6 research outputs found


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    Tone deafness refers to a condition where a person is unable to distinguish between different musical notes. Afflicted persons are not able to recognize the difference when 2 different musical notes are played. This inability is not caused by a lack of musical knowledge or training but is instead caused by genetic inheritance or brain damage. Tone deafness is a disability that is shown in music only. People who are tone deaf do not have a problem in recognizing the different intonations in human speech. This disability is also associated with the inability to follow musical rhythms and recognize songs. In this paper, we propose the ability of participants to recognize and repeat the musical notes that they hear. Testing was done using only the left ear, only the right ear, and both ears. Rezumat. UN STUDIU ANALITIC AL INSTRUMENTELOR MUZICALE POPULARE DIN MEGHALAYA. Meghalaya este un stat indian bogat locuit. Tobe, flaute de bambus și mici cinele de mână sunt un ansamblu comun. Apariția creștinismului la mijlocul secolului al XX-lea a marcat începutul unui declin al muzicii populare tribale. De-a lungul timpului, scena muzicală a Meghalaya a evoluat, atrăgând mulți artiști și formații talentate atât din genurile tradiționale cât și din cele mai puțin tradiționale. Cei mai actuali muzicieni și formații din Meghalaya este: The Plague Throat, Kerios Wahlang, Cryptographik Street Poets etc., Soulmate, Lou Majaw și Snow White. Muzica din Meghalaya se caracterizează prin utilizarea instrumentelor tradiționale și a cântecelor populare. Instrumentele muzicale din Meghalaya sunt realizate din materiale locale. Poporul meghalayan onorează forțele naturale puternice și își propune să pacifice spiritele animiste și zeii locali. Instrumentele sunt fabricate din bambus, carne, lemn și coarne de animale. Se consideră că oricare dintre aceste instrumente muzicale are capacitatea de a oferi beneficii materiale. Instrumentul muzical în Meghalaya este o parte esențială a muzicii populare tradiționale din regiune. În acest articol, oferim o imagine de ansamblu asupra instrumentelor muzicale populare din Meghalaya.  Cuvinte cheie: Idiofone, Aerofone, Chordofone, Membranofone, Trompet


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    Meghalaya is a richly inhabited Indian state. Drums, flutes of bamboo and hand-held small cymbals are a common ensemble. The advent of Christianity in the middle of the 20th century marked the start of a decline in tribal popular music. Over time, Meghalaya’s music scene has evolved, attracting many talented artists and bands from both traditional and not-so traditional genres. Any of the most recent Meghalaya musicians and bands is: The Plague Throat, Kerios Wahlang, Cryptographik Street Poets, etc., Soulmate, Lou Majaw, and Snow White. Meghalaya’s music is characterised by traditional instruments and folk songs. The Musical Instruments of Meghalaya are made from local materials. Meghalayan people honour powerful natural forces and aim to pacify animistic spirits and local gods. The instruments are made of bamboo, flesh, wood, and animal horn. Any one of these musical instruments is considered to have the ability to offer material benefits. The Meghalaya musical instrument is an essential part of traditional folk music in the region. In this article, we offer an overview of the folk musical instruments of Meghalaya. Rezumat. UN STUDIU ANALITIC AL INSTRUMENTELOR MUZICALE POPULARE DIN MEGHALAYA. Meghalaya este un stat indian bogat locuit. Tobe, flaute de bambus și mici cinele de mână sunt un ansamblu comun. Apariția creștinismului la mijlocul secolului al XX-lea a marcat începutul unui declin al muzicii populare tribale. De-a lungul timpului, scena muzicală a Meghalaya a evoluat, atrăgând mulți artiști și formații talentate atât din genurile tradiționale cât și din cele mai puțin tradiționale. Cei mai actuali muzicieni și formații din Meghalaya este: The Plague Throat, Kerios Wahlang, Cryptographik Street Poets etc., Soulmate, Lou Majaw și Snow White. Muzica din Meghalaya se caracterizează prin utilizarea instrumentelor tradiționale și a cântecelor populare. Instrumentele muzicale din Meghalaya sunt realizate din materiale locale. Poporul meghalayan onorează forțele naturale puternice și își propune să pacifice spiritele animiste și zeii locali. Instrumentele sunt fabricate din bambus, carne, lemn și coarne de animale. Se consideră că oricare dintre aceste instrumente muzicale are capacitatea de a oferi beneficii materiale. Instrumentul muzical în Meghalaya este o parte esențială a muzicii populare tradiționale din regiune. În acest articol, oferim o imagine de ansamblu asupra instrumentelor muzicale populare din Meghalaya. Cuvinte cheie: Idiofone, Aerofone, Chordofone, Membranofone, Trompet

    The Physics of Electric Saroj Veena: A Folk Musical Instrument from India's North Eastern Region

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    Saroj Veena is known as a famous Folk musical Instrument in the North eastern part of India. We will discuss about the Shape and Size, Structure, body mechanism of Saroj Veena. In our lab studies, we look at the harmonic structure of standing waves in Saroj Veena strings. Using a digital oscilloscope with a Fast Fourier transform and a magnetic pickup from a Saroj Veena, the experimental data was gathered. Depending on where the string is plucked, the harmonic amplitudes in the measured signal vary, giving the sound a distinct timbre. The relative amplitudes of transverse standing waves in a string were determined from experimental data and predicted by the wave equation when the boundary and beginning circumstances matched the initial shape of the string

    An analytical study of folk musical instruments of the rural area of Tripura

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    A music library or music application's listening and search experiences can be greatly enhanced by music recommendation systems. There is simply too much music available in the market for a user to efficiently navigate tens of millions of songs. The demand for good music recommendations is so great that the field of MRS (Music Recommendation Systems) is growing quickly. Extraction of relevant information from user reviews of instrumental music was the primary motivation behind the development of the rating-based recommendation system. On the passage of times most of instruments are not being used by the new generation people as a result, these musical instruments are being wiped out from the world. The research discusses the main features of the performance of Folk Instrumental Music (FIM). In public concert Tripura conditions, it addresses different components of the FIM conducted. The research also examines the components historically recommended by FIM performers and the results provided by music in performances such as raga mood, tranquilly, scalability and astonishments

    <i>Myxovirus resistance</i> (<i>Mx</i>) Gene Diversity in Avian Influenza Virus Infections

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    Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) pose threats to animal and human health. Outbreaks from the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in indigenous chickens in Bangladesh are infrequent. This could be attributed to the Myxovirus resistance (Mx) gene. To determine the impact of Mx gene diversity on AIV infections in chicken, we assessed the Mx genes, AIVs, and anti-AIV antibodies. DNA from blood cells, serum, and cloacal swab samples was isolated from non-vaccinated indigenous chickens and vaccinated commercial chickens. Possible relationships were assessed using the general linear model (GLM) procedure. Three genotypes of the Mx gene were detected (the resistant AA type, the sensitive GG type, and the heterozygous AG type). The AA genotype (0.48) was more prevalent than the GG (0.19) and the AG (0.33) genotypes. The AA genotype was more prevalent in indigenous than in commercial chickens. A total of 17 hemagglutinating viruses were isolated from the 512 swab samples. AIVs were detected in two samples (2/512; 0.39%) and subtyped as H1N1, whereas Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was detected in the remaining samples. The viral infections did not lead to apparent symptoms. Anti-AIV antibodies were detected in 44.92% of the samples with levels ranging from 27.37% to 67.65% in indigenous chickens and from 26% to 87.5% in commercial chickens. The anti-AIV antibody was detected in 40.16%, 65.98%, and 39.77% of chickens with resistant, sensitive, and heterozygous genotypes, respectively. The genotypes showed significant association (p Mx gene might not offer anti-AIV protection for chickens