3,072 research outputs found
Kalman Filtering with Uncertain Process and Measurement Noise Covariances with Application to State Estimation in Sensor Networks
Distributed state estimation under uncertain process
and measurement noise covariances is considered. An
algorithm based on sensor fusion using Kalman filtering is
investigated. It is shown that if the covariances are decomposed into a known nominal covariance plus an uncertainty term, then the uncertainty of the actual estimation error covariance for the Kalman filter grows linearly with the size of the uncertainty term. This result is extended to the sensor fusion scheme to give an upper bound on the actual error covariance for the fused state estimate. Examples are provided to illustrate how the theory can be applied in practice
Change Sensor Topology When Needed: How to Efficiently Use System Resources in Control and Estimation Over Wireless Networks
New control paradigms are needed for large networks
of wireless sensors and actuators in order to efficiently
utilize system resources. In this paper we consider when
feedback control loops are formed locally to detect, monitor, and counteract disturbances that hit a plant at random instances in time and space. A sensor node that detects a disturbance dynamically forms a local multi-hop tree of sensors and fuse the data into a state estimate. It is shown that the optimal estimator over a sensor tree is given by a Kalman filter of certain structure. The tree is optimized such that the overall transmission energy is minimized but guarantees a specified level of estimation accuracy. A sensor network reconfiguration algorithm is presented that leads to a suboptimal solution and has low computational complexity. A linear control law based
on the state estimate is applied and it is argued that it leads to a closed-loop control system that minimizes a quadratic cost function. The sensor network reconfiguration and the feedback control law are illustrated on an example
Stochastic Online Shortest Path Routing: The Value of Feedback
This paper studies online shortest path routing over multi-hop networks. Link
costs or delays are time-varying and modeled by independent and identically
distributed random processes, whose parameters are initially unknown. The
parameters, and hence the optimal path, can only be estimated by routing
packets through the network and observing the realized delays. Our aim is to
find a routing policy that minimizes the regret (the cumulative difference of
expected delay) between the path chosen by the policy and the unknown optimal
path. We formulate the problem as a combinatorial bandit optimization problem
and consider several scenarios that differ in where routing decisions are made
and in the information available when making the decisions. For each scenario,
we derive a tight asymptotic lower bound on the regret that has to be satisfied
by any online routing policy. These bounds help us to understand the
performance improvements we can expect when (i) taking routing decisions at
each hop rather than at the source only, and (ii) observing per-link delays
rather than end-to-end path delays. In particular, we show that (i) is of no
use while (ii) can have a spectacular impact. Three algorithms, with a
trade-off between computational complexity and performance, are proposed. The
regret upper bounds of these algorithms improve over those of the existing
algorithms, and they significantly outperform state-of-the-art algorithms in
numerical experiments.Comment: 18 page
Two-Electron Photon Emission From Metallic Quantum Wells
Unusual emission of visible light is observed in scanning tunneling
microscopy of the quantum well system Na on Cu(111). Photons are emitted at
energies exceeding the energy of the tunneling electrons. Model calculations of
two-electron processes which lead to quantum well transitions reproduce the
experimental fluorescence spectra, the quantum yield, and the power-law
variation of the intensity with the excitation current.Comment: revised version, as published; 4 pages, 3 figure
Using WordNet to Extend FrameNet Coverage
We present two methods to address the problem of sparsity in the FrameNet lexical database. The first method is based on the idea that a word that belongs to a frame is ``similar'' to the other words in that frame. We measure the similarity using a WordNet-based variant of the Lesk metric. The second method uses the sequence of synsets in WordNet hypernym trees as feature vectors that can be used to train a classifier to determine whether a word belongs to a frame or not. The extended dictionary produced by the second method was used in a system for FrameNet-based semantic analysis and gave an improvement in recall. We believe that the methods are useful for bootstrapping FrameNets for new languages
Extended Constituent-to-Dependency Conversion for English
Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference
of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007.
Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit.
University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007.
ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online)
ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM)
pp. 105-112
How to Adapt Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Models to a Text-only Input?
Current language models have been criticised for learning language from text
alone without connection between words and their meaning. Consequently,
multimodal training has been proposed as a way for creating models with better
language understanding by providing the lacking connection. We focus on
pre-trained multimodal vision-and-language (VL) models for which there already
are some results on their language understanding capabilities. An unresolved
issue with evaluating the linguistic skills of these models, however, is that
there is no established method for adapting them to text-only input without
out-of-distribution uncertainty. To find the best approach, we investigate and
compare seven possible methods for adapting three different pre-trained VL
models to text-only input. Our evaluations on both GLUE and Visual Property
Norms (VPN) show that care should be put into adapting VL models to zero-shot
text-only tasks, while the models are less sensitive to how we adapt them to
non-zero-shot tasks. We also find that the adaptation methods perform
differently for different models and that unimodal model counterparts perform
on par with the VL models regardless of adaptation, indicating that current VL
models do not necessarily gain better language understanding from their
multimodal training
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