668 research outputs found

    Psychosocial vulnerability and early life adversity as risk factors for central sensitivity syndromes

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    Local quantum critical point in the pseudogap Anderson model: finite-T dynamics and omega/T scaling

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    The pseudogap Anderson impurity model is a paradigm for locally critical quantum phase transitions. Within the framework of the local moment approach we study its finite-T dynamics, as embodied in the single-particle spectrum, in the vicinity of the symmetric quantum critical point (QCP) separating generalized Fermi-liquid (Kondo screened) and local moment phases. The scaling spectra in both phases, and at the QCP itself, are obtained analytically. A key result is that pure omega/T-scaling obtains at the QCP, where the Kondo resonance has just collapsed. The connection between the scaling spectra in either phase and that at the QCP is explored in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    The effect of an internet option and single-sided printing format to increase the response rate to a population-based study : a randomized controlled trial

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    Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS) at the University of Aberdeen for funding the PhD studentship of EF. Furthermore, we would like to thank everyone who was involved in the study, including Professor Sir Lewis Ritchie (Director of Public Health, NHS Grampian), John Lemon (University of Aberdeen), Dr. Fiona Garton (University of Aberdeen) and the Aberdeen Service User Group. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge all data entry clerks (Maxx Livingstone, Rory Macfarlane, Georgia Mannion-Krase and Hazel Reilly) and participants of the study.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The worldwide prevalence of Psoriatic Arthritis : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    We would like to thank Mel Brickerton (medical librarian) for her guidance and advice on constructing the search strategy and syntax, and Ross MacDonald and Warren James for helpful guidance and advice on the statistical codingPeer reviewe

    Normative data for the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank all those involved in the EpiFunD study for their role in collecting the data used in this study, particularly the principal investigators Gary Macfarlane (University of Aberdeen) and John McBeth (Keele University, and the University of Manchester) who allowed use of the EpiFunD dataset. The EpiFunD study was funded by Arthritis Research UK (formerly the Arthritis Research Campaign), Grant Number: 17552.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Trends in Bacterial Pathogens of Bats:Global Distribution and Knowledge Gaps

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    Bats have received considerable recent attention for infectious disease research because of their potential to host and transmit viruses, including Ebola, Hendra, Nipah, and multiple coronaviruses. These pathogens are occasionally transmitted from bats to wildlife, livestock, and to humans, directly or through other bridging (intermediate) hosts. Due to their public health relevance, zoonotic viruses are a primary focus of research attention. In contrast, other emerging pathogens of bats, such as bacteria, are vastly understudied despite their ubiquity and diversity. Here, we describe the currently known host ranges and geographic distributional patterns of potentially zoonotic bacterial genera in bats, using published presence-absence data of pathogen occurrence. We identify apparent gaps in our understanding of the distribution of these pathogens on a global scale. The most frequently detected bacterial genera in bats are Bartonella, Leptospira, and Mycoplasma. However, a wide variety of other potentially zoonotic bacterial genera are also occasionally found in bats, such as Anaplasma, Brucella, Borrelia, Coxiella, Ehrlichia, Francisella, Neorickettsia, and Rickettsia. The bat families Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae, and Pteropodidae are most frequently reported as hosts of bacterial pathogens; however, the presence of at least one bacterial genus was confirmed in all 15 bat families tested. On a spatial scale, molecular diagnostics of samples from 58 countries and four overseas departments and island states (French Guiana, Mayotte, New Caledonia, and Réunion Island) reported testing for at least one bacterial pathogen in bats. We also identified geographical areas that have been mostly neglected during bacterial pathogen research in bats, such as the Afrotropical region and Southern Asia. Current knowledge on the distribution of potentially zoonotic bacterial genera in bats is strongly biased by research effort towards certain taxonomic groups and geographic regions. Identifying these biases can guide future surveillance efforts, contributing to a better understanding of the ecoepidemiology of zoonotic pathogens in bats.<br/

    Persons with chronic widespread pain experience excess mortality : longitudinal results from UK Biobank and meta-analysis

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    This manuscript uses the UK Biobank resource (Application 1144). We acknowledge the authors of a previous meta-analysis on this topic (Diane Smith, Ross Wilkie, Olalekan Uthman, Joanne L. Jordan, John McBeth) whose published search strategy we used as the basis for our meta-analysis, albeit that our meta-analysis had a more restricted focus and the criteria for determining eligibility and the data we extracted from eligible studies was not identical and resulted in selection of a different group of studies. We thank John McBeth (University of Manchester) for providing additional data relating to one of the studies, to allow it be included in the meta-analysis. GJM had the idea for the study and together with GTJ designed the analysis plan for UK Biobank. GTJ undertook the UK Biobank analysis. MSB conducted the updated systematic review and all authors participated in undertaking the meta-analysis. GJM drafted the manuscript but all authors made an important intellectual contribution to the text. None of the authors report conflict of interest.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The epidemiology of regular opioid use and its association with mortality : Prospective cohort study of 466 486 UK biobank participants

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    Acknowledgments This work did not receive any external sources of funding. Data was supplied by UK Biobank under the terms of application reference number 1144. Data sharing agreement On acceptance of a manuscript using UK Biobank data, the authors are required to submit the dataset (including any derived variables) and the analysis programs to UK Biobank. Data are available to researchers by application.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Predicting response to anti-TNFα therapy among patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) : results from BSRBR-AS

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    We are grateful to the staff of the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register in Axial Spondyloarthritis register and to the recruiting staff at the clinical centres, details of which are available at: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/iahs/research/epidemiology/spondyloarthritis.php#panel1011. We are grateful to Jonathan Lock for commenting on the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) who have funded the BSRBR-AS. The BSR received funding for this from Pfizer, AbbVie and UCB. These companies receive advance copies of manuscripts for comments but have no input in to the topics for analysis in the register nor the work involved in undertaking analysis. Analysis of data was supported by the Versus Arthritis/Medical Research Council Centre for Musculoskeletal Health and Work [grant number 20665].Peer reviewe