1,403 research outputs found

    Postmodern and posthuman literature

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    The thesis is an analysis and application of Posthuman theory. Beginning with a debate on societal progress between Slavoj Zizek and Francis Fukuyama, the thesis explores the possibility of a Posthuman ethics. The main theoretical contributors are Carey Wolfe, Corey Anton, and Benedict Anderson. The primary texts analyzed are Eric Blair\u27s (George Orwell) 1984, Aldous Huxley\u27s Brave New World, and William Gibson\u27s Neuromancer

    Energy challenges for ICT

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    The energy consumption from the expanding use of information and communications technology (ICT) is unsustainable with present drivers, and it will impact heavily on the future climate change. However, ICT devices have the potential to contribute signi - cantly to the reduction of CO2 emission and enhance resource e ciency in other sectors, e.g., transportation (through intelligent transportation and advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving vehicles), heating (through smart building control), and manu- facturing (through digital automation based on smart autonomous sensors). To address the energy sustainability of ICT and capture the full potential of ICT in resource e - ciency, a multidisciplinary ICT-energy community needs to be brought together cover- ing devices, microarchitectures, ultra large-scale integration (ULSI), high-performance computing (HPC), energy harvesting, energy storage, system design, embedded sys- tems, e cient electronics, static analysis, and computation. In this chapter, we introduce challenges and opportunities in this emerging eld and a common framework to strive towards energy-sustainable ICT

    An integration of partial evaluation in a generic abstract interpretation framework

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    Information generated by abstract interpreters has long been used to perform program specialization. Additionally, if the abstract interpreter generates a multivariant analysis, it is also possible to perform mĂșltiple specialization. Information about valĂșes of variables is propagated by simulating program execution and performing fixpoint computations for recursive calis. In contrast, traditional partial evaluators (mainly) use unfolding for both propagating valĂșes of variables and transforming the program. It is known that abstract interpretation is a better technique for propagating success valĂșes than unfolding. However, the program transformations induced by unfolding may lead to important optimizations which are not directly achievable in the existing frameworks for mĂșltiple specialization based on abstract interpretation. The aim of this work is to devise a specialization framework which integrates the better information propagation of abstract interpretation with the powerful program transformations performed by partial evaluation, and which can be implemented via small modifications to existing generic abstract interpreters. With this aim, we will relate top-down abstract interpretation with traditional concepts in partial evaluation and sketch how the sophisticated techniques developed for controlling partial evaluation can be adapted to the proposed specialization framework. We conclude that there can be both practical and conceptual advantages in the proposed integration of partial evaluation and abstract interpretation

    A structural systematic study of three isomers of difluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide

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    The isomers 2,3-, (I), 2,4-, (II), and 2,5-difluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide, (III), all with formula C₁₂H₈F₂N₂O, all exhibit intramolecular C-H...O=C and N-H...F contacts [both with S(6) motifs]. In (I), intermolecular N-H...O=C interactions form one-dimensional chains along [010] [N...O = 3.0181 (16) Å], with weaker C-H...N interactions linking the chains into sheets parallel to the [001] plane, further linked into pairs via C-H...F contacts about inversion centres; a three-dimensional herring-bone network forms via C-H...π(py) (py is pyridyl) interactions. In (II), weak aromatic C-H...N(py) interactions form one-dimensional zigzag chains along [001]; no other interactions with H...N/O/F < 2.50 Å are present, apart from long N/C-H...O=C and C-H...F contacts. In (III), N-H...N(py) interactions form one-dimensional zigzag chains [as C(6) chains] along [010] augmented by a myriad of weak C-H...π(arene) and O=C...O=C interactions and C-H...O/N/F contacts. Compound (III) is isomorphous with the parent N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide [Noveron, Lah, Del Sesto, Arif, Miller & Stang (2002). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 6613-6625] and the three 2/3/4-fluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamides [Donnelly, Gallagher & Lough (2008). Acta Cryst. C64, o335-o340]. The study expands our series of fluoro(pyridyl)benzamides and augments our understanding of the competition between strong hydrogen-bond formation and weaker influences on crystal packing

    A structural systematic study of four isomers of difluoro-N-(3-pyridyl)benzamide

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    The four isomers 2,4-, (I), 2,5-, (II), 3,4-, (III), and 3,5-difluoro-N-(3-pyridyl)benzamide, (IV), all with formula C12H8F2N2O, display molecular similarity, with interplanar angles between the C6/C5N rings ranging from 2.94 (11)° in (IV) to 4.48 (18)° in (I), although the amide group is twisted from either plane by 18.0 (2)-27.3 (3)°. Compounds (I) and (II) are isostructural but are not isomorphous. Intermolecular N-H...O=C interactions form one-dimensional C(4) chains along [010]. The only other significant interaction is C-H...F. The pyridyl (py) N atom does not participate in hydrogen bonding; the closest H...Npy contact is 2.71 Å in (I) and 2.69 Å in (II). Packing of pairs of one-dimensional chains in a herring-bone fashion occurs via [pi]-stacking interactions. Compounds (III) and (IV) are essentially isomorphous (their a and b unit-cell lengths differ by 9%, due mainly to 3,4-F2 and 3,5-F2 substitution patterns in the arene ring) and are quasi-isostructural. In (III), benzene rotational disorder is present, with the meta F atom occupying both 3- and 5-F positions with site occupancies of 0.809 (4) and 0.191 (4), respectively. The N-H...Npy intermolecular interactions dominate as C(5) chains in tandem with C-H...Npy interactions. C-H...O=C interactions form R22(8) rings about inversion centres, and there are [pi]-[pi] stacks about inversion centres, all combining to form a three-dimensional network. By contrast, (IV) has no strong hydrogen bonds; the N-H...Npy interaction is 0.3 Å longer than in (III). The carbonyl O atom participates only in weak interactions and is surrounded in a square-pyramidal contact geometry with two intramolecular and three intermolecular C-H...O=C interactions. Compounds (III) and (IV) are interesting examples of two isomers with similar unit-cell parameters and gross packing but which display quite different intermolecular interactions at the primary level due to subtle packing differences at the atom/group/ring level arising from differences in the peripheral ring-substitution patterns

    Energy-Aware Software Engineering

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    A great deal of energy in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems can be wasted by software, regardless of how energy-efficient the underlying hardware is. To avoid such waste, programmers need to understand the energy consumption of programs during the development process rather than waiting to measure energy after deployment. Such understanding is hindered by the large conceptual gap from hardware, where energy is consumed, to high-level languages and programming abstractions. The approaches described in this chapter involve two main topics: energy modelling and energy analysis. The purpose of modelling is to attribute energy values to programming constructs, whether at the level of machine instructions, intermediate code or source code. Energy analysis involves inferring the energy consumption of a program from the program semantics along with an energy model. Finally, the chapter discusses how energy analysis and modelling techniques can be incorporated in software engineering tools, including existing compilers, to assist the energy-aware programmer to optimise the energy consumption of code

    An Experiment Combining Specialization with Abstract Interpretation

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    It was previously shown that control-flow refinement can be achieved by a program specializer incorporating property-based abstraction, to improve termination and complexity analysis tools. We now show that this purpose-built specializer can be reconstructed in a more modular way, and that the previous results can be achieved using an off-the-shelf partial evaluation tool, applied to an abstract interpreter. The key feature of the abstract interpreter is the abstract domain, which is the product of the property-based abstract domain with the concrete domain. This language-independent framework provides a practical approach to implementing a variety of powerful specializers, and contributes to a stream of research on using interpreters and specialization to achieve program transformations.Comment: In Proceedings VPT/HCVS 2020, arXiv:2008.0248

    State of Utah v. Richard Menke : Brief of Appellant

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    Appeal from a judgment and conviction pursuant to a conditional plea for Retail Theft, a class A misdemeanor, in violation of Utah Code Ann. §76-6-602(1) in the Third Circuit Court, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the Honorable Paul G. Grant, Judge, presiding

    Chapter Energy-Aware Software Engineering

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    Polystyrene (PS) is a petroleum‐based plastic made from styrene (vinyl benzene) monomer. Since it was first commercially produced in 1930, it has been used for a wide range of commercial, packaging and building purposes. In 2012, approximately 32.7 million tonnes of styrene were produced globally, and polystyrene is now a ubiquitous household item worldwide. In 1986, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that the polystyrene manufacturing process was the fifth largest source of hazardous waste. Styrene has been linked to adverse health effects in humans, and in 2014, it was listed as a possible carcinogen. Yet, despite mounting evidence and public concern regarding the toxicity of styrene, the product of the polymerisation of styrene, PS, is not considered hazardous. This chapter draws on a series of movements called the ‘new materialisms’ to attend to the relational, unstable and contingent nature of PS, monomers and other additives in diverse environments, and thus, we highlight the complexities involved in the categorisation of PS as ‘hazardous’ and the futility of demarcating PS as ‘household waste'. While local examples are drawn from the New Zealand context, the key messages are transferrable to most policy contexts and diverse geographical locations
