41 research outputs found
This paper discusses the concept and steps of historical figure studies. The term historical figure has not been widely discussed and used in historical writing. Writing about the life of a figure is often found in biographies, autobiographies, memoirs and festschrift. These writings are considered a form of historical writing. Problems arise when it comes to the rules that must be followed in historical writing. The lives of the people written about in these four types of writing, usually anyone, can be classified as historical figures or not. Historical figures are very substantial to study, because they are one of the important aspects in the context of driving societal change. The thoughts and actions of historical figures in dealing with various situations can be important lessons and inspiration for others to face the present. It is time to develop the study of historical figures more seriously, with the hope that the results will actually be able to provide more concrete inspiration on how to deal with the situations and conditions that occur around life.Tulisan ini membahas tentang konsep dan langkah-langkah studi tokoh sejarah. Terminologi tokoh sejarah (historical figure) belum banyak dibincangkan dan digunakan dalam penulisan sejarah. Penulisan tentang kehidupan seorang tokoh banyak dijumpai dalam biografi, autobiografi, memoir, dan festschrift. Tulisan-tulisan tersebut dianggap sebagai salah satu bentuk tulisan sejarah.Permasalahan muncul ketika dikaitkan dengan kaidah-kaidah yang harus diikuti dalam penulisan sejarah. Kehidupan orang yang ditulis dalam empat jenis penulisan tersebut, biasa siapa saja, bisa tergolong tokoh sejarah atau bukan. Tokoh sejarah sangat subtansial untuk dikaji, karena menjadi salah satu aspek penting dalam konteks penggerak perubahan masyarakat. Pemikiran dan tindakan tokoh sejarah dalam menghadapi berbagai situasi, dapat menjadi pelajaran penting dan inspirasi bagi orang lain untuk menghadapi masa sekarang. Sudah saatnya dikembangkan kajian tentang tokoh sejarah dengan lebih serius, dengan harapan hasilnya akan betul-betul mampu memberikan inspirasi yang lebih kongkrit bagaimana seharusnya menghadapi situasi dan kondisi yang terjadi di sekitar kehidupa
Pillbox of Kedunglangkap, Kencong, Jember, East Java: A Reminder of The Japanese Colonization Era
Many evidence supports that human built structures, sites, or other relic of past activities in places deemed essential to life based on human observations of the geopolitical conditions. Topography and geographic conditions have always had an impact on human decisions to create civilizations, including pillbox construction. There is currently no study using multidisciplinary approaches to analyze the pillbox site history in Kedunglangkap, Kencong, Jember. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the aim and design of pillbox fortifications as a component of the Japanese colonial defense system, as well as the historical context related to pillbox in Kedunglangkap. In addition to the historical research methodology, this research also utilizes the archaeological investigation to explore the construction process of the pillbox in Kedunglangkap and analyze its distribution patterns. The fact that Kedunglangkap had a pillbox indicates how important the area was to the Japanese administration in the past. The pillbox site at Kedunglangkap should be preserved for the purpose of teaching history, since it is an important piece of historically relevant architecture that reminds us of the village's important role in the past
Design of a Visual Identity to Build Branding of a Rattan Weaving Tourism Village in Malang City
A rattan weaving village has existed in Malang City since 1970. This village supported economic acceleration programs during the pandemic, and implemented academic support through the village tourism program. For five decades this village has remained static in the supply of natural and synthetic rattan weaving. Not many people know about the existence of this rattan weaving village because its products are exported abroad. Visually, the rattan weaving village in Tasikmadu has not yet reached the potential and image of a tourist village. To be able to attract the attention of the audience, a creative strategy is needed that is in accordance with the village’s tourism goals. The visual identity of the village should be the first step in this design. Visual identity is an important part of a tourism village‘s brand and can support tourism village promotion strategies. To create good brand awareness, it is crucial to develop a consistent visual identity. All other non-physical attributes such as vision and mission, tourism value, and tourism culture can be drawn from visual identity. This study aimed to: (1) produce a brand identity of the Tasikmadu rattan weaving tourism village; (2) integrate the resources of the village to form a tourism village ecosystem; and (3) generate brand awareness through the implementation of the results of the visual identity design into the promotional media project for the village.
Keywords: brand identity, tourism, visual identit
PThis study aims to determine the quality of the Madrasah Final Examination (UAM) questions in the History subject (Specialization) at MAN Sumenep through item analysis. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research. Analysis of the items to be examined are the results of tests of validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discriminating power, and deceptive power with the help of Microsoft Excel and SPSS 16.0. The results showed that the types of questions based on cognitive level were 10 percent LOTS questions, 18 percent MOTS questions, and 72 percent HOTS questions. Then based on the subject matter, it is 25 percent for class X and XI, and 50 percent for class XII. The level of validity (exceeding r-table) totaled 32 valid questions and 8 invalid items. The data reliability level of 0.409 is still inconsistent because it is still lacking 0.50. The level of difficulty resulted in 2 decisions, namely being rejected/revised because it was very easy with 12 questions and being accepted in the moderate category with 28 questions. The level of discriminating power resulted in 2 decisions, which were totally revised with an unsatisfactory category of 8 questions and totally revised/rejected by 32 questions. The distractor function works well because the multiple choices A, B, C, D, and E in questions are more than 5 percent. The results of the item analysis recommend that the UAM History Questions (Specialization) still need to be revised again with better quality questions.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas soal Ujian Akhir Madrasah (UAM) pada mapel Sejarah (Peminatan)di MAN Sumenep melalui analisis butir soal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Analisis butir soal yang akan diteliti adalah hasil uji validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya pembeda, dan daya pengecoh dengan berbantuan microsoft excel dan SPSS 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jenis soal berdasarkan tingkatan kognitifnya 10 persen soal LOTS, 18 persen soal MOTS, dan 72 persen soal HOTS. Kemudian berdarsarkan mapelnya sebanyak 25 persen kelas X dan XI, dan 50 persen kelas XII. Tingkat validitas (melebihi r-tabel) berjumlah 32 butir soal valid dan 8 butir soal tidak valid. Tingkat reliabilitas data sebesar 0,409 masih kurang konsisten karena masih kurang 0,50. Tingkat kesukaran menghasilkan 2 keputusan yaitu ditolak/direvisi karena sangat mudah sebanyak 12 soal dan diterima kategori sedang sebanyak 28 soal. Tingkat daya pembeda menghasilkan 2 keputusan yaitu direvisi total dengan kategori tidak memuaskan sebanyak 8 soal dan direvisi total/ditolak sebanyak 32 soal. Fungsi distraktor (pengecoh) dapat berfungsi baik karena pilihan ganda A, B, C, D, dan E pada soal lebih dari 5 persen. Hasil analisis butir soal merekomendasikan bahwa Soal UAM Sejarah (Peminatan) masih perlu direvisi kembali dengan kualitas soal yang lebih baik
Dillem Wilis Agro-Tourism Branding Designs to Increase Regional Competitiveness in Tourism
Dillem Wilis plantation tour is a coffee bean processing company owned by the Dutch government with an area of 40 hectares. The location is in Dompyong Village, Bendungan District, Trenggalek Regency. This company has the potential for clove plantations, dairy farming, and nature tourism with natural potential surrounded by rivers and locations in hilly areas with attractive views. The ancient buildings of the Dutch government still stand strong with the revitalization that has been carried out by the local government. Agrotourism development is currently a priority program for local governments with the construction of road access and supporting infrastructure. Dillem Wilis Agrotourism also has superior products, such as packaged pasteurized milk and Dillem coffee. The visual architecture of the building, packaging of superior products, and sign systems as well as media for publication of tourist destinations do not have unity. To get the attention and awareness of tourists, a creative strategy is needed through the design of the Dillem Wilis agro-tourism brand. The steps that need to be taken in brand design are: (1) designing a visual identity for Dillem Wilis agrotourism, (2) designing physical communication media, (3) designing digital communication media, and (4) marketing visual property and stationary. To create the right brand awareness, it is very much determined by a consistent visual identity. The visual identity will describe non-physical attributes such as vision and mission, tourism value, and tourism culture. This study aims to: (1) produce a brand identity for Dillem Wilis Agrotourism, (2) Integrate the resources owned by Dillem Wilis Agrotourism in order to form a tourism ecosystem, and (3) generate brand awareness through the implementation of the visual identity design into the Dillem Wilis Trenggalek Agrotourism promotion media project using Tim Brown’s design thinking method which refers to Simon Anholt’s regional branding model for the city branding hexagon.
Keywords: brand identity, visual branding, Dilem Willi
This article is written developed with the first objective, produce digital modules based on I Gusti Ketut Jelantik's heroic values to support motivation and lerning outcomes at SMAN 2 Busungbiu. Second, testing effectiveness of digital module products for support motivation and learning outcomes in class 11 IPS at SMAN 2 Busungbiu. TIn this research useding development model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Subjects experiment in this research is 11 IPS 1 as control class and 11 IPS 2 as experimental class. Material developed use Kurikulum 2013 with Subject History in KD 3.2. for 11th grade. Digital modules that have been developed and tested show data on improvements in learning motivation and learning outcomes. increased motivation using digital modules reached 85.5 percent6% with the criteria of "Highly Motivated". Data on improving learning outcomes has score 83.87 percent% that is category "satisfactory". Analyze effectiveness of digital modules in general through validation of teaching materials experts and material experts is known to reach 90 percent % and 92.4 percent% which are categorized as "Valid" with a little revision. The small group tryout was conducted on 9 people as a sample, showing data acquisition of 90.78 percent% which was categorized as "practical" as a teaching material. Meanwhile, average score in large trial is 87.77 percent. %. Effectiveness data analysis results used evaluation test with multiple choice is 20 items. There was an incrase after given treatment using digital module based on I Gusti Ketut Jelantik's heroic values.Artikel ini ditulis dengan tujuan dengan tujuan Pertama, menghasilkan produk dalam bentuk modul digital berbasis nilai kepahlawanan Gusti Ketut Jelantik untuk menunjang motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar peserta didik di SMAN 2 Busungbiu. Kedua, menguji keefektifan produk modul digital dalam menunjang motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar di kelas 11 IPS pada SMAN 2 Busungbiu. Adapun model pengembangan yang digunakan mengacu pada model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Adapun subjek coba pada penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah menggunakan kelas kontrol yakni 11 IPS 1 dan kelas eksperimen yakni 11 ips 2. Materi yang dikembangkan menggunakan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran sejarah dengan KD 3.2. untuk kelas 11. Modul digital yang telah dikembangkan dan diujicobakan menunjukkan data peningkatan pada motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar. peningkatan motivasi dengan menggunakan modul digital mencapai angka 85,5 persen dengan kriteria “Sangat Termotivasi”. Hasil belajar peserta didik diperoleh data dengan skor 83,87 persen yang dikategori “memuaskan”. Adapun analisa keefektifan modul digital secara umum melalui validasi ahli bahan ajar dan ahli materi diketahui mencapai angka 90 persen dan 92,4 persen yang dikategorikan “Valid” dengan sedikit revisi. Uji coba kelompok kecil dilakukan pada 9 orang sebagai sampel menunjukkan perolehan data sebesar 90,78 persen yang dikategorikan “praktis” sebagai bahan ajar. Sedangkan rerata skor pada uji coba kelompok besar menunjukkan persentase angka 87,77 persen. Analisa data keefektifan diperoleh dari hasil tes evaluasi dengan mengerjakan soal sebanyak 20 butir pilihan ganda. Setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan modul digital berbasis nilai kepahlawanan I Gusti Ketut Jelantik terdapat peningkatan
Hubungan Karakter Semangat Kebangsaan dengan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah kelas XI
Abstrak: Penelitian ini penting dilakukan karena memberikan wawasan tentang peran pendidikan dalam membentuk generasi yang tidak hanya unggul secara akademis, tetapi juga memiliki semangat kebangsaan yang kuat serta kesadaran sosial yang tinggi. Di tengah arus globalisasi, menanamkan karakter nasionalisme di sekolah menjadi semakin relevan untuk mempertahankan identitas bangsa dan mempersiapkan warga negara yang aktif dan bertanggung jawab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara indikator hasil belajar siswa, motivasi belajar, dan karakter semangat kebangsaan dalam membentuk warga negara yang aktif serta terlibat. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik korelasional, dan data dikumpulkan melalui survei menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh siswa dari berbagai program studi di MAN 1 Kota Malang. Kuesioner ini dirancang untuk mengukur tiga variabel utama: hasil belajar siswa, motivasi belajar, dan karakter semangat kebangsaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara indikator hasil belajar, motivasi belajar, dan karakter semangat kebangsaan. Nilai korelasi antara hasil belajar dan semangat kebangsaan adalah r = 0.45, sedangkan antara motivasi belajar dan semangat kebangsaan sebesar r = 0.52. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan moderat antara ketiga variabel tersebut, yang memperkuat dugaan bahwa peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar berperan dalam menumbuhkan semangat kebangsaan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa program pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai nasionalisme dapat membantu membentuk individu yang tidak hanya unggul secara akademis tetapi juga memiliki kesadaran sosial yang tinggi dan komitmen terhadap kemajuan komunitas.Abstract: This research is important because it provides insight into the role of education in shaping a generation that is not only academically superior, but also has a strong national spirit and high social awareness. In the midst of globalisation, instilling the character of nationalism in schools is becoming increasingly relevant to maintain the nation's identity and prepare active and responsible citizens. This study aims to identify the relationship between indicators of student learning outcomes, learning motivation, and national spirit character in shaping active and engaged citizens. The method used is a quantitative approach with correlational techniques, and data was collected through a survey using a questionnaire filled out by students from various study programmes at MAN 1 Malang City. The questionnaire was designed to measure three main variables: student learning outcomes, learning motivation, and national spirit character. The results showed a significant positive relationship between the indicators of learning outcomes, learning motivation, and national spirit character. The correlation value between learning outcomes and national spirit is r = 0.45, while between learning motivation and national spirit is r = 0.52. This indicates a moderate relationship between the three variables, which reinforces the notion that increased motivation and learning outcomes play a role in fostering national spirit. The implication of this study is that educational programmes that integrate nationalism values can help shape individuals who not only excel academically but also have high social awareness and commitment to the betterment of the community.
Background: Aedes aegypti mosquito is one of the vectors which is able to infect Dengue Hemoryhagic Fever disease mechanically. The examination offree rate of mosquito lat-va in Putwotladi ttist-rict, Grobogai rege,cy,is amounting 86 o/o. One of the techniques to control the population of Aedes aegypti mechaiicallll i, iy installing autocidal ovitrap simply and economically. objective of the research is ti inow the effect i1 ,ori, gauze color autocidal ovitrap on the number of Aedes Aegypti lar-vie which are trappetl. Type of ie resiarch is explanatory research by using experimental research design with post-test only tlisrgn approach. The researchsubject is conductecl in the surroundings of Purwodacti dtitrict seitlement *tti olrrr"e repetition. The measured variable consists of cover gauze color autocidal ovitrap antl the number of Aetles Aegtpti lat-vae which aretrapped. Collected data are analyzed with statistical test of one-way anovct rutth srgnifiilit level 5,%. Result of the research is that the numbers of Aedes aegtpti lar-vae, which ari trapped nrrr,:rliig to the categoD,of covet. gat:ze color autocidal ovitrap, are l9 black-colored larvae, l7 pink-cotored larvae, l2 white-colot-ed larttae, and S light blue-colored larvae. Result of the study of one-way inova is p:0, 5gg. In conclusion, there is noeffect of cover gauze color autocidal ovitrap on the number of Aecles aegypti larvee which are trappecl.Keywords : cover color, autocidal ovitrap, larvae, Aedes aegypt
Design of a Virtual Tour as a Solution for Promoting the Tourism Sector in the Pandemic Period
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism sector. Tourism businesses must adapt to new conditions and rearrange their promotional strategies so that they can survive in the new normal era. Since the pandemic started spreading in early 2020, the Government has recommended a new promotional initiative for the tourism sector through the use of technology that can be accessed remotely via the internet. One of these approaches is the presentation of virtual tourism in various ways to strengthen the brand and promote tourism, for example, through virtual reality. The aim of this research was to increase tourist visits to Kajoetangan Heritage Village through applying technology to create a virtual tourism portal application, thereby raising the attractiveness of thematic village tourist destinations in Malang City. Using the virtual reality design as a form of marketing communication could be an alternative solution to tourism promotion during the pandemic. A Research and Development approach was used in this study in the following order: (1) conducting product analysis to be developed; (2) developing initial products; (3) expert validation and revision; (4) small-scale field trials and product revisions; (5) field trials and final product. The results from the field test showed that users can gain awareness about tourism activities through this virtual reality product, which can therefore be effective in supporting tourism promotion during the pandemic period.
Keywords: virtual reality, COVID-1
Abstract: The Hindu-Buddhist heritage sites in Indonesia, dating back to the kingdom era, bear witness to the diverse religious practices coexisting among the people. These historically significant sites are frequently utilized in history lessons to underscore the nation's tradition of tolerance. However, questions arise about the extent of teachers' awareness regarding the tolerance content within these heritage sites and their effective incorporation of such content into history classes. Recent phenomena, such as children mocking each other and using religious symbols for jokes, emphasize the need for a comprehensive understanding of tolerance in history education. This descriptive qualitative research focuses on exploring history teachers' perceptions of implementing tolerance character education in high schools in SMA Malang Regency, examining their knowledge of tolerance content within Hindu-Buddhist sites in Malang Raya and the teaching methods employed for Hindu-Buddhist material. Conducted through interviews and research documentation with history teachers at SMA Malang Regency, the study ensures data validity through source triangulation. This research also employs data reduction, presentation, and verification in the analysis. The findings reveal that history teachers possess a reasonably good understanding of Hindu-Buddhist heritage sites in Greater Malang. Notably, teachers are knowledgeable about the tolerance content found in sites like Singosari Temple, Sumberawan Stupa, and Jago Temple, connecting this content to architectural features, religious practices of the past, and their relevance to contemporary society. In terms of teaching methods, some history teachers use cooperative learning and contextual teaching, emphasizing the importance of incorporating tolerance character education into the curriculum. All informants unanimously stress the significance of imparting tolerance education in the classroom as a crucial measure to prevent national disintegration, considering Indonesia's diverse conditions.Abstrak:Situs peninggalan Hindu-Buddha di Indonesia yang berasal dari masa kerajaan menjadi saksi beragamnya praktik keagamaan yang hidup berdampingan di kalangan masyarakat. Situs-situs bersejarah yang penting ini sering digunakan dalam pelajaran sejarah untuk menekankan pentngnya tradisi toleransi bangsa Indonesia. Namun, muncul pertanyaan tentang sejauh mana kesadaran guru mengenai konten toleransi dalam situs warisan tersebut dan efektivitas penggabungan konten tersebut ke dalam kelas sejarah. Fenomena terkini, seperti anak-anak yang saling mengejek dan menggunakan simbol agama untuk bercanda, menekankan perlunya pemahaman komprehensif tentang toleransi dalam pendidikan sejarah. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi guru sejarah terhadap penerapan pendidikan karakter toleransi di SMA se-Kabupaten Malang, mengkaji pengetahuan konten toleransi dalam situs Hindu-Buddha di Malang Raya, dan metode pengajaran yang digunakan pada materi Hindu-Buddha. Melalui wawancara dan penelitian dokumentasi dengan guru sejarah SMA Kabupaten Malang, penelitian ini menjamin keabsahan data melalui triangulasi sumber. Penelitian ini juga melakukan reduksi data, penyajian, dan verifikasi dalam analisisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru sejarah memiliki pemahaman yang cukup baik tentang situs peninggalan Hindu-Buddha di Malang Raya. Khususnya, para guru memiliki pengetahuan tentang konten toleransi yang terdapat di situs-situs seperti Candi Singosari, Stupa Sumberawan, dan Candi Jago, menghubungkan konten tersebut dengan ciri-ciri arsitektur, praktik keagamaan di masa lalu, dan relevansinya dengan masyarakat kontemporer. Dalam hal metode pengajaran, beberapa guru sejarah menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif dan pengajaran kontekstual, menekankan pentingnya memasukkan pendidikan karakter toleransi ke dalam kurikulum. Seluruh informan sepakat menekankan pentingnya pendidikan toleransi di kelas sebagai langkah penting untuk mencegah disintegrasi bangsa, mengingat kondisi Indonesia yang beragam