40 research outputs found
Entropy versus dose response curves for the n-NIPAM gels estimated from 50×, 500×, and 3500× magnified SEM images.
<p>A major downward trend was observed as the dose increased due to the increasing smoothness of the SEM micrographs.</p
Morphometric indices corresponding to the trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical bone morphology in the mandibles of the control and ovariectomized groups.
<p>Morphometric indices corresponding to the trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical bone morphology in the mandibles of the control and ovariectomized groups.</p
The optimized homogeneity-to-dose response curve for the n-NIPAM gels with 27 pixel offsets and no outlier exclusion at the 500× magnification.
<p>The linear fitting function is <i>y</i> = 0.0052<i>x</i>+0.051 (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.993), where <i>x</i> is the absorbed dose and <i>y</i> is the homogeneity.</p
Linearity maps of entropy and homogeneity at 500× and 3500× magnifications.
<p>The <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> axes are the distance (<i>d</i>) and the exclusion number (<i>e</i>), respectively, and the pixel value in the matrix represents the <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> value of the corresponding DRC. Homogeneity was more sensitive to <i>d</i> and <i>e</i> than entropy at both magnification levels.</p
Sixteen sub-micrographs divided from the original 500× magnified SEM image irradiated with 20 Gy.
<p>The homogeneity is attached in the lower-left corner of each sub-image. Impurities in the gel g007matrix caused variations in the texture analysis results.</p
SEM images of the n-NIPAM gels with absorbed doses of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 Gy acquired at 50×, 500×, and 3500× magnifications.
<p>As the dose increased, the fibrous structures gradually disappeared at the 500× and 3500× micrographs.</p
Sensitivity maps of entropy and homogeneity at 500× and 3500× magnifications.
<p>The <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> axes are the distance (<i>d</i>) and exclusion number (<i>e</i>), respectively, and the pixel value in the matrix represents the normalized absolute value of the slope of the corresponding DRC. Entropy had relatively stable results than homogeneity at both magnifications.</p
Three-dimensional images of the trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical bone morphology in a femoral neck and mandible.
<p>Three-dimensional images of the trabecular bone microarchitecture and cortical bone morphology in a femoral neck and mandible.</p
Cortical Bone Morphological and Trabecular Bone Microarchitectural Changes in the Mandible and Femoral Neck of Ovariectomized Rats - Fig 1
<p>(a) Picture of the left femur. (b) The region of interest (ROI) in the calculated trabecular bone microarchitecture of the femoral neck is indicated by the dotted red rectangle. The ROI in the calculated cortical bone morphology of the femoral neck is indicated by the solid yellow line. (c) Micro-CT image in the yellow line section of the femoral neck. (d) ROI in the trabecular bone microarchitectural measurement. (e) ROI in the cortical bone morphology measurement.</p
Energy-to-dose response curves for the n-NIPAM gels estimated from 50×, 500×, and 3500× magnified SEM images.
<p>Energy had a weak correlation to the absorbed dose for all magnifications.</p