21,620 research outputs found
Tensor-optimized shell model for the Li isotopes with a bare nucleon-nucleon interaction
We study the Li isotopes systematically in terms of the tensor-optimized
shell model (TOSM) by using a bare nucleon-nucleon interaction as the AV8'
interaction. The short-range correlation is treated in the unitary correlation
operator method (UCOM). Using the TOSM+UCOM approach, we investigate the role
of the tensor force on each spectrum of the Li isotopes. It is found that the
tensor force produces quite a characteristic effect on various states in each
spectrum and those spectra are affected considerably by the tensor force. The
energy difference between the spin-orbit partner, the p1/2 and p3/2 orbits of
the last neutron, in 5Li is caused by opposite roles of the tensor correlation.
In 6Li, the spin-triplet state in the LS coupling configuration is favored
energetically by the tensor force in comparison with jj coupling shell model
states. In 7,8,9Li, the low-lying states containing extra neutrons in the p3/2
orbit are favored energetically due to the large tensor contribution to allow
the excitation from the 0s orbit to the p1/2 orbit by the tensor force. Those
three nuclei show the jj coupling character in their ground states which is
different from 6Li.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
A note on fermionic flows of the N=(1|1) supersymmetric Toda lattice hierarchy
We extend the Sato equations of the N=(1|1) supersymmetric Toda lattice
hierarchy by two new infinite series of fermionic flows and demonstrate that
the algebra of the flows of the extended hierarchy is the Borel subalgebra of
the N=(2|2) loop superalgebra.Comment: 4 pages LaTe
Symplectic structure and monopole strength in 12C
The relation between the monopole transition strength and existence of
cluster structure in the excited states is discussed based on an algebraic
cluster model. The structure of C is studied with a 3 model, and
the wave function for the relative motions between clusters are
described by the symplectic algebra , which corresponds to the
linear combinations of states with different multiplicities.
Introducing algebra works well for reducing the number of the basis
states, and it is also shown that states connected by the strong monopole
transition are classified by a quantum number of the
algebra.Comment: Phys. Rev. C in pres
The Functional Integral for a Free Particle on a Half-Plane
A free non-relativistic particle moving in two dimensions on a half-plane can
be described by self-adjoint Hamiltonians characterized by boundary conditions
imposed on the systems. The most general boundary condition is parameterized in
terms of the elements of an infinite-dimensional matrix. We construct the
Brownian functional integral for each of these self-adjoint Hamiltonians.
Non-local boundary conditions are implemented by allowing the paths striking
the boundary to jump to other locations on the boundary. Analytic continuation
in time results in the Green's functions of the Schrodinger equation satisfying
the boundary condition characterizing the self-adjoint Hamiltonian.Comment: 16 page
Semiclassical Study on Tunneling Processes via Complex-Domain Chaos
We investigate the semiclassical mechanism of tunneling process in
non-integrable systems. The significant role of complex-phase-space chaos in
the description of the tunneling process is elucidated by studying a simple
scattering map model. Behaviors of tunneling orbits are encoded into symbolic
sequences based on the structure of complex homoclinic tanglement. By means of
the symbolic coding, the phase space itineraries of tunneling orbits are
related with the amounts of imaginary parts of actions gained by the orbits, so
that the systematic search of significant tunneling orbits becomes possible.Comment: 26 pages, 28 figures, submitted to Physical Review
Numerical Computation of Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Effects
Phenomenological equations describing the Seebeck, Hall, Nernst, Peltier,
Ettingshausen, and Righi-Leduc effects are numerically solved for the
temperature, electric current, and electrochemical potential distributions of
semiconductors under magnetic field. The results are compared to experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Proceedings of XVII International
Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT98), 1998 Nagoya, Japa
Josephson Vortex States in Intermediate Fields
Motivated by recent resistance data in high superconductors in fields
{\it parallel} to the CuO layers, we address two issues on the Josephson-vortex
phase diagram, the appearances of structural transitions on the observed first
order transition (FOT) curve in intermediate fields and of a lower critical
point of the FOT line. It is found that some rotated pinned solids are more
stable than the ordinary rhombic pinned solids with vacant interlayer spacings
and that, due to the vertical portion in higher fields of the FOT line, the FOT
tends to be destroyed by creating a lower critical point.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To appear in J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 71, No.2 (February,
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