181 research outputs found

    Will Health Care Reform Hurt the Economy and Increase Unemployment?

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    Outlines the likely effects of healthcare reform on the economy and jobs in 2010-19. Estimates health expenditures, offsetting effects, cost containment measures, benefits to state and local governments including new taxes, and impact on small businesses

    Will Health Care Reform Increase the Deficit and National Debt?

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    Examines the Congressional Budget Office's projection for healthcare reform to reduce the federal deficit by $143 billion in 2010-19, the debate over its accuracy, and uncertainties including changes in coverage, Medicare payments, and private premiums

    America Under the Affordable Care Act

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    Provides an overview of how the 2010 healthcare reform law will change Americans' health insurance coverage, the number of uninsured, and overall spending on acute care for the non-elderly by households, employers, and the government

    Medicare, Medicaid and the Deficit Debate

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    Examines 2000-10 Medicare and Medicaid expenditures; projections for 2011-20 from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Congressional Budget Office; contributing factors, including enrollment growth; and proposals for curbing spending

    The Decline in the Uninsured in 2007: Why Did It Happen and Can It Last?

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    Examines 2004-07 trends in the number of non-elderly uninsured, the drop in 2007, employer and public coverage rates, and the causes of the rise in public coverage, most likely temporary. Provides data by income, region, age, and other demographics

    Are We Heading Toward Socialized Medicine?

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    Defines socialized medicine, examines claims that the State Children's Health Insurance Plan and Democratic presidential candidates' reform plans would lead to government-run health care, and compares the plans with Republicans' market-oriented proposals

    Medicaid Coverage and Spending in Health Reform: National and State-by-State Results for Adults at or Below 133% FPL

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    Estimates state and national cost increases from the 2010 health reform law's expansion of Medicaid to adults under age 65 with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty line in relation to enrollment increases under two outreach scenarios

    Rising Unemployment, Medicaid and the Uninsured

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    Estimates the impact of different levels of unemployment on healthcare coverage and state costs for Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP) and the uninsured. Considers the impact of proportional budget cuts on Medicaid and SCHIP

    Changes in Health Insurance Coverage in the Great Recession, 2007-2010

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    Examines trends in the number of uninsured by age, race/ethnicity, work status, citizenship status, and region; contributing factors such as the decline in employer-sponsored coverage and real incomes; and mitigating factors such as Medicaid provisions

    What Is the Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on the States?

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    Outlines how the 2010 healthcare reform law's Medicaid provisions will increase state spending on Medicaid but will reduce spending in other areas, such as uncompensated care and children's health insurance programs. Examines federal funding and offsets
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