8 research outputs found


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    The performance of employees at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Lampung Province is generally still low, this can be seen from the number of employees who have low work discipline, come and go not in accordance with applicable office rules, there are employees in completing tasks that are not in accordance with the set targets, the lack of employee innovation in work and loyalty to work is still low, this results in some agency activity programs that are not achieved according to the set targets. The low performance of employees is indicated because the organizational culture in the Population and Civil Registration Office of Lampung Province such as a culture of honesty, a culture of perseverance towards work, and a culture of discipline has not been entrenched and seems to be only used as a slogan, superior culture provides opportunities for employees to take the initiative in carrying out tasks. is not yet entrenched, subordinates are rarely involved in making decisions, a culture of discipline, obeying the applicable office rules is less entrenched. In addition, employee work motivation is generally still low, this is indicated as completion of work that is often late, always waiting for orders to complete every routine work, lack of initiative and creativity in completing work.The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of organizational culture and work motivation on employee performance at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Lampung Province. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a survey approach, with a population of 41 people. Data related to research variables were collected using questionnaires distributed to all respondents and filled out by respondents themselves based on respondents' perceptions. Techniques of data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results show that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Respondents dominantly considered that the organizational culture at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Lampung Province had run quite well, work motivation at the Lampung Province Population and Civil Registration Service had been running quite well and the performance of employees at the Lampung Province Population and Civil Registration Service had been going quite well.

    Reconstruction of Marriage and Divorce Law for Civil Servants

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    This article analyzes Government Regulation Number 45 of 1990, this regulation contains gaps in polygamy arrangements between men and women who are civil servants.  The focus of this article is to describe the construction of polygamy regulations for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) which seems gender biased, then how efforts to reconstruct polygamy rules for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and then analyze its contribution to the reform of Islamic family law in Indonesia. This library research article is descriptive analytical. The primary data sources in writing this article are the Qur'an, Hadith, and positive laws in Indonesia that regulate marriage and divorce for Civil Servants. The analysis uses the theory of Mashlahah Mursalah, Gender and Feminist Amina Wadud and Gustav Redbruch's theory of legal objectives. The result of the analysis is Government Regulation Number 45 of 1990 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for Civil Servants which regulates polygamy for Civil Servants, must be rejected because it contains legal content that is not fair to women as legal subjects. It should be reconstructed by providing equitable regulations, no discrimination, and equalizing the position of men and women before the law. Keyword: Reconstruction, Marriage and Divorce Law, Civil Servant

    Implementasi Gerakan Ayo Kuliah Melalui Program Keluarga Harapan di Provinsi Lampung

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    The efforts of the Lampung provincial government through the Social Service to break the chain of poverty are by increasing the educational level of children from KPM (Beneficiary Families) PKH, namely through various social programs and driven by the innovation of the Let's Go to College (GAK) Movement which is currently running. (GAK) is complementary social assistance as well as a complement to PKH social assistance to families and/or individuals who are poor, underprivileged, and/or vulnerable to social risks in the form of services in the education sector through a series of systematic activities. (GAK General Guidelines). This research aims to analyze and describe the implementation of GAK through PKH and the aspects that influence it. The research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, where researchers go directly to the field to obtain accurate data. The sources and types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, documentation and literature/library studies. Data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. GAK provides results and impacts in accordance with its goal, namely increasing the level of KPM PKH children in Lampung province

    Implementation of E-Government In Taxpayer Reporting Community of Lampung Province

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    Tax reporting is a manifestation of the obligations of citizens and the participation of taxpayers to directly and jointly carry out tax obligations for state financing and national development. The purpose of this study is to find out and understand how the application of information technology bases in government services (Electronic Government) is primarily in the use of e-Filing in the annual reporting of individual taxpayers in the Society of Lampung Province, Indonesia. The data analysis technique used in this study is a qualitative descriptive data analysis technique, namely a data analysis technique by describing the data obtained in its entirety, starting from the procedures for registration, reporting and electronic reporting proof documents at the Lampung Provincial Tax Office. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of the use of e-Filing in the annual reporting of individual taxpayers, namely by system, tax reporting is more effective in terms of annual tax reporting and is more accurate because the technology system guides taxpayers in filling out Annual Tax Returns. Procedurally, tax reporting is easier because it fills in the Annual Tax Return in the form of a wizard and is faster because it can be done anywhere and anytime, namely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because it utilizes the internet network


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    The problems in this study are: (1) is the discipline of employees influence on the quality of service on the Board of Tax management and regional retribution  of the North Lampung Regency, (2) whether the motivation affects the quality of service At the board of Tax management and regional retribution  of North Lampung Regency, (3) is the discipline and motivation of officers simultaneously affect the quality of service on the Board of Tax management and regional retribution  Lampung Regency NorthThe research method used in this research is explanatory design which is an investigation of causality by means of basing on the observation of the influence that occurs, namely conducting research by taking samples from the population Using a questionnaire as a Data collector tool. Research population of 74 employees on the board of Tax Management and regional levy  of North Lampung Regency. While the sample is 74 people or a total sample. The research variables are discipline as free variables (X1) and employee motivation as free variables (X2) as well as service quality is variable bound (Y). The results showed that there was a significant influence both the discipline and the motivation of employees to the quality of service on the Board of Tax management and regional retribution  of North Lampung Regency, the greatest influence of variable-forming Employee discipline is the dimension of attendance, while the smallest dimension of employee discipline variables is the dimension of cooperation. While the dimension of the biggest variable motivation officers are internal motivation and the smallest is external motivation. Based on the results of the research, can be submitted findings from this research that the most influencing in the staff discipline on the Board of Tax Management and regional levy  of North Lampung District is the importance of improving education and Training by employees to be able to work more professionally

    South Korean Political Consolidation through a Political Trust approach in Overcoming Conflict on the Korean Peninsula

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    Abstract. South Korea has multiple interests and has set goals in its foreign policy. But the pursuit of these interests and goals, especially with regard to stability on the Peninsula, is often faced with challenges. Provocative actions from North Korea are one of the serious issues and behaviour that South Korea does not want. Therefore, South Korea has carried out a number of foreign policies in an effort to prevent provocative actions from North Korea, one of which is through the political trust approach taken by President Park Hyun-Geu. By using qualitative methods and explanative analysis methods through document or literature analysis approaches, this article attempts to identify South Korean foreign policy in overcoming conflicts on the Korean Peninsula. The article shows that the concept of Trust Politic is the key word for foreign policy and politics in the Park’s administration era. The basis of the political philosophy of trust or political trust is manifested in the trust process on the Korean Peninsula (Korean Peninsula Trust Process). As a way to build trust between the two countries, South Korea has carried out three stages as a trust process: the first, the humanitarian assistance for the poor and neglected people in North Korea; the second is, the exchange and cooperation between the two countries in the social, economic, and cultural fields; the third is, the Korean Vision Project to build and establish a single market community on the Korean Peninsula. In the third stage, the Vision of the Korean Project is used as the reference in conditioning the accumulation and progress of mutual trust, especially in the issue of the denuclearization of North Korea

    The Implementation of E-Government in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 in Indonesia

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    The implementation of electronic government in the era of the industrial revolution is very influential on people's lives in Indonesia. The transition period towards the industrial revolution era 4.0 is very interesting to discuss, bearing in mind that the Republic of Indonesia is also required to implement industry 4.0 in the government component. This study uses a qualitative method that is literature study. Qualitative research is research that produces information in the form of notes and descriptive data contained in the text under study. The data used is sourced from secondary data relating to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia related to the application of Electronic Government in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The results showed that the development of e-government systems in Indonesia in quantity began to increase but the quality was still inadequate because e-government implementation was not evenly distributed in all regions and still functioned as a provider of static information only. Meanwhile, the fundamental obstacle in the implementation of electronic government in the industrial revolution lies at the local government level. The e-government projection on the development of the industrial revolution  must have the best formula in order to achieve the stated goals