42 research outputs found
Weight-related quality of life changes 6-months following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy or Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty
History of the Dutch Reformed Church mission in Sekhukhuneland and church development 1875-1994
The first chapter deals with the concept of mission history, the choice of research method, the phases of mission work in Sekhukhuneland and the establishment of the different congregations in the Presbytery of Burger. The second chapter contains the story of the Pedi and their country, as well as that of other groups like the Swazi and the Ndebele. From Chapter 3 the pioneering mission work of evangelists and missionaries is described. The role that evangelist Phillipus Mantsene played since 1875 until his death in 1915, as well as his supporters, Rev and Mrs AP Burger, laid the foundation for the involvement of the Transvaal Vrouesendingvereniging, which was established on 15th November 1905. This led to the calling of Rev and Mrs AJ Rousseau, who pioneered the first mission station in Sekhukhuneland, called BURGER, which was officially opened in 1929 (Chapter 8). This is followed by a description of the monumental work done by missionary Jacobus Murray Louw at Maandagshoek Mission Station from 1st April 1944 to January 1962. The first black missionary for this area, Rev EM Phatudi, was ordained with him on 27th March 1943 at Mphahlele, and for a few years the two worked together in Sekhukhuneland. Phatudi’s mother, who was the daughter of the late Kgoši Sekhukhune and his father, chief Mmutle III, saw to it that he became a special person in the history of the DRC Mission. He was one of the great leaders of the NGKA, as will be seen in Chapter 10. Since partnership is the theme that dominates in this research, ample space is given to the work of evangelists in the history of the DRC’s support mission in Sekhukhuneland. They were the missionaries’ partners in establishing the Kingdom of God among the Pedi, Swazi and Ndebele of Sekhukhuneland. With the help of Rev MJ Mankoe who served in the congregation of Burger (Chapter 26), I have been able to paint several life-sketches of the early pioneering evangelists who worked diligently and under difficult circumstances, shoulder to shoulder with the missionaries (Chapter 11). The history of each of the mission stations which functioned in Sekhukhuneland is dealt with in Chapters 12 to 14. The missionaries who pioneered these stations and their co-workers made a major contribution to the growth of the mission church and the forming of the Presbytery of Burger. The history of each of these mission stations, as well as the different congregations resulting from these stations, is described. The time came for consolidating the borders and the placing of black ministers. This was the work of the Planning Commission of the Presbytery of Burger in 1965 and 1966. Chapters 16 to 22 describe the borders, different wards and names of the congregations. The strategy behind this was to ensure that the missionaries, white and black, could occupy equal posts. Once this was completed, a new phase of partnership came into being, as described in Chapters 24 to 30. During this time the phasing out of evangelists took place, as is dealt with in Chapter 31. The two legs that carried missionary work up to this stage became weaker and weaker. Firstly, evangelists left or became full ministers, and secondly the need for a white minister or white missionary fell away. It has also been necessary to describe the circumstances, experiences, views and contributions made by missionaries to prepare the step-out and take-over stages of the phasing-out period from Church-Mission partnership towards full independence and Church-Church partnership. In Chapter 33 a bird’s eye view is taken of the phases of partnership in the DRC’s mission work in Sekhukhuneland. One has to conclude that the circumstances and conditions of the members of the NGKA were harsh. They were struggling against poverty, difficult living conditions, sickness and unemployment. The endeavour for unity among churches, the great topics of church growth and the development of their church to full financial independence could not receive their full attention. In conclusion, I reflect on post-1994 developments in a wider context, based on the study of the previous phases. I also look at the DRC since 1994, asking whether the DRC is still serious about mission work and the mission call. Another chapter was added to reflect on partnership, asking whether this was the answer to problems and tensions. A historical journey since Whitby (1947) is taken and the role the Ecumenical Movements have played since then in the young churches in South Africa is summarized. The great concepts of missio Dei, kerygma, diakonia and koinonia are evaluated in the light of partnership and obedience which was the theme of Whitby, but also the theme that caused continual dialogue, especially amongst the Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movements.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Science of Religion and Missiologyunrestricte
The variation of sinter strength in the sinter bed due to the mineral phase distribution
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this documentDissertation (M Eng (Metallurgical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006.Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineeringunrestricte
Ontwikkelings in kitaarnotasie : ‘n historiese perspektief met toepassings vir hedendaagse gebruik
No abstract availableDissertation (MMus (Performing Art))--University of Pretoria, 2005.MusicMMus (Performing Art)Unrestricte
Cost-effective upgrading, preservation and rehabilitation of roads
The provision and preservation of good transport infrastructure is a prerequisite to economic growth. However, the high cost associated with this essential part of service delivery puts an ever-increasing burden on available funds.http://www.3smedia.co.za/publication/imiesa/am2016Civil Engineerin
Siektebelewing by die Pedi : 'n verkennende studie in siekepastoraat
Summaries in Afrikaans and EnglishText in AfrikaansHierdie skripsie is 'n verkennende studie in siekepastoraat. Die fokus is op die siektebelewing
van die Pedi. Die siek mens leef in 'n spesifieke wereld en verkeer in 'n wrieke situasie. Dit is
boonop vir die pastor moeilik om in hierdie leefWereld die sieke se gevoelens te begryp. Meer
uitsonderlik is dat dit vir enige pastor moeilik is om die tradisionele beskouing en belewenis
van die sieke in sy eie kultuursituasie te verstaan.
Daar is egter min materiaal oor die siekte-belewenis van die Pedi beskikbaar aangesien daar
oor die algemeen min navorsing gedoen is. Pastorale sorg aan siekes vereis dat kennis geneem
moet word van die kulturele agtergrond asook godsdiensbeskouing. Teen hierdie agtergrond
is die doel van hierdie studie om 'n raamwerk van die denke van die Pedi-siekes te verkry
waarby die siekepastoraat kan aansluit.
Met die hu1p van die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is daar deur indiepte-onderhoude
en deelnemende waameming probeer om 'n raamwerk te verkry van die siek Pedi se ervaring
van siekte in 'n tradisionele situasie. Sodoende is gepoog om veertien subjekte se verhale van
hul siekte en ongelukke deur middel van kwalitatiewe empiriese navorsing te beskryf
Uit al hierdie data was dit moontlik om die respondente se interpretasies in vyfkategoriee in te
(a) Agtergrondkennis,
(b) die oorsaak van hul siekte,
( c) die belewing van hul siekte,
( d) die bestryding van hul siekte en
( e) die tradisionele siening van siekte en in watter mate daar 'n verskuiwing na Westerse denke
plaasgevind het.
Daar is bevind dat betekenistoekenning van die meeste respondente grotendeels binne die
kulturele raamwerk van die Pedi-tradisie plaasgevind het. Hierdie bevinding is belangrik vir die
siekepastoraat aangesien daar by sekere begrippe aansluiting gevind kan word. Die navorser
het ook probeer om vanuit die betekenis van die subjekte se belewing van siekte 'n beperkte
aantal riglyne vir 'n sensitiewe kultureel georienteerde siekepastoraat te noem.This study explores the field of pastoral care of the sick within the frame of the sick person's
traditional environment. This research study was only directed at the Pedi.
Little material exists on the Pedi's experience of sickness because of the general lack of
research. Furthermore, pastoral care of the sick demands specific notice of the cultural
background as well as their religious views. Bearing this in mind the purpose of this study is to
find a frame work of the Pedi's thought to which the pastoral care could be linked.
With the help of qualitative methodological research, in depth interviewing, participation
and observation the researcher tried to obtain a frame work of the Pedi's experience of
sickness within their traditional situation. Through the means of the qualitative emperical
research strategy these stories were described.
It is found that most respondents emphasise the meaning of their sickness largely within the
cultural framework of the Pedi tradition. This is important for pastoral care because on these
thoughts pastoral care could link up.Philosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyM. Th. (Praktiese Teologie
Nanotechnology incorporation into road pavement design based on scientific principles of materials chemistry and engineering physics using new‐age (Nano) modified emulsion (NME) stabilisation/enhancement of granular materials
The use of naturally available materials not conforming to traditional specifications or
standards in the base and sub-base layers of road pavement structures and stabilised with Newage
(Nano) Modified Emulsions (NME) have been tested, implemented and successfully verified
through Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) in South Africa. This was made possible through the
development and use of a materials design procedure addressing fundamental principles and based
on scientific concepts which are universally applicable. The understanding and incorporation of
the chemical interactions between the mineralogy of the materials and an NME stabilising agent
(compatibility between the chemistry of the reactive agents and material mineralogy) into the
design approach is key to achieving the required engineering properties. The evaluation of the
stabilised materials is performed using tests indicative of the basic engineering properties (physics)
of compressive strengths, tensile strengths and durability. This article describes the basic materials
design approach that was developed to ensure that organofunctional nano-silane modified emulsions
can successfully be used for pavement layer construction utilising naturally available materials at a
low risk. The enablement of the use of naturally available materials in all pavement layers can have a
considerable impact on the unit cost and lifecycle costs of road transportation infrastructure.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsciam2022Civil Engineerin
Fundamental principles ensuring successful implementation of new-age (Nano) modified emulsions (nme) for the stabilisation of naturally available materials in pavement engineering
Good transportation systems are pre-requisites to economic development. Empirically
developed, archaic test methods are traditionally used for materials classification used in road
construction. This system normally classifies naturally available materials subjected to chemical
weathering conditions, as unsuitable for use in the load-bearing road pavement layers. Consequently,
design standards normally require the use of imported materials at considerable costs, severely
restricting road network development under scenarios of limited funding. The introduction of
applicable nanotechnologies has been shown to enable the use of naturally available materials in
all pavement layers at a substantial reduction in costs. The successful roll-out of these nanotechnology solutions depends on a sound, scientifically based approach. Aspects such as toxicity, health
and safety, etc. must be addressed in a holistic approach together with material compatibility and
fundamental engineering requirements. The successes achieved over the last decade, introducing
material compatible New-age Modified Emulsions (NME), are based on fundamental concepts that
need to be considered in a holistic test, evaluation and implementation strategy. This paper identifies
fundamental concepts related to nanotechnology implementation in the context of road pavement engineering, which needs to be addressed to ensure successful implementation. Ad hoc implementation
of new-age technologies without adequate scientific evaluation could prove detrimental.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/applscipm2021Civil Engineerin