4 research outputs found
The validation of a beta-binomial model for overdispersed binomial data
<p>The beta-binomial model has been widely used as an analytically tractable alternative that captures the overdispersion of an intra-correlated, binomial random variable, <i>X</i>. However, the model validation for <i>X</i> has been rarely investigated. As a beta-binomial mass function takes on a few different shapes, the model validation is examined for each of the classified shapes in this article. Further, the mean square error (MSE) is illustrated for each shape by the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) based on a beta-binomial model approach and the method of moments estimator (MME) in order to gauge when and how much the MLE is biased.</p
Additional file 1: of CT imaging features associated with recurrence in non-small cell lung cancer patients after stereotactic body radiotherapy
Supplementary tables. (DOCX 43Â kb
Tumor Targeting and Pharmacokinetics of a Near-Infrared Fluorescent-Labeled δ‑Opioid Receptor Antagonist Agent, Dmt-Tic-Cy5
molecular imaging can be employed for the development
of novel cancer targeting agents. Herein, we investigated the pharmacokinetics
(PK) and cellular uptake of Dmt-Tic-Cy5, a delta-opioid receptor (δOR)
antagonist–fluorescent dye conjugate, as a tumor-targeting
molecular imaging agent. δOR expression is observed normally
in the CNS, and pathologically in some tumors, including lung liver
and breast cancers. In vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo experiments were
conducted to image and quantify the fluorescence signal associated
with Dmt-Tic-Cy5 over time using in vitro and intravital fluorescence
microscopy and small animal fluorescence imaging of tumor-bearing
mice. We observed specific retention of Dmt-Tic-Cy5 in tumors with
maximum uptake in δOR-expressing positive tumors at 3 h and
observable persistence for >96 h; clearance from δOR nonexpressing
negative tumors by 6 h; and systemic clearance from normal organs
by 24 h. Live-cell and intravital fluorescence microscopy demonstrated
that Dmt-Tic-Cy5 had sustained cell-surface binding lasting at least
24 h with gradual internalization over the initial 6 h following administration.
Dmt-Tic-Cy5 is a δOR-targeted agent that exhibits long-lasting
and specific signal in δOR-expressing tumors, is rapidly cleared
from systemic circulation, and is not retained in non-δOR-expressing
tissues. Hence, Dmt-Tic-Cy5 has potential as a fluorescent tumor imaging
Association between CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genotype and tacrolimus treatment outcomes among allogeneic HSCT patients
Supplementary tables - baseline characteristics of CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and ABCB1 phenotypes</p