2,149 research outputs found
Factors That Affect Governance of Land Administration Services in Anjatan District
This study aims to determine the factors that affect governance of land administration services in Anjatan District. This research uses descriptive research method through a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by interviewing through written questions and tests, criteria and documentation. This study uses a data analysis model that is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions / verification of the data found. The results of this study indicate that there are weaknesses in the availability of facilities due to the blank form and cause problems for the community. In addition to overcoming the low quality of land services, it is necessary to improve the HR of the Apparatus, namely through formal and non-formal education. For formal education it seems that it is still quite difficult to implement because of the limited funds and opportunities available. The most possible is non-formal education through education and training such as structural training and technical training. Accountability needs to be improved, especially related to the behavior of employees on duty is still less effective
The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Grace Indonesia-Russia Diplomacy Relations
Indonesia's relations with Russia-Ukraine have been very cordial, especially with Russia, both in terms of economic relations as well as defense and security, where Indonesia often buys weapons and combat equipment from Russia. The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Friendship of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations. Data analysis was carried out using an analysis of the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Friendship of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Friendly Relations of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations. As for the benefits of this research Academically, this research is useful regarding the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Peace of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations, while theoretically, this research can enrich the repertoire of literature in terms of the study of the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Peace of Diplomatic Relations between Indonesia and Russia
Efforts to Prevent Bureaucratic Corruption Based on the Piercing Principles of the Governance Veil in Realizing Good Governance and Clean Governance in Indonesia
The purpose of this study explains the principle of piercing the governance veil can support the realization of good governance and clean governance in order to prevent the misuse of corruption. The research method is a normative legal method with a statutory approach), concepts and cases. The results of this study can be explained that the principle of piercing the governance veil supports the realization of good governance and clean governance in order to prevent abuse of the power of the authorities (governors / regents / mayors) so as to prevent unlawful acts carried out by the executive as the holder of the people's mandate. The governance veil principle can limit or prevent illegal actions carried out by the government and its staff for personal gain or enrich oneself and its cronies. The conclusion of this study is that due to the legal principles of the governance veil, it can lead to KKN and the occurrence of abuse of authority, resulting in state losses, then criminal penalties based on Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning criminal acts of corruption
Pancasila is the result of a consensus with the founding fathers of the nation. Pancasila as a view of life and an ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia provides direction and goal to create an equitable and prosperous community. This study aims to analyze how the Axiology of Pancasila in the Reconstruction of Legal Culture in Indonesia. The method used in this study was normative juridical. The results showed that Pancasila is listed in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution as a state constitution that needs to be actualized in daily life. Consequently, the values of Pancasila as a result of the crystallization of the nation’s culture that is multiculturalism must be reflected in the mindset, creativity, taste and behavior of Indonesian people. In the field of law, the values of Pancasila must be reflected in law enforcement with a sense of social justice for all Indonesian people. Hence, the legal culture characterized by the values of Pancasila needs to be actualized in order to realize national legal awareness in an effort to develop laws that protect and provide a sense of justice for all Indonesian people.Pancasila adalah hasil konsensus bersama para pendiri bangsa Indonesia. Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan pandangan hidup bangsa memberikan arah dan tujuan untuk membangun masyarakat Indonesia yang adil dan makmur dalam NKRI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Aksiologi Pancasila dalam Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian yaitu Pancasila tercantum dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 sebagai konsitusi Negara yang perlu diaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sehingga memberikan konsekuensi, bahwa nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagai hasil kristalisasi budaya bangsa yang bersifat multikulturalisme harus tercermin dalam pola pikir, cipta rasa dan tingkah laku masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam bidang hukum, nilai-nilai Pancasila harus tercermin dalam penegakan hukum yang berwatak rasa keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Sehingga budaya hukum yang berkarakter nilai-nilai Pancasila perlu diaktualisasikan demi terwujudya kesadaran hukum nasional dalam upaya membangun hukum yang mengayomi dan memberikan rasa keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
Government in a country is one element or component in the formation of a good state. The realization of good governance is when there is a synergy between the private sector, the people and the government as a facilitator, which is carried out in a transparent, participatory, accountable and democratic manner. The process of achieving a country with good governance requires tools in bringing components of government policies or regulations to the realization of national objectives. The government apparatus is the government apparatus, namely: Indonesian National Army (TNI), Indonesian National Police (POLRI) and Civil Servants (PNS). The challenge faced by the government in the field of human resources apparatus as the main pillar of the administration of government is the challenge of being able to develop a human resource planning system (HR) of the government apparatus in accordance with the results of structuring institutional structures and devices. The consequence is the formation of discipline, ethics and morale at the executive level, namely: the Indonesian National Army (TNI), the Republic of Indonesia National Police (POLRI), and Civil Servants (PNS) aimed at increasing work productivity and demands on the realization of a corrupt government apparatus. , Collusion, Nepotism (KKN), and more professional. Based on the above background, the problem formulation in this paper is the legal study of the demotion of the TNI and Polri in the ranks of the Director General of Sea Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of the study was to study and analyze the demotion of the TNI and Polri in the ranks of the Director General of Sea Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.
Keywords. Demotion, Indonesian National Army/Indonesian National Police, Directorate General of Sea Transportation
Human Rights Court and Truth Reconciliation Commission for the Settlement of Human Rights in Indonesia
The law on human rights court has brought the new hopes for certain people have suffered because of the human rights violation happened in the past government (before the law enacted in the years of 2000). The demand of justice has been made by victims, the families of victims and other sympathetic parties by bringing those who have violated human rights in the past. The demand for justice does not only focus on human rights violations, which occurred in the past but also similar human rights violations that will occur in the future. The existence of a permanent Human Rights Court seems to imply that human rights will be upheld and protected. The resolution of past human rights violations via a conflict approach is preferable for the national reconciliation. The resolution of past human rights violations through extra-judicial organizations is an advanced step towards resolving the case, whereas a conflict approach can be used to settle the case. The existence of the Human Rights Law provides a new frontier in implementing the principle of restorative justice in the approach of case settlement. It is hoped that such restorative justice can create a political balance between the past and the future
Indonesia is a granary for palm oil, so being the largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO) in the world, it is still faced with the problem of oil scarcity, so that cooking oil prices spike. Indonesia Is A Palm Oil Barn, So Being The Largest Producer Of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) In The World Still Faced With The Problem Of Oil Scarcity Surge In Cooking Oil Prices, The purpose of this study is expected to be able to study and analyze Indonesia is a Palm Oil Barn, so that it becomes the Largest Producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) The world is still faced with the problem of oil scarcity, cooking oil prices spike.
Data analysis was carried out using an analysis based on Indonesia as a Palm Oil Barn, so that it becomes the Largest Producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the World Still Faced with the Problem of Oil Scarcity, Cooking Oil Price spikes. Being the Largest Producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the World Still Faced with the Problem of Oil Scarcity, Spike in Cooking Oil Prices.
As for the benefits of this research Academically, this research is useful related to Indonesia is a Palm Oil Barn, so that it becomes the Largest Producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the World Still Faced with the Problem of Oil Scarcity, Surge in Cooking Oil Prices, while Theoretically, this research can enrich the repertoire of literature in In the study, Indonesia is a palm oil barn, so that it becomes the largest producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the world. It is still faced with the problem of oil scarcity. Cooking oil prices spike
The rules regarding criminal sanctions for hoarders (cooking oil) of Cooking Oil in Indonesia have been regulated in Article 107 of Law (UU) Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and Presidential Regulation Number 71 of 2015 concerning Stipulation and Storage of Basic Necessities and Goods.
This data analysis was carried out using an analysis based on the Criminal Hoarding of Cooking Oil in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to be able to examine and analyze the Criminal Hoarding of Cooking Oil in Indonesia.
As for the benefits of this research academically, this research is useful related to the crime of hoarding cooking oil in Indonesia, while theoretically, this research can enrich the literature in terms of studying the crime of hoarding cooking oil in Indonesia
2024 Election Delay Instructions Democracy Climate
The 1945 Constitution imposes stringent constraints on the President's authority, confining their tenure to a duration of precisely five years, with the possibility of extension for an additional period not exceeding ten years. In Indonesia, elections are conducted at intervals of five years, allowing for a single occurrence within this time frame. In the event that the 2024 elections are postponed and the presidential term is extended for three periods, it is likely to have a detrimental impact on the democratic climate and raise concerns regarding the violation of the country's constitution. Such actions could be characterized as a form of institutional terrorism
Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the Field of Securing Plantation Assets
This article discusses the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the Field of Securing Plantation Assets, especially at PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IV. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the area of ​​securing assets in PTPN IV can be measured by the three elements of the legal system, namely: the legal substance (the Forestry Law); its legal structure (Law Enforcement Officials: Forestry and Police PPNS); corporate legal culture. The three systems are interrelated with one another. Systemic law enforcement efforts must pay attention to the elements of the legal system because it is the essence of law enforcement. the findings in the field of plantation crime mode are massive and organized. With regard to theft of oil palm, many people believe that it is often carried out by oil palm ninja (simple crime), but in reality theft by "oil palm ninja" is about 10% to 15% only. In reality, there is an oil palm mafia operating in PTPN IV's estates which holds 85% of these oil thieves. 90% organized / serious crime. The criminal act of theft and embezzlement of oil palm FFB (Fresh fruit bunches) in the PTPN IV area is massive and can be categorized as very critical
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