2,151 research outputs found

    Binary Capture Rates for Massive Protostars

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    The high multiplicity of massive stars in dense, young clusters is established early in their evolution. The mechanism behind this remains unresolved. Recent results suggest that massive protostars may capture companions through disk interactions with much higher efficiency than their solar mass counterparts. However, this conclusion is based on analytic determinations of capture rates and estimates of the robustness of the resulting binaries. We present the results of coupled n-body and SPH simulations of star-disk encounters to further test the idea that disk-captured binaries contribute to the observed multiplicity of massive stars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    TakeCARE, a Video Bystander Program to Help Prevent Sexual Violence on College Campuses: Results of Two Randomized, Controlled Trials

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    Objective: The present research reports on two randomized controlled trials evaluating TakeCARE, a video bystander program designed to help prevent sexual violence on college campuses. Method: In Study 1, students were recruited from psychology courses at two universities. In Study 2, first-year students were recruited from a required course at one university. In both studies, students were randomly assigned to view one of two videos: TakeCARE or a control video on study skills. Just before viewing the videos, students completed measures of bystander behavior toward friends and ratings of self-efficacy for performing such behaviors. The efficacy measure was administered again after the video, and both the bystander behavior measure and the efficacy measure were administered at either one (Study 1) or two (Study 2) months later. Results: In both studies, students who viewed TakeCARE, compared to students who viewed the control video, reported engaging in more bystander behavior toward friends and greater feelings of efficacy for performing such behavior. In Study 1, feelings of efficacy mediated effects of TakeCARE on bystander behavior; this result did not emerge in Study 2. Conclusions: This research demonstrates that TakeCARE, a video bystander program, can positively influence bystander behavior toward friends. Given its potential to be easily distributed to an entire campus community, TakeCARE might be an effective addition to campus efforts to prevent sexual violence


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    In 1994 and 1995, the National Survey of Recreation and Environment (NSRE) was accomplished by interviewing approximately 17,000 Americans over age 15 in random-digit-dialing telephone samplings. The primary purpose was to learn about the outdoor recreation activities of people over age 15 in the United States. They were asked about their participation in 62 specific recreation activities.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Z(2)-Singlino Dark Matter in a Portal-Like Extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

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    We propose a Z2-stabilized singlino () as a dark matter candidate in extended and R-parity violating versions of the supersymmetric standard model. interacts with visible matter via a heavy messenger field S, which results in a supersymmetric version of the Higgs portal interaction. The relic abundance of can account for cold dark matter if the messenger mass satisfies GeV. Our model can be implemented in many realistic supersymmetric models such as the next-to-minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) standard model and nearly minimal SUSY standard model

    TakeCARE, a Video to Promote Bystander Behavior on College Campuses: Replication and Extension

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    Previous research has demonstrated that college students who view TakeCARE, a video bystander program designed to encourage students to take action to prevent sexual and relationship violence (i.e., bystander behavior), display more bystander behavior relative to students who view a control video. The current study aimed to replicate and extend these findings by testing two different methods of administering TakeCARE and examining moderators of TakeCARE’s effects on bystander behavior. Students at four universities (n = 557) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (a) view TakeCARE in a monitored computer lab, (b) view TakeCARE at their own convenience after receiving an email link to the video, or (c) view a video about study skills (control group). Participants completed measures of bystander behavior at baseline and at a 1-month follow-up. Participants in both TakeCARE conditions reported more bystander behavior at follow-up assessments, compared with participants in the control condition. The beneficial effect of TakeCARE did not differ significantly across administration methods. However, the effects of TakeCARE on bystander behavior were moderated by students’ perceptions of campus responsiveness to sexual violence, with more potent effects when students perceived their institution as responsive to reports of sexual violence

    B553: Consumer Packages for Maine Mcintosh Apples

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    Three kinds of consumer packages for apples were developed for testing in the 1955-56 marketing season. In developing these packages, the authors modified the jumble-pack, polyethylene package in a way that would protect the fruit from most of the bruising and still maintain almost complete visibility of the fruit. One consumer package developed was a long narrow polyethylene bag, another was a polyethylene bag with a divider insert, and the third package had a cell partition placed in a similar plastic bag. All three packages were well accepted by consumers in the Portland market.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1085/thumbnail.jp

    The manifest association structure of the single-factor model: insights from partial correlations

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    The association structure between manifest variables arising from the single-factor model is investigated using partial correlations. The additional insights to the practitioner provided by partial correlations for detecting a single-factor model are discussed. The parameter space for the partial correlations is presented, as are the patterns of signs in a matrix containing the partial correlations that are not compatible with a single-factor model
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