically studied the carrier states in Mn-type diluted
magnetic semiconductors (DMS's). The model calculation was performed for three
typical cases of DMS's: The cases with strong and moderate exchange
interactions in the absence of nonmagnetic potentials, and the case with strong
attractive nonmagnetic potentials in addition to moderate exchange interaction.
When the exchange interaction is sufficiently strong, magnetic impurity bands
split from the host band. Carriers in the magnetic impurity band mainly stay at
magnetic sites, and coupling between the carrier spin and the localized spin is
very strong. The hopping of the carriers among the magnetic sites causes
ferromagnetism through a {\it double-exchange (DE)-like} mechanism. We have
investigated the condition for the DE-like mechanism to operate in DMS's. The
result reveals that the nonmagnetic attractive potential at the magnetic site
assists the formation of the magnetic impurity band and makes the DE-like
mechanism operative by substantially enhancing the effect of the exchange
interaction. Using conventional parameters we have studied the carrier states
in GaMnAs. The result shows that the ferromagnetism is caused
through the DE-like mechanism by the carriers in the bandtail originating from
the impurity states.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure
Effects of neutrino oscillation on supernova neutrino: inverted mass hierarchy
We study the effects of neutrino oscillation on supernova neutrino in the
case of the inverted mass hierarchy () as well as the
normal mass hierarchy (). Numerical analysis using a
realistic supernova and presupernova model allows us to discuss quantitatively
a possibility to probe neutrino oscillation parameters. We show that
information about the mass hierarchy can be obtained if is rather
large () and that can be well
probed by SuperKamiokande if the neutrino mass hierarchy is the inverted case.
Errors due to the uncertainty of the original neutrino spectra and the Earth
effect are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, significantly revised. Published version in PT
Nuclear Astrophysics
Nuclear astrophysics is that branch of astrophysics which helps understanding
some of the many facets of the Universe through the knowledge of the microcosm
of the atomic nucleus. In the last decades much advance has been made in
nuclear astrophysics thanks to the sometimes spectacular progress in the
modelling of the structure and evolution of the stars, in the quality and
diversity of the astronomical observations, as well as in the experimental and
theoretical understanding of the atomic nucleus and of its spontaneous or
induced transformations. Developments in other sub-fields of physics and
chemistry have also contributed to that advance. Many long-standing problems
remain to be solved, however, and the theoretical understanding of a large
variety of observational facts needs to be put on safer grounds. In addition,
new questions are continuously emerging, and new facts endanger old ideas. This
review shows that astrophysics has been, and still is, highly demanding to
nuclear physics in both its experimental and theoretical components. On top of
the fact that large varieties of nuclei have to be dealt with, these nuclei are
immersed in highly unusual environments which may have a significant impact on
their static properties, the diversity of their transmutation modes, and on the
probabilities of these modes. In order to have a chance of solving some of the
problems nuclear astrophysics is facing, the astrophysicists and nuclear
physicists are obviously bound to put their competence in common, and have
sometimes to benefit from the help of other fields of physics, like particle
physics, plasma physics or solid-state physics.Comment: LaTeX2e with iopart.cls, 84 pages, 19 figures (graphicx package), 374
updated references. Published in Reports on Progress in Physics, vol.62, pp.
395-464 (1999
On a Periodic Soliton Cellular Automaton
We propose a box and ball system with a periodic boundary condition (pBBS).
The time evolution rule of the pBBS is represented as a Boolean recurrence
formula, an inverse ultradiscretization of which is shown to be equivalent with
the algorithm of the calculus for the 2Nth root. The relations to the pBBS of
the combinatorial R matrix of are also discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
Preliminary study of a wing-tip vortex using laser velocimetry
Measurements have been made in the wake of a semi-span NACA 0015 airfoil with emphasis on the region of the wing tip vortex. The spanwise and streamwise velocity components were measured using a two-component laser Doppler velocimeter. The purpose of the study was to initiate the operation of a laser velocimeter system and to perform preliminary wake measurements in preparation for a more extensive study of the structure and near field development of a tip vortex
Monte Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution - II. Mass Spectra, Stellar Evolution and Lifetimes in the Galaxy
We study the dynamical evolution of globular clusters using our new 2-D Monte
Carlo code, and we calculate the lifetimes of clusters in the Galactic
environment. We include the effects of a mass spectrum, mass loss in the
Galactic tidal field, and stellar evolution. We consider initial King models
containing N = 10^5 - 3x10^5 stars, and follow the evolution up to core
collapse, or disruption, whichever occurs first. We find that the lifetimes of
our models are significantly longer than those obtained using 1-D Fokker-Planck
(F-P) methods. We also find that our results are in very good agreement with
recent 2-D F-P calculations, for a wide range of initial conditions. Our
results show that the direct mass loss due to stellar evolution can
significantly accelerate the mass loss through the tidal boundary, causing most
clusters with a low initial central concentration (Wo <~ 3) to disrupt quickly
in the Galactic tidal field. Only clusters born with high initial central
concentrations (Wo >~ 7) or steep initial mass functions are likely to survive
to the present and undergo core collapse. We also study the orbital
characteristics of escaping stars, and find that the velocity distribution of
escaping stars in collapsing clusters looks significantly different from the
distribution in disrupting clusters. We calculate the lifetime of a cluster on
an eccentric orbit in the Galaxy, such that it fills its Roche lobe only at
perigalacticon. We find that such an orbit can extend the lifetime by at most a
factor of a few compared to a circular orbit in which the cluster fills its
Roche lobe at all times.Comment: 32 pages, including 10 figures, to appear in ApJ, minor corrections
Cold r-Process in Neutrino-Driven Winds
The r-process in a low temperature environment is explored, in which the
neutron emission by photodisintegration does not play a role (cold r-process).
A semi-analytic neutrino-driven wind model is utilized for this purpose. The
temperature in a supersonically expanding outflow can quickly drop to a few
10^8 K, where the (n, gamma)-(gamma, n) equilibrium is never achieved during
the heavy r-nuclei synthesis. In addition, the neutron capture competes with
the beta-decay owing to the low matter density. Despite such non-standard
physical conditions for the cold r-process, a solar-like r-process abundance
curve can be reproduced. The cold r-process predicts, however, the low lead
production compared to that expected in the traditional r-process conditions,
which can be a possible explanation for the low lead abundances found in a
couple of r-process-rich Galactic halo stars.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
Boltzmann expansion in a radiofrequency conical helicon thruster operating in xenon and argon
A low pressure (~ 0.5 mTorr in xenon and ~ 1 mTorr in argon) Boltzmann expansion is
experimentally observed on axis within a magnetized (60 to 180 G) radiofrequency (13.56 MHz)
conical helicon thruster for input powers up to 900 W using plasma parameters measured with a
Langmuir probe. The axial forces, respectively, resulting from the electron and magnetic field
pressures are directly measured using a thrust balance for constant maximum plasma pressure
and show a higher fuel efficiency for argon compared to xenon
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