7 research outputs found

    Appendix A. Components and parameter values of the integral projection models for 11 Phyteuma spicatumpopulations in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008.

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    Components and parameter values of the integral projection models for 11 Phyteuma spicatumpopulations in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008

    Appendix E. Elasticity of population growth rate to changes in survival, growth, and reproduction in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008.

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    Elasticity of population growth rate to changes in survival, growth, and reproduction in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008

    Appendix B. Effects of population on growth of seedlings, juveniles, and adults in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008.

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    Effects of population on growth of seedlings, juveniles, and adults in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008

    Appendix C. Effects of population on survival of seedlings, juveniles, and adults in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008.

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    Effects of population on survival of seedlings, juveniles, and adults in 2006–2007 and 2007–2008