46 research outputs found
Associations between HBM-related variables, emotional representation of STD infection and acceptability of VMMC after having been informed that it could reduce risk of HIV infection.
<p>Associations between HBM-related variables, emotional representation of STD infection and acceptability of VMMC after having been informed that it could reduce risk of HIV infection.</p
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Unprotected Anal Intercourse with Regular Male Sex Partners among HIV Negative Men Who Have Sex with Men in China: A Cross-Sectional Survey
<div><p>The HIV prevalence and incidence among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China are high. Unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with a regular male sex partner (RP), a significant predictor of HIV sero-conversion, was high yet under-emphasized among MSM having RP (MSMRP). The present cross-sectional survey interviewed 307 HIV negative MSMRP recruited through convenient sampling from multiple sources, including venue-based outreaching, online recruitment, and referrals made by peers, in Beijing and Chengdu, China. Among MSMRP, the prevalence of UAI with RP in the last three months was 52.4%. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that trust and intimacy within the relationship with RP and presence of clinical depression symptoms were positively associated with UAI with RP in the last three months. Other associated scalar factors derived from the Theory of Planned Behavior were related to perceptions on condom use, including positive attitudes toward condom use (a negative association), subjective norm of the perception that MSM do not usually use condoms during anal intercourse with RP (a positive association), perceived behavioral control over condom use with RP (a negative association), and behavioral intention to use condoms with RP in the coming three months (a negative association). It is seen that MSMRP were at high risk of HIV/STD transmission. The associated factors hence involved those related to perceptions about condom use, mental health, and interpersonal relationship. Future interventions should take these multi-dimensional factors into account. In particular, future research to test the efficacy of couple-based interventions that include mental health elements needs to be conducted, as trust and intimacy within the relationship were associated with UAI among MSMRP, and mental health problems may exist for both the MSMRP and their RP.</p></div
Testing for independent effect of cognitive variables and emotional representation of STD infection on the associations with acceptability of VMMC after having been informed that it could reduce risk of HIV infection.
<p>Testing for independent effect of cognitive variables and emotional representation of STD infection on the associations with acceptability of VMMC after having been informed that it could reduce risk of HIV infection.</p
Associations between inter-personal variables, mental health status, cognitions related to condom use and UAI with RP in the last three months (N = 307).
<p>OR: odds ratios</p><p><sup>a</sup> Odds ratios estimated by fitting a multiple forward stepwise logistic regression model (entry p = 0.10; removal p = 0.20), using variables obtaining p<.1 from univariate analysis as candidates. The model did not adjust for any socio-demographic variable, as all the socio-demographic variables listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0119977#pone.0119977.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> all showed p>.1 in the univariate analysis.</p><p><sup>†</sup> p<.1</p><p>*p<.05</p><p>** p<.01</p><p>*** p<.001</p><p>NS: not selected by the forward stepwise logistic regression</p><p>—p>.1 in univariate analysis not included in the model</p><p>Associations between inter-personal variables, mental health status, cognitions related to condom use and UAI with RP in the last three months (N = 307).</p
Frequency distribution of cognitive variables derived from HBM and emotional representation of STD infection among uncircumcised male STD patients (n = 308).
<p>Frequency distribution of cognitive variables derived from HBM and emotional representation of STD infection among uncircumcised male STD patients (n = 308).</p
Background characteristics of the respondents.
<p>Background characteristics of the respondents.</p
Associations between general and specific measures of HIV risk perception and behaviors/intentions related to syringe sharing.
<p>PGAR: Perceived general absolute risk.</p><p>PGRR: Perceived general relative risk.</p><p>PRCSS: Perceived risk conditional on syringe sharing.</p><p>OR<sub>u</sub>: Univariate odds ratio.</p><p>OR<sub>adj</sub>: Odds ratio adjusted for significant background factor(s).</p>*<p>p<0.05;</p>**<p>p<0.01;</p>**<p>p<0.001.</p><p>NA: Not applicable.</p
Background characteristics of the participants (n = 377).
1<p>A health-looking person infected with HIV could transmit HIV to others.</p>2<p>Including MMT, SEP, distribution of free condoms, STD checkup/treatment, and HIV/STD education materials.</p
Previous risk behaviors in the last six months, intention to avoid risk behaviors in the next six months, general and specific HIV-related risk perception measures.
<p>RP: Regular partners; NRP: Non-regular partners; FSW: Female sex workers.</p>#<p>Among those having the respective type of sex partner in the last 6 months (i.e. RP: n = 257; NRP: n = 97; FSW: n = 107).</p
Associations between general and specific measures of HIV risk perception & condom use previous behaviors and future intentions.
#<p>Among those having the respective type of sex partner in the last 6 months (i.e. RP: n = 257; NRP: n = 97; FSW: n = 107).</p><p>PGAR: Perceived general absolute risk.</p><p>PGRR: Perceived general relative risk.</p><p>PRCUS(RP): Perceived risk conditional on unprotected sex with RP; PRCUS(NRP): Perceived risk conditional on unprotected sex with NRP; PRCUS(FSW): Perceived risk conditional on unprotected sex with FSW.</p><p>OR<sub>u</sub>: Univariate odds ratio.</p><p>OR<sub>adj</sub>: Odds ratio adjusted for significant background factor(s).</p>*<p>p<0.05;</p>**<p>p<0.01;</p>***<p>p<0.001.</p><p>NA: not applicable.</p