1 research outputs found

    Bus Driver Fatigue Final Report

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    Transport for London (TfL) requested independent research services regarding fatigue in London bus drivers. The research reported here was commissioned by TfL to understand the present situation with regard to fatigue and this report provides a roadmap to investigate solutions and to delve deeper into some of the observations made by the authors. This project sought to understand the extent and nature of fatigue, the contributing factors to fatigue, and what solutions could be implemented to address fatigue. The key components of this report are 1) a targeted literature review focusing on sleepiness and fatigue amongst bus drivers, and a broader review of fatigue prevention strategies, 2) a review of internal policy for managing fatigue, 3) focus groups with bus drivers, 4) interviews with managers, 5) a survey of bus drivers, 6) on-road observation study, and, 7) discussion of potential solutions. </p