103 research outputs found
Evolution of the specific-heat anomaly of the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 under influence of doping through application of pressure up to 10 GPa
The evolution of the specific-heat anomaly in the overdoped range of a single
crystal of the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 has been studied under
influence of pressure up to 10 GPa, using AC calorimetry in a Bridgman-type
pressure cell. We show that the specific-heat jump as well as the bulk Tc are
reduced with increasing pressure in accordance with a simple charge-transfer
model. This new method enables us through pressure-induced charge transfer to
study the doping dependence of the superconducting transition, as well as the
evolution of the superconducting condensation energy on a single stoichometric
sample without adding atomic disorder.Comment: final version: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 4135-414
Specific heat in the superconducting and normal state (2-300 K, 0-16 Teslas), and magnetic susceptibility of the 38-K superconductor MgB2: evidence for a multicomponent gap
The specific heat C of a sintered polycrystalline sample of MgB2 with a bulk
superconducting transition temperature Tc=36.7 K is measured as a function of
the temperature (2-300 K) and magnetic field (0-16 T), together with magnetic
properties (normal-state susceptibility, superconducting state magnetization,
etc.). The Sommerfeld constant gamma=0.89+-0.05 mJ/K^2/gat (2.7 mJ/K^2/mol) is
determined in the normal state above Hc2. The normal- and superconducting state
entropies are equal at Tc. Several moments of the phonon density of states are
obtained from the lattice specific heat. We report bulk values for: the
thermodynamic critical field, the slope of the upper critical field, the
Ginzburg-Landau parameter, the coherence length, the lower critical field, the
London penetration depth. These results characterize MgB2 as a type-II
superconductor. The nearly quadratic dependence of C(T) versus T at T<<Tc, its
non-linear field dependence, and the discrepancy between the electron-phonon
coupling constant lambda_ep as determined by the renormalization of the
electron density-of-states (lambda_ep=0.6) and by McMillan's equation for
isotropic superconductors (lambda_ep=1.1), are inconsistent with a single
isotropic gap. In addition to high phonon frequencies, anisotropy or two-band
gap structure may explain why the critical temperature of this superconductor
is high in spite of its low condensation energy, which does not exceed 1/16 of
that of YBa2Cu3O7 and 1/4 of that of Nb3Sn.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, pd
Specific heat of MgB_2 after irradiation
We studied the effect of disorder on the superconducting properties of
polycrystalline MgB_2 by specific-heat measurements. In the pristine state,
these measurements give a bulk confirmation of the presence of two
superconducting gaps with 2 Delta 0 / k_B T_c = 1.3 and 3.9 with nearly equal
weights. The scattering introduced by irradiation suppresses T_c and tends to
average the two gaps although less than predicted by theory. We also found that
by a suitable irradiation process by fast neutrons, a substantial bulk increase
of dH_{c2}/dT at T_c can be obtained without sacrificing more than a few
degrees in T_c. The upper critical field of the sample after irradiation
exceeds 28 T at T goes to 0 K.Comment: 11 pages text, 6 figures, accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed
Patient expectations at a multicultural out-patient clinic in Switzerland
Background. Recognizing patient expectation is considered as an important objective for primary care physicians. A number of studies suggest that failure to identify patient expectations can lead to patient dissatisfaction with care, lack of compliance and inappropriate use of medical resources. It has been suggested that identifying patient expectations in multicultural contexts can be especially challenging. Objectives. The aim of the study was to compare health care expectations of Swiss and immigrant patients attending the out-patient clinic of a Swiss university hospital and to assess physicians' ability to identify their patients' expectations. Methods. Over a 3-month period, all patients attending the out-patient clinic at a Swiss university hospital were requested to complete pre-consultation surveys. Their physicians were requested to complete post-consultation surveys. Outcome measures were patients' self-rated health, resort to prior home treatment, patients' expectations of the consultation, physicians' perception of their patients' expectations and agreement between patients and physicians. Results. We analysed 343 questionnaires completed by patients prior to their consultation (> 50% immigrants) and 333 questionnaires completed by their physicians after the consultation. Most expectations were shared by all patients. Physicians had inaccurate perceptions of their patients' expectations, regardless of patients' origin. Conclusions. Our study found no evidence that immigrant patients' expectations differed from those of Swiss patients, nor that physicians had more difficulty identifying expectations of immigrant patients. However, physicians in our study were generally poor at identifying patients' expectations, and therefore inter-group differences may be difficult to detect. Our results point to the need to strengthen physicians' general communication skills which should then serve as a foundation for more specific, cross-cultural communication trainin
Modulated-bath AC calorimetry using modified commercial Peltier-elements
We developed a new type of AC microcalorimeter based on a modulated-bath
technique for measuring the specific heat of small microgram samples in the
temperature range from 30-300 K, and tested it in magnetic fields up to 14 T.
The device is built from a modified commercial Peltier element. The temperature
of its top plate can be modulated periodically by Peltier effect, so that the
oscillation is symmetrical about the temperature of the main bath. This avoids
the problem of DC offsets which plagues conventional AC calorimeters. The
sample is attached to a thin thermocouple cross, acting as a weak thermal link
to a platform. The absence of a heater reduces the background heat capacity
('addenda') to a minimum. As an illustrative example of the performance of our
device, the specific heat in fields up to 14 T of a small single crystal of the
high-temperature superconductor Bi2.12Sr1.71Ca1.22Cu1.95Oy has been determined.Comment: revised version accepted for publication in Review of Scientific
Specific heat and magnetization of a ZrB12 single crystal: characterization of a type II/1 superconductor
We measured the specific heat, the magnetization, and the magnetoresistance
of a single crystal of ZrB12, which is superconducting below Tc ~ 6 K. The
specific heat in zero field shows a BCS-type superconducting transition. The
normal- to superconducting-state transition changes from first order (with a
latent heat) to second order (without latent heat) with increasing magnetic
field, indicating that the pure compound is a low-kappa, type-II/1
superconductor in the classification of Auer and Ullmaier [J. Auer and H.
Ullmaier, Phys. Rev.B 7, 136 (1973)]. This behavior is confirmed by
magnetization measurements. The H-T phase diagram based on specific-heat and
magnetization data yields Hc2(0) =550 G for the bulk upper critical field,
whereas the critical field defined by vanishing resistance is a surface
critical field Hc3(0) ~ 1000 G.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR
Hyperoxia, unlike phorbol ester, induces glutathione peroxidase through a protein kinase C-independent mechanism
Brief report: Beyond clinical experience: Features of data collection and interpretation that contribute to diagnostic accuracy
BACKGROUND: Clinical experience, features of data collection process, or both, affect diagnostic accuracy, but their respective role is unclear. OBJECTIVE, DESIGN: Prospective, observational study, to determine the respective contribution of clinical experience and data collection features to diagnostic accuracy. METHODS: Six Internists, 6 second year internal medicine residents, and 6 senior medical students worked up the same 7 cases with a standardized patient. Each encounter was audiotaped and immediately assessed by the subjects who indicated the reasons underlying their data collection. We analyzed the encounters according to diagnostic accuracy, information collected, organ systems explored, diagnoses evaluated, and final decisions made, and we determined predictors of diagnostic accuracy by logistic regression models. RESULTS: Several features significantly predicted diagnostic accuracy after correction for clinical experience: early exploration of correct diagnosis (odds ratio [OR] 24.35) or of relevant diagnostic hypotheses (OR 2.22) to frame clinical data collection, larger number of diagnostic hypotheses evaluated (OR 1.08), and collection of relevant clinical data (OR 1.19). CONCLUSION: Some features of data collection and interpretation are related to diagnostic accuracy beyond clinical experience and should be explicitly included in clinical training and modeled by clinical teachers. Thoroughness in data collection should not be considered a privileged way to diagnostic succes
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