67,942 research outputs found

    Amplifier for signal from thin film transducer

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    Electronic circuitry is devised to raise low level signal from platinum film type transducer to sufficient amplitude to trigger oscilloscope or time interval counter. Circuit can be used wherever it is necessary to raise level of low amplitude, low impedance positive polarity pulse source to a 5 or 6 volt level

    Authenticity, Right Relation and the Return of the Repressed Native in James Galvin’s "The Meadow"

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    This essay reads acclaimed poet James Galvin’s 1992 semi-autobiographical novel through the lenses of Martin Heidegger’s notion of authenticity and Patrick Wolfe’s discussion of settler-colonialism. I argue that Lyle, arguably the novel’s main character, is portrayed as living “authentically” in contrast to the deep inauthenticity of Ferris. I connect Western authentic dwelling with settler-colonial logic, centering my account on the figures of the “lazy” and “magical” “Indian.” Ultimately, I find that far from rejecting settler-colonial logic Galvin’s text plays out of a return of the repressed of the present absence of indigenous persons in the land and the text

    Failure sensing and protection circuit for converter networks Patent

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    Circuit design for failure sensing and protecting low voltage electric generator and power transmission network

    Absence of orbital-selective Mott transition in Ca_2-xSr_xRuO4

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    Quasi-particle spectra of the layer perovskite Sr2_2RuO4_4 are calculated within Dynamical Mean Field Theory for increasing values of the on-site Coulomb energy UU. At small UU the planar geometry splits the t2gt_{2g} bands near EFE_F into a wide, two-dimensional dxyd_{xy} band and two narrow, nearly one-dimensional dxz,yzd_{xz,yz} bands. At larger UU, however, the spectral distribution of these states exhibit similar correlation features, suggesting a common metal-insulator transition for all t2gt_{2g} bands at the same critical UU.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Micro-mineral profile in different grassland species

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    The aim was to investigate the micro-mineral profile of herbage as affected by grassland species, cutting time and seasonality and in relation to dairy cow requirements. The different grassland species were grown and harvested in mixtures with one grass and one legume for two growing seasons. The species turned out to have very individual mineral profiles, not influenced by year. Among the legumes red clover (Trifolium pratense) had high concentrations of Co, Cu and Zn, white clover (Trifolium repens) of Mn and Fe, lucerne (Medicago sativa) of Se and lotus (Lotus corniculatus) of Co, Mn, Zn and Fe. Among the grasses perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) generally had the highest concentrations of all the micro-minerals. Hybrid ryegrass (Lolium hybridum) had slightly lower concentrations than perennial ryegrass for all minerals. Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) had lower concentrations still, and timothy (Phleum pratense) had, with the exception of Zn, the lowest concentrations. In general, the mineral concentrations were higher in summer than in spring growth. During the growth Cu, Zn and Fe concentrations decreased, whereas Co, Se and Mg were unaffected. It was concluded that a mixture of red clover and perennial ryegrass had the best profile of micro-minerals for cattle feeding

    Estimating an NBA player's impact on his team's chances of winning

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    Traditional NBA player evaluation metrics are based on scoring differential or some pace-adjusted linear combination of box score statistics like points, rebounds, assists, etc. These measures treat performances with the outcome of the game still in question (e.g. tie score with five minutes left) in exactly the same way as they treat performances with the outcome virtually decided (e.g. when one team leads by 30 points with one minute left). Because they ignore the context in which players perform, these measures can result in misleading estimates of how players help their teams win. We instead use a win probability framework for evaluating the impact NBA players have on their teams' chances of winning. We propose a Bayesian linear regression model to estimate an individual player's impact, after controlling for the other players on the court. We introduce several posterior summaries to derive rank-orderings of players within their team and across the league. This allows us to identify highly paid players with low impact relative to their teammates, as well as players whose high impact is not captured by existing metrics.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Spor

    The UNLV Choral Ensembles

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