3,622 research outputs found
How well do lattice simulations reproduce the different aspects of the geometric Schwinger model
We compare continuum and lattice formulation of the geometric Schwinger Model
on the torus. The lattice reproduces the anomaly, related to
non-trivial topological gauge configurations and zero modes.Comment: 3 pages, DESY 93-144, talk presented by H. Dilger at Lattice 9
The Schwinger Model on a circle: relation between Path Integral and Hamiltonian approaches
We solve the massless Schwinger model exactly in Hamiltonian formalism on a
circle. We construct physical states explicitly and discuss the role of the
spectral flow and nonperturbative vacua. Different thermodynamical correlation
functions are calculated and after performing the analytical continuation are
compared with the corresponding expressions obtained for the Schwinger model on
the torus in Euclidean Path Integral formalism obtained before.Comment: 40 page
The basis problem in many-worlds theories
It is emphasized that a many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory exists
only to the extent that the associated basis problem is solved. The core basis
problem is that the robust enduring states specified by environmental
decoherence effects are essentially Gaussian wave packets that form continua of
non-orthogonal states. Hence they are not a discrete set of orthogonal basis
states to which finite probabilities can be assigned by the usual rules. The
natural way to get an orthogonal basis without going outside the Schroedinger
dynamics is to use the eigenstates of the reduced density matrix, and this idea
is the basis of some recent attempts by many-worlds proponents to solve the
basis problem. But these eigenstates do not enjoy the locality and
quasi-classicality properties of the states defined by environmental
decoherence effects, and hence are not satisfactory preferred basis states. The
basis problem needs to be addressed and resolved before a many-worlds-type
interpretation can be said to exist.Comment: This extended version is to be published in The Canadian Journal of
Einselection without pointer states
We consider small subsystems of large, closed quantum systems that evolve
according to the von Neumann equation. Without approximations and without
making any special assumptions on the form of the interaction we prove that,
for almost all initial states and almost all times, the off-diagonal elements
of the density matrix of the subsystem in the eigenbasis of its local
Hamiltonian must be small, whenever the energy difference of the corresponding
eigenstates is larger than the interaction energy. This proves that decoherence
with respect to the local energy eigenbasis is a natural property of weakly
interacting quantum systems.Comment: published in Phys. Rev. E, 4 pages, no figures, revised introduction
and conclusions, references revised and new references added, editorial
The General Correlation Function in the Schwinger Model on a Torus
In the framework of the Euclidean path integral approach we derive the exact
formula for the general N-point chiral densities correlator in the Schwinger
model on a torusComment: 17 pages, misprints corrected, references adde
Relativistic Harmonic Oscillator Revisited
The familiar Fock space commonly used to describe the relativistic harmonic
oscillator, for example as part of string theory, is insufficient to describe
all the states of the relativistic oscillator. We find that there are three
different vacua leading to three disconnected Fock sectors, all constructed
with the same creation-annihilation operators. These have different spacetime
geometric properties as well as different algebraic symmetry properties or
different quantum numbers. Two of these Fock spaces include negative norm
ghosts (as in string theory) while the third one is completely free of ghosts.
We discuss a gauge symmetry in a worldline theory approach that supplies
appropriate constraints to remove all the ghosts from all Fock sectors of the
single oscillator. The resulting ghost free quantum spectrum in d+1 dimensions
is then classified in unitary representations of the Lorentz group SO(d,1).
Moreover all states of the single oscillator put together make up a single
infinite dimensional unitary representation of a hidden global symmetry
SU(d,1), whose Casimir eigenvalues are computed. Possible applications of these
new results in string theory and other areas of physics and mathematics are
briefly mentioned.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures, LaTe
Angular momentum transport and large eddy simulations in magnetorotational turbulence: the small Pm limit
Angular momentum transport in accretion discs is often believed to be due to
magnetohydrodynamic turbulence mediated by the magnetorotational instability.
Despite an abundant literature on the MRI, the parameters governing the
saturation amplitude of the turbulence are poorly understood and the existence
of an asymptotic behavior in the Ohmic diffusion regime is not clearly
established. We investigate the properties of the turbulent state in the small
magnetic Prandtl number limit. Since this is extremely computationally
expensive, we also study the relevance and range of applicability of the most
common subgrid scale models for this problem. Unstratified shearing boxes
simulations are performed both in the compressible and incompressible limits,
with a resolution up to 800 cells per disc scale height. The latter constitutes
the largest resolution ever attained for a simulation of MRI turbulence. In the
presence of a mean magnetic field threading the domain, angular momentum
transport converges to a finite value in the small Pm limit. When the mean
vertical field amplitude is such that {\beta}, the ratio between the thermal
and magnetic pressure, equals 1000, we find {\alpha}~0.032 when Pm approaches
zero. In the case of a mean toroidal field for which {\beta}=100, we find
{\alpha}~0.018 in the same limit. Both implicit LES and Chollet-Lesieur closure
model reproduces these results for the {\alpha} parameter and the power
spectra. A reduction in computational cost of a factor at least 16 (and up to
256) is achieved when using such methods. MRI turbulence operates efficiently
in the small Pm limit provided there is a mean magnetic field. Implicit LES
offers a practical and efficient mean of investigation of this regime but
should be used with care, particularly in the case of a vertical field.
Chollet-Lesieur closure model is perfectly suited for simulations done with a
spectral code.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
Comment on the equivalence of Bakamjian-Thomas mass operators in different forms of dynamics
We discuss the scattering equivalence of the generalized Bakamjian-Thomas
construction of dynamical representations of the Poincar\'e group in all of
Dirac's forms of dynamics. The equivalence was established by Sokolov in the
context of proving that the equivalence holds for models that satisfy cluster
separability. The generalized Bakamjian Thomas construction is used in most
applications, even though it only satisfies cluster properties for systems of
less than four particles. Different forms of dynamics are related by unitary
transformations that remove interactions from some infinitesimal generators and
introduce them to other generators. These unitary transformation must be
interaction dependent, because they can be applied to a non-interacting
generator and produce an interacting generator. This suggests that these
transformations can generate complex many-body forces when used in many-body
problems. It turns out that this is not the case. In all cases of interest the
result of applying the unitary scattering equivalence results in
representations that have simple relations, even though the unitary
transformations are dynamical. This applies to many-body models as well as
models with particle production. In all cases no new many-body operators are
generated by the unitary scattering equivalences relating the different forms
of dynamics. This makes it clear that the various calculations used in
applications that emphasize one form of the dynamics over another are
equivalent. Furthermore, explicit representations of the equivalent dynamical
models in any form of dynamics are easily constructed. Where differences do
appear is when electromagnetic probes are treated in the one-photon exchange
approximation. This approximation is different in each of Dirac's forms of
dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, no figure
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