17,565 research outputs found
Designing dependable process-oriented software : a CSP-based approach
This thesis advocates dependability as a crucial aspect of software quality. Process orientation, as it is defined in this thesis, concentrates on the notion of a process as a basic building component of a dataflow-centred software architecture. The dependability approach in the proposed variant of process orientation builds on a few specific strengths of the particular dataflowcentred architecture which is based on the principles of the CSP process algebra
Noether symmetries and integrability in time-dependent Hamiltonian mechanics
We consider Noether symmetries within Hamiltonian setting as transformations
that preserve Poincar\'e-Cartan form, i.e., as symmetries of characteristic
line bundles of nondegenerate 1-forms. In the case when the Poincar\'e-Cartan
form is contact, the explicit expression for the symmetries in the inverse
Noether theorem is given. As examples, we consider natural mechanical systems,
in particular the Kepler problem. Finally, we prove a variant of the theorem on
complete (non-commutative) integrability in terms of Noether symmetries of
time-dependent Hamiltonian systems.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Theoretical and Applied Mechanic
Heisenberg model in pseudo-Euclidean spaces
We construct analogues of the classical Heisenberg spin chain model (or the
discrete Neumann system) on pseudo-spheres and light-like cones in the
pseudo-Euclidean spaces and show their complete Hamiltonian integrability.
Further, we prove that the Heisenberg model on a light--like cone leads to a
new example of integrable discrete contact system.Comment: 6 page
On the principle of stationary isoeneretic action
We present several variants of the Maupertuis principle, both on the exact
and the non exact symplectic manifolds.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
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