59 research outputs found

    Metamorphosis of Learning Ecosystems in Response to The Fourth Industrial Revolution's (4IR)

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    This review provides a comprehensive overview of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and its educational impact. It focuses on the accelerated pace of technological advancements and the urgent need to understand how these changes affect educational systems. The research, which includes empirical studies, theoretical frameworks, and policy literature, employs a thematic analysis to identify key trends and themes using secondary data like books, research findings, and scientific journals related to 4IR. Key findings highlight the increasing demands for new skills in the workforce, ethical considerations, and the necessity for an interdisciplinary approach in education. The study underscores the transformation of education in the wake of 4IR's influence, particularly in automation and artificial intelligence (AI). It emphasizes the importance of adapting educational paradigms to address the challenges and opportunities presented by these technological advancements. The study's major implication is the need for a fundamental shift in learning ecosystems to align with the transformative power of 4IR. This involves adapting to significant changes in the educational landscape, which are necessary to facilitate user ease. Integrating modern intelligent technologies has fundamentally altered production and global supply networks, leading to increased automation, enhanced communication, and smart machines. This transformation underscores the need for educational systems to evolve and prepare for these ongoing changes

    Mental Comparison of Students Learning Abacus-Arithmetic and Not Learning Abacus-Arithmetic on Mathematics Material

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    Students' mental mastery in elementary school mathematics lessons in Indonesia is weak, slow, inaccurate, and declining. Mastery problems among elementary school students who have studied mental abacus arithmetic were found to be low. This is an urgent matter to research because there is a gap between theory, expectations, and reality. The purpose of this research was to compare the ability to solve mathematical problems between students who studied abacus mental arithmetic and students who did not study abacus mental arithmetic. This research involved 70 students. Data collection techniques using instruments, the instruments used were the first-semester mathematics exam and mental arithmetic exam. Data analysis techniques using SPSS Version 25.0 statistics, namely the t-test, were used to compare the ability to solve mathematical problems between students who studied mental abacus-arithmetic and students who did not study mental abacus-arithmetic. Pearson correlation was used to determine the relationship between students' mental arithmetic learning achievement and their ability to solve mathematical problems. The results of the research showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in learning achievement on symbolic mathematics questions and mental arithmetic achievement between students who studied mental abacus calculation and students who did not study mental abacus calculation. The minimum score of the group that studied mental abacus calculation was higher compared to the group that did not study mental abacus calculation. However, there was no significant difference (p<0.05) in mathematics learning achievement between students who studied mental abacus-arithmetic and students who did not study mental abacus-arithmetic.

    Dampak Globalisasi Terhadap Risiko Keuangan Perusahaan: Risiko Nilai Tukar, Suku Bunga, dan Risiko Negara

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of globalization on corporate financial risk, focusing on exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, and country risk. The research employs a quantitative method, utilizing data from the annual financial reports of multinational companies listed on stock exchanges from 2010 to 2020. Data analysis is conducted using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, including multiple regression to evaluate the relationship between independent variables (globalization factors such as exports, imports, and foreign direct investment) and dependent variables (levels of financial risk faced by companies). The findings indicate that globalization significantly influences these three types of financial risk. Companies involved in international trade tend to face greater exchange rate fluctuations, dynamic interest rate changes, and higher country risk compared to companies operating in domestic markets. To manage these risks, companies need to develop comprehensive risk management strategies, including the use of derivative instruments, thorough political and economic risk analysis, and investment in advanced technologies. Continuous training and fostering a strong risk culture within the organization are also critical factors in effective risk management. This study provides in-depth insights into how globalization affects corporate financial risk and offers strategic recommendations to enhance financial resilience in a global context

    Peningkatan Partisipasi Guru Pada Pendidikan Dasar Melalui Sertifikasi Guru

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    In the field of education, teachers face latent problems related to economic welfare, so the government is trying to provide a teacher certification program. In an effort to increase teacher engagement in teaching students at the Islamic primary education level, this research will examine teacher certification. This type of research combines literature study methodology with a qualitative approach. Scientific literature which includes books, papers, seminars, and final assignments (thesis, thesis, dissertation) serves as a source of information and material for research analysis. This information comes from reliable sources such as Sinta and Google Scholar. The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of teacher certification is expected to improve teachers' competencies so as to improve educational standards. The four components of competence are; Pedagogical, character, professional, and social mentioned in the government regulation on national education standards (article 28) and the law on teachers and lecturers (article 10)

    Reliability and separation index analysis of mathematics questions integrated with the cultural architecture framework using the Rasch model

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    This research uses Rasch model analysis to identify the reliability and separation index of an integrated mathematics test instrument with a cultural architecture structure in measuring students' mathematical thinking abilities. The study involved 357 students from six eighth-grade public junior high schools in Bima. The selection of schools was based on average school exam scores and considered the effectiveness of the learning process that used cultural settings to explore mathematical content. Data analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel to calculate the content validity of Aiken's index with four experts and the jMetrik software to measure reliability and the separation index. The research results indicate that the mathematics test instrument passed validation by mathematics experts and measurements with a valid content validity level. Rasch model calibration shows a very high level of instrument reliability. Separation analysis on the logit scale indicates the instrument's ability to differentiate students with different ability levels with good homogeneity in the distribution of test items and individual abilities. Scale quality statistics show good item response variability, low error rates and a high separation index. This study has limitations because it focuses solely on multiple-choice questions. Similar research must be conducted using other types of questions (such as those used in PISA, namely open- constructed and closed-constructed questions) and integrating other mathematical materials within relevant cultural architectural structures

    Elementary School Students' Effectiveness towards Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Additional Material

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    The low results of learning mathematics from year to year give rise to suggestions for students that mathematics is a difficult lesson. This needs to be researched to find out the relationship between mathematics learning attitudes, anxiety, habits, and additional mathematics learning outcomes. Quantitative research method with a survey approach. The subjects were 251 random sampling people. Data collection techniques using instruments adapted from Mathematics Learning Orientation which include attitudes, attention, and mathematics learning habits totaling 51 items. Analysis techniques using correlation and regression with SPSS software version 26.0. The findings show that attitudes, habits, and anxiety are positively and significantly related to mathematics learning. Mathematics learning anxiety has a moderate relationship, while mathematics learning attitudes and habits have a weak relationship to additional mathematics learning achievement. Another finding is that the relationship between anxiety about studying mathematics is the main predictor of additional material, compared to attitudes and habits about studying mathematics. The conclusion is that mathematics learning orientation is one of the factors that plays a very important role in determining the level of student achievement in mathematics. The contribution provides information that students who have a positive attitude in learning mathematics show good study habits, therefore the teacher's role is needed to build a positive attitude

    Integration of Multiple Intelligence Theory in Curriculum Implementation for Developing Student Potential in Indonesia

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    Education in Indonesia is experiencing a transformation through the integration of multiple intelligence theories in the curriculum to optimize student potential. The problem is the need to develop students' potential holistically to prepare them to face the demands of future society. The urgency lies in the need for inclusive and diverse education to ensure that every student can develop optimally. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of integrating the theory of multiple intelligences in improving student learning in Indonesia. The research method involves direct observation during classroom learning sessions, using the Science Behavior Checklist and Pure Value Observation. Data was collected through structured observation and processed using qualitative analysis methods. The research results show that a learning atmosphere that integrates multiple intelligence elements helps develop students' scientific tendencies and noble values. In conclusion, the integration of multiple intelligence theory in the Indonesian curriculum provides a valuable contribution to developing students' potential holistically, preparing them for academic success, and becoming empowered individuals. The implication of this research is the need to continue to encourage inclusive learning approaches that take into account the diversity of students' intelligence to create a learning environment that supports holistic development


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    This study aims to explore the perceptions of interdisciplinary certified teachers towards the implementation of the teacher certification program. This study used a qualitative research design with a multiple case study approach. The sample used was five certified high school teachers from public schools in Bengkulu City. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews and document analysis of teachers' lesson plans. Thematic analysis was conducted using NVivo 12 software. The findings of this study revealed two main themes that emerged. First, teachers' motivations and expectations regarding the teacher certification program in Indonesia. Second, this study examines the perceived benefits of the program. This research contributes to the evaluation and improvement of the teacher certification program in Indonesia, which can improve the quality of education. The implication of this study is that teachers can report improvements in pedagogical knowledge, curriculum understanding, content knowledge, lesson planning, and teaching performance. From the findings, it can be concluded that the teacher certification program in Indonesia is expected to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi guru bersertifikat interdisipliner terhadap pelaksanaan program sertifikasi guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus ganda. Sampel yang digunakan adalah lima guru SMA bersertifikat dari sekolah negeri di Kota Bengkulu. Metode pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara semi terstruktur dan analisis dokumen rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran guru. Analisis tematik dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak NVivo 12. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkap dua tema utama yang muncul. Pertama, motivasi dan harapan guru mengenai program sertifikasi guru di Indonesia. Kedua, penelitian ini mengkaji manfaat yang dirasakan dari program ini. Penelitian ini berkontribusi terhadap evaluasi dan perbaikan program sertifikasi guru di Indonesia, di mana program sertifikasi guru dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah guru dapat melaporkan peningkatan dalam pengetahuan pedagogis, pemahaman kurikulum, pengetahuan konten, perencanaan pembelajaran, dan kinerja mengajar. Dari temuan dapat disimpulkan dengan adanya Program sertifikasi guru di Indonesia diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia


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    The research carried out aims to review the use of artificial intelligence in independent learning of Indonesian language skills. The research was carried out using a library study approach which included a series of activities related to the use of library data collection methods, reading and retrieval and processing of research materials. In this research, the data sources are books, journals or internet-based websites that contain the topic or discussion being researched. The data sources in this research include 30 references based on topics raised related to the use of artificial intelligence in independent learning of Indonesian language skills. Language skills include 4 abilities, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing skills are a reference in language skills which must be mastered by students because with writing activities students can express various imaginations or thoughts in writing. Duet AI can help students write essays, reports and other assignments better through the ‘help me write’ feature in Google Docs. First, Duet AI can help students improve their grammar and writing style. Their writing can be identified and corrected for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Duet AI can also provide feedback on the clarity of their writing. Second, Duet AI can help students develop their own unique writing style. Duet AI will provide feedback on the authenticity and creativity of their writing. It can also help them identify and avoid clichés and overused phrasesPenelitian yang dilaksanakan bertujuan dalam meninjau pemanfaatan kecerdasan buatan pada pembelajaran Mandiri keterampilan bahasa Indonesia. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan yang mana mencakup rangkaian aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan metode pengumpulan data perpustakaan, membaca serta pengambilan dan pengolahan bahan penelitian. Pada penelitian ini yang menjadi sumber data ialah buku, jurnal maupun situs yang berbasis website dari internet yang memuat tentang topik atau pembahasan yang diteliti. Sumber data pada penelitian ini mencakup 30 rujukan berdasarkan topik yang diangkat terkait pemanfaatan kecerdasan buatan pada pembelajaran Mandiri pada keterampilan bahasa Indonesia. Kecakapan berbahasa mencakup 4 kemampuan yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca serta menulis. Kecakapan menulis menjadi suatu acuan dalam keterampilan berbahasa yang mana harus dikuasai oleh peserta didik karena dengan kegiatan menulis peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan berbagai imajinasi atau pemikirannya dalam suatu tulisan. Duet AI dapat membantu siswa menulis esai, laporan, dan tugas lainnya dengan lebih baik dengan fitur ‘help me write’ pada Google Docs. Pertama, Duet AI dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan tata bahasa dan gaya penulisan mereka. Tulisan mereka dapat diidentifikasi dan diperbaiki kesalahannya dalam tata bahasa, tanda baca, dan ejaan. Duet AI juga dapat memberikan umpan balik tentang kejelasan tulisan mereka. Kedua, Duet AI dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan gaya penulisan unik mereka sendiri. Duet AI akan memberikan umpan balik tentang keaslian dan kreativitas penulisan mereka. Ini juga dapat membantu mereka mengidentifikasi dan menghindari klise dan frasa yang terlalu sering digunakan
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