25 research outputs found

    A calibration method for non-overlapping cameras based on mirrored phase target

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    A novel calibration method for non-overlapping cameras is proposed in this paper. A LCD screen is used as a phase target to display two groups of orthogonal phase-shifted sinusoidal patterns during the calibration process. Through a mirror reflection, the phase target is captured by the cameras respectively. The relations between each camera and the phase target can be obtained according the proposed algorithm. Then the relation between the cameras can be calculated by treating the phase target as an intermediate value. The proposed method is more flexible than conventional mirror-based approach, because it do not require the common identification points and is robust to out-of-focus images. Both simulation work and experimental results show the proposed calibration method has a good result in calibrating a non-overlapping cameras system

    Marie-Claire / dir. Jean Prouvost

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    20 septembre 19411941/09/20 (A0,N217)-1941/09/20.Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : UnivJeun

    Additional file 11: Figure S5. of Genome analysis of the sugar beet pathogen Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2IIIB revealed high numbers in secreted proteins and cell wall degrading enzymes

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    Phenotypic assessment of R. solani AG2-2IIIB infection on roots of four sugar beet genotypes. 13-weeks old plants, were inoculated with R. solani AG2-2IIIB by putting 4 infected barley kernels approximately 1 cm from the root and 1.5 cm down in the soil on 4 sides of each root. The graph shows estimated percentage of the root surface covered by necrosis in relation to healthy tissue. At least three roots for each time-point were scored. The observations are presented as average values (Y-axis). (PDF 314 kb

    Cultural contributions of muslims to the Western civilization

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    Following work deals with cultural benefits of muslims to the European civilization, especially in area of Spain. (Historical Al-Andalus). The Introduction deals with overall benefits in science (mathematics, astronomy, medicine), economy and trade, culture, and influences in religion. Main part of work is devoted to description of arabian medieval music in Spain, and Ziryab, musician who was significantly involved in importing arabian music. Last part deals with modern arabian music in recent western civilization

    Proposed model for sRNA pathways in <i>P. infestans</i>.

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    <p><b>A</b>. siRNA pathway. Transcription of repeat regions or transposons, heterochromatic regions or natural antisense transcripts and exogenous dsRNAs will lead to formation of long precursor dsRNAs. PiDcl1 processes these dsRNA into predominantly 21 nt siRNAs, in some instances in association with PiRnh5 (Dicer-like helicase). The 21 nt siRNAs generated by PiDcl1 associate with one of the PiAgo proteins, leading to degradation of target mRNAs. <b>B</b>. Long siRNA (lsiRNA) pathway. lsiRNAs are generated by PiAgo4 and 5 from transposons, coding genes, or overlapping regions of antisense transcription, or dsRNA generated by RNA polymerases. This may be a PiDcl1 independent pathway. Both pathways could be linked via one of the AGOs to heterochromatin formation aided by histone deacetylases and chromodomain proteins. RdR could further amplify the silencing.</p