114 research outputs found

    Eksisitensi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Dprd) Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah

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    Existence of Provincial Parliament as people's representative body area that has a very important role in the formation of local regulations. But in fact there has been no proposed Ranperda Parliament for Kuantan District Singingi establishment. Based on this understanding, the authors of this paper formulates three formulation of the problem, namely: first, What Role Legislative Council Singingi Regency Kuantan Formation of Regional Regulation? Secondly, Is constraints Legislative Council Kuantan District Singingi in the formation of regional regulation? Third, Is an attempt to overcome the problems of implementation of tasks Legislative Council Singingi Regency Kuantan in the formation of regional regulation?The method of this study, First, this type of research is legal and sociological research methods of data collection in the form of secondary legal literature that the data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Second, the data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. Furthermore, the authors draw conclusions in this study using the deductive method of thinking, is to analyze the problems of the general form into specific shapes.From the research, there are three main problems that can be inferred, the first role of Parliament in the formation of local regulation has actually been going well, this is evidenced by the publication of a number of local regulations published by the Council with the executive, but in addition, it can be seen that less optimal right Singingi Kuantan District Council initiative to propose draft legislation, Second, obstacles still facing in Kuantan district legislature Singingi in the Legislative constrained in terms of human factors and lack of experience in the field of legislation invitation. Third, efforts to overcome the problems of implementation of tasks Legislative Council Singingi Kuantan district are: (1) Functions pegembangan Parliament, (2) Empowerment to Improve the Quality of Council Members, (3) Planning Institute of Parliament, and (4) Expert

    Analisis Yuridis Seleksi Pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Berdasarkan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 Tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission did not provide adequate space for people to participate in the selection of members of the Corruption Eradication Commission. This is due to the participation of ancillary instruments are not designed to accommodate the substantive public participation. One of them is the lack of regulation of openness at both the government and the elections in the House of Representatives. Therefore, strengthening the participation ancillary instruments necessary to ensure the selection of the leadership of such an independent agency of the Corruption Eradication Commission is not co-opted by a particular domain authority. The key to traveling Eradicate Corruption Commission certainly fill the human resources of this organization. Selection Commissioner Eradicate Corruption Commission selection process is one of the heads of state institutions that attract the most attention. A variety of interests can not be separated from the actions of the Corruption Eradication Commission to perform a variety of work to eradicate corruption, especially in sectors prosecution. Then no other way that can be done to keep the Corruption Eradication Commission in addition to ensuring a selection on objective, transparent and without conflicts of interest (conflict of interest). The key to the process is the selection of a selection committee that is credible as a filter candidates.Even in reality during this time, pansel contribute to determine the character of the Corruption Eradication Commission for four years. The existence of the House of Representatives to be part of the checks and balances often does not work. This is due to the House of Representatives often using political reasoning in the selection of public officials. In order to get the best commissioner, it's time for the selection of the Corruption Eradication Commission in the redesign of the terms concerning the selection of candidates and the mechanisms associated with the map Eradicate Corruption Commission needs of the organization.Additionally you need further adjustment in the form of a specific regulation that public participation in the selection process is not only meets the formal requirements. In terms of public administration, the selection process Eradicate Corruption Commission Leaders in the House of Representatives is the implementation of the right "right to confrm" (participation in the appointment of public officials) are owned by the House of Representatives. This right is done within the framework of the balance of power (checks and balances), which became the spirit of amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945

    Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Mempekerjakan Anak Di Bawah Umur Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 4 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pelayanan, Peneteapan Dan Perlindungan Ketenagakerjaan Provinsi Riau Di Wilayah Kota Pekanbaru

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    In essence, children are not allowed to work because their time should be used to learn, play, fun, be in peace, get the opportunity and facilities to achieve its goals in accordance with the development of physical, psychological, intellectual and social. But in reality many children under the age of 18 years who has been actively involved in economic activity, child labor, among others in the industrial sector on the grounds of economic pressures experienced by their parents or other factors. Based on this understanding, it is this thesis formulated three formulation of the problem, namely: first, how the enforcement of criminal sanctions For Law Firm or Individuals Employ Minors in Pekanbaru City area? second, what are the obstacles in applying criminal sanctions Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2013 in the city of Pekanbaru a gap for some elements that employ minors?The research method in this study, this type of research is sociological and legal research is descriptive. The research location is in the city of Pekanbaru. Source of data used is primary data source, and secondary. Third, the data collection techniques used were interviews and review of the literature. After the data collected then analyzed qualitatively, then draw conclusions with deduktitf thinking method is to analyze the problems of the general form into special shapes

    Perbandingan Pemberhentian Presiden dalam Masa Jabatan di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat

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    The president is head of state in a presidential system of government. The post of president as head of state is very important, it is not impossible that the president did the wrong action of the constitution and the rule of law to the detriment of the people and country. The constitution governing the restrictions on the actions the president to hold these constitutions.dismissalm of the president of a country as a means of power control. Therefore the necessary comparison with the same system of government with other countries more have the same application in the dismissal of the president. Problems associated with it, the author became interested in better compared associated with the termination of the tenure of the president between Indonesia and the United States. Through this research can be found in the process of laying the presidential term of office in Indonesia and the United States, as well as the similarities and differences can be found, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the application of the system in both countries

    Pencegahan Tindak Pidana dalam Aksi Unjuk Rasa Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1998 Tentang Kemerdekaan Menyampaikan Pendapat di Muka Umum di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Resort Kota Pekanbaru

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    The independence of deliver opinion in public is a rightful authority every Indonesian citizen that written in Constitution Oof Republic Indonesian 1945 in Section 28 E Subsection 3, in addition to the independence of deliver opinion arranged further in Constitution Number 9 in 1998 about The Independence Of Deliver Opinion In Public Section 1 Subsection 1.However, not infrequently of demonstration were ended chaosly and anarchist, because of less pasification and coordination with police. The purpose of this thesis are : first, to find out the prevention of criminal act in demonstration, second,to find out police obstruct in prevention of criminal act in demonstration, the third, to find out the police efforts in content of prevention obstruct criminal act factors in demonstration.The design that used of this thesis was research sociological. In the thesis, the researcher did this research about the occur of positif law in prevention th criminal act in demonstration based on Constitution Number 9 In 1998 about The Independence Of Deliver Opinion In Public.The result of this research could conclude that prevention the criminal act not only did by police, but also the nitisen who did the demonstration to obedient the certainty of rules that obtained, the lack of awareness of nitizen who did demonstration to obedient the certainty of legislation became constant for police in did the prevention of criminal act, so the police have to do efforts of preemptive, preventive, and repressive in copewith

    Penataan Mekanisme Seleksi Pengangkatan Hakim di Lingkup Kekuasaan Mahkamah Agung Dikaitkan dengan Independensi Kekuasaan Kehakiman

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    Judge appointment selection is actually intended that can generate th best judge, could keep the judge dignity and has integrity in works. But, since the constitutional court decision Number 43/PUU-XII/2015 has released, the people and legal advicer doubt with credibility and integrity of judge who is generated through judge appointment selection which is just involving supreme court, included the author. The purpose of this paper is not just to describe the urgency of the involvement of yudicial commission in the process of judge appointment selection, but the author want to give the new scheme of judge appointment selection which is involving the people because today, the judge is public office.The type of this research can be classified in the type of normative law research is literature. In this normative law research, the author make the research against principles of law. The conclution of this research is the judicial commission must be involved in judge appointment selection to maintain the dignity and integrity of judge and generate the qualified judge, because the regulatory process has did early and could maintain the independence of judicative power. Then, in this research is also concluding that is not just involve judicial commission and supreme court, but also involve people so that is form a new scheme which can generate the qualified judge
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