2,705 research outputs found
Scale Invariance via a Phase of Slow Expansion
We consider a cosmological scenario in which a scale-invariant spectrum of
curvature perturbations is generated by a rapidly-evolving equation of state on
a slowly expanding background. This scenario generalizes the "adiabatic
ekpyrotic" mechanism proposed recently in arXiv:0910.2230. Whereas the original
proposal assumed a slowly contracting background, the present work shows that
the mechanism works equally well on an expanding background. This greatly
expands the realm of broader cosmological scenarios in which this mechanism can
be embedded. We present a phase space analysis and show that both the expanding
and contracting versions of the scenario are dynamical attractors, with the
expanding branch having a broader basin of attraction. In both cases, a finite
range of scale invariant modes can be generated within the regime of validity
of perturbation theory.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure
Strong Coupling Problem with Time-Varying Sound Speed
For a single scalar field with unit sound speed minimally coupled to Einstein
gravity, there are exactly three distinct cosmological solutions which produce
a scale invariant spectrum of curvature perturbations in a dynamical attractor
background, assuming vacuum initial conditions: slow-roll inflation; a slowly
contracting adiabatic ekpyrotic phase, described by a rapidly-varying equation
of state; and an adiabatic ekpyrotic phase on a slowly expanding background. Of
these three, only inflation remains weakly coupled over a wide range of modes,
the other scenarios can produce at most 12 e-folds of scale invariant and
gaussian modes. In this paper, we investigate how allowing the speed of sound
of fluctuations to evolve in time affects this classification. While in the
presence of a variable sound speed there are many more scenarios which are
scale invariant at the level of the two-point function, they generically suffer
from strong coupling problems similar to those in the canonical case. There is,
however, an exceptional case with superluminal sound speed, which suppresses
non-gaussianities and somewhat alleviates strong coupling issues. We focus on a
particular realization of this limit and show these scenarios are constrained
and only able to produce at most 28 e-folds of scale invariant and gaussian
perturbations. A similar bound should hold more generally --- the condition
results from the combined requirements of matching the observed amplitude of
curvature perturbations, demanding that the Hubble parameter remain
sub-Planckian and keeping non-gaussianities under control. We therefore
conclude that inflation remains the unique scenario, assuming a single degree
of freedom on an attractor background, capable of producing arbitrarily many
scale invariant modes while remaining weakly coupled. Alternative mechanisms
must inevitably be unstable or rely on multiple degrees of freedom.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, v2: minor edits, version to appear in PR
Dark Energy vs. Modified Gravity
Understanding the reason for the observed accelerated expansion of the
Universe represents one of the fundamental open questions in physics. In
cosmology, a classification has emerged among physical models for the
acceleration, distinguishing between Dark Energy and Modified Gravity. In this
review, we give a brief overview of models in both categories as well as their
phenomenology and characteristic observable signatures in cosmology. We also
introduce a rigorous distinction between Dark Energy and Modified Gravity based
on the strong and weak equivalence principles.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; invited review submitted to Annual Reviews of
Nuclear and Particle Science; v2: some pertinent references added; v3: table
with constraints added, reflects published version; v4 [trivial]: fixed
missing references in arxiv versio
Massive Spin-2 Scattering and Asymptotic Superluminality
We place model-independent constraints on theories of massive spin-2
particles by considering the positivity of the phase shift in eikonal
scattering. The phase shift is an asymptotic -matrix observable, related to
the time delay/advance experienced by a particle during scattering. Demanding
the absence of a time advance leads to constraints on the cubic vertices
present in the theory. We find that, in theories with massive spin-2 particles,
requiring no time advance means that either: (i) the cubic vertices must appear
as a particular linear combination of the Einstein-Hilbert cubic vertex and an
potential term or (ii) new degrees of freedom or strong coupling
must enter at parametrically the mass of the massive spin-2 field. These
conclusions have implications for a variety of situations. Applied to theories
of large- QCD, this indicates that any spectrum with an isolated massive
spin-2 at the bottom must have these particular cubic self-couplings. Applied
to de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley massive gravity, the constraint is in accord with
and generalizes previous results obtained from a shockwave calculation: of the
two free dimensionless parameters in the theory there is a one parameter line
consistent with a subluminal phase shift.Comment: 46 pages, 1 figure. v2: Minor corrections. v3: Minor edits;
orthogonalized \oplus tensor polarizations. Results are unaffecte
Conformality Lost: Broken Symmetries in the Early Universe
In this dissertation, we introduce and investigate a general framework to describe the dynamics of the early universe. This mechanism is based on spontaneously broken conformal symmetry; we find that spectator fields in the theory can acquire a scale invariant spectrum of perturbations under generic conditions. Before introducing the conformal mechanism, we first consider the landscape of cosmologies involving a single scalar field which can address the canonical early universe puzzles. We find that, generically, single field non-inflationary solutions become strongly-coupled. We are therefore led to consider theories with multiple fields. We introduce the conformal mechanism via specific examples before constructing the most general effective theory for the conformal mechanism by utilizing the coset construction familiar from particle physics to construct the lagrangian for the Goldstone field of the broken conformal symmetry. This theory may be observationally distinguished from inflation by considering the non-linearly realized conformal symmetries. We systematically derive the Ward identities associated to the non-linearly realized symmetries, which relate (N+1)-point correlation functions with a soft external Goldstone to N-point functions, and discuss observational implications, which cannot be mimicked by inflation. Finally, we consider violating the null energy condition (NEC) within the general framework considered. We show that the DBI conformal galileons, derived from the world-volume theory of a 3-brane moving in an Anti-de Sitter bulk, admit a background which violates the NEC. Unlike other known examples of NEC violation, such as ghost condensation and conformal galileons, this theory also admits a stable, Poincaré-invariant vacuum. However, perturbations around deformations of this solution propagate superluminally
Consistency Relations for the Conformal Mechanism
We systematically derive the consistency relations associated to the
non-linearly realized symmetries of theories with spontaneously broken
conformal symmetry but with a linearly-realized de Sitter subalgebra. These
identities relate (N+1)-point correlation functions with a soft external
Goldstone to N-point functions. These relations have direct implications for
the recently proposed conformal mechanism for generating density perturbations
in the early universe. We study the observational consequences, in particular a
novel one-loop contribution to the four-point function, relevant for the
stochastic scale-dependent bias and CMB mu-distortion.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures. v2: minor changes, version appearing in JCA
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