48 research outputs found
Significant differences between ESRD Patients and Controls in resting state functional connectivity for the four seed areas (showed different in group comparison) and the rest of the brain.
<p>All the coordinates are donated by Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space coordinates. t-score donates the statistic value of two sample t-test by contrasting ESRD patients to controls at p<0.05 AlphaSim corrected.</p
Statistical Parametric Images of Between-Group Functional Connectivity Analysis for ESRD Patients and Controls.
<p>Panels A demonstrated enhanced functional connectivity in superior temporal gyrus (Red) in ESRD patients when the seed areas were located in the left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex ([Brodmann's area 10], panels B demonstrated reduced functional connectivity in bilateral cerebellum posterior lobe, left inferior temporal gyrus, right dlPFC (Blue), and enhanced functional connectivity in bilateral OFC, left posterior gyrus (Red) in ESRD patients when the seed areas were located in the right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex ([Brodmann's area 11], panels C demonstrated reduced functional connectivity in bilateral cerebellum posterior lobe, right dlPFC, bilateral ACC (Blue), enhanced FC in bilateral OFC, bilateral superior parietal lobe (Red) when the seed areas were located in the medial orbito-frontal cortex ([Brodmann's area 10, 11, 32], and panels D demonstrated enhanced functional connectivity in right medial PFC (Red) in ESRD patients when the seed areas were located in the left middle temporal gyrus [Brodmann's area 10, 11, 32].</p
Blood pressure systolic, Blood pressure diastolic and Hematocrit of the ESRD patients at the start and end of hemodialysis treatment session.
<p>Blood pressure systolic, Blood pressure diastolic and Hematocrit of the ESRD patients at the start and end of hemodialysis treatment session.</p
Subject demographics for heroin-dependent individuals (HDI) and control groups.
*<p>Significant different, P<0.05.</p><p>sHDI: short-term dependence, heroin dependent individuals with duration less than 10 years;</p><p>lHDI: long-term dependence, heroin dependent individuals with duration between 10 to 20 years;</p><p>IGT: The Iowa gambling task.</p
TBSS analysis of fractional anisotropy (FA) volumes.
<p>Areas in red are regions where FA was significantly lower (p<0.05, corrected
by TFCE) in sHDI (Panel A) and lHDI (Panel B) relative to normal controls, and in lHDI (Panel C) relative to sHDI. To aid visualization, regions showing
reduced FA (red) are thickened using the tbss_fill script implemented in FSL. Results are shown overlaid on the MNI152-T1 template and the mean FA
skeleton (green). The left side of the image corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain.</p
Correlation analysis of the FA values and the IGT performance.
<p>The FA values of the right frontal WM, right parietal WM were positively correlated with the IGT performance in both HDI and controls.</p
Correlation between mean FA of Abnormal Brain Regions (revealed by sHDI vs controls) and Duration of Heroin Use in HDIs.
Group differences in diffusivity indices from volume-of-interests.
*<p>Significant different, P<0.05.</p>$<p>Significant different for control vs sHDIs.</p>#<p>Significant different for control vs lHDIs.</p>&<p>Significant different for of sHDIs vs lHDIs.</p><p>WM: white matter; Da: axial diffusivity; Dr: radial diffusivity.</p
TBSS analysis of axonal diffusivity (Da) and radial diffusivity (Dr) volumes.
<p>Compared with controls, the lHDI showed significantly reduced Da in bilateral inferior frontaloccipital fasciculus, bilateral splenium of corpus callosum, and left inferior longitudinal fasciculus (Panel A), and showed significantly increased Dr in bilateral uncinatus fasciculus, bilateral inferior frontaloccipital fasciculus and bilateral cortical spinal fasciculus (Panel B). To aid visualization, regions showing reduced Da (red) or increased Dr (red) are thickened using the tbss_fill script implemented in FSL. Results are shown overlaid on the MNI152-T1 template and the mean FA skeleton (green). The left side of the image corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain.</p
PCC-based functional connectivity.
<p>PCC-based functional connectivity.</p