2,598 research outputs found
On the energy spectrum of strong magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
The energy spectrum of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence attracts interest due
to its fundamental importance and its relevance for interpreting astrophysical
data. Here we present measurements of the energy spectra from a series of
high-resolution direct numerical simulations of MHD turbulence with a strong
guide field and for increasing Reynolds number. The presented simulations, with
numerical resolutions up to 2048^3 mesh points and statistics accumulated over
30 to 150 eddy turnover times, constitute, to the best of our knowledge, the
largest statistical sample of steady state MHD turbulence to date. We study
both the balanced case, where the energies associated with Alfv\'en modes
propagating in opposite directions along the guide field, E^+ and $E^-, are
equal, and the imbalanced case where the energies are different. In the
balanced case, we find that the energy spectrum converges to a power law with
exponent -3/2 as the Reynolds number is increased, consistent with
phenomenological models that include scale-dependent dynamic alignment. For the
imbalanced case, with E^+>E^-, the simulations show that E^- ~ k_{\perp}^{-3/2}
for all Reynolds numbers considered, while E^+ has a slightly steeper spectrum
at small Re. As the Reynolds number increases, E^+ flattens. Since both E^+ and
E^- are pinned at the dissipation scale and anchored at the driving scales, we
postulate that at sufficiently high Re the spectra will become parallel in the
inertial range and scale as E^+ ~ E^- ~ k_{\perp}^{-3/2}. Questions regarding
the universality of the spectrum and the value of the "Kolmogorov constant" are
discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review X
Magnetic Discontinuities in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and in the Solar Wind
Recent measurements of solar wind turbulence report the presence of
intermittent, exponentially distributed angular discontinuities in the magnetic
field. In this Letter, we study whether such discontinuities can be produced by
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. We detect the discontinuities by
measuring the fluctuations of the magnetic field direction, Delta theta, across
fixed spatial increments Delta x in direct numerical simulations of MHD
turbulence with an imposed uniform guide field B_0. A large region of the
probability density function (pdf) for Delta theta is found to follow an
exponential decay, proportional to exp(-Delta theta/theta_*), with
characteristic angle theta_* ~ (14 deg) (b_rms/B_0)^0.65 for a broad range of
guide-field strengths. We find that discontinuities observed in the solar wind
can be reproduced by MHD turbulence with reasonable ratios of b_rms/B_0. We
also observe an excess of small angular discontinuities when Delta x becomes
small, possibly indicating an increasing statistical significance of
dissipation-scale structures. The structure of the pdf in this case closely
resembles the two-population pdf seen in the solar wind. We thus propose that
strong discontinuities are associated with inertial-range MHD turbulence, while
weak discontinuities emerge from near-dissipation-range turbulence. In
addition, we find that the structure functions of the magnetic field direction
exhibit anomalous scaling exponents, which indicates the existence of
intermittent structures.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter
Collaborative public procurement: Institutional explanations of legitimised resistance
This paper reports on the barriers to regional collaborative procurement developed from an action research study of five UK public authorities in the emergency services sector. Despite political pressure to procure collaboratively, strategic avoidance responses of institutional logics and symbolic tick boxing legitimise stakeholder resistance to isomorphic forces and entrench operational barriers. The prevailing institutional logics are that regional collaborative procurement is unsuitable and risky, derived from procurement's lack of status and the emotive nature of the emergency services. Symbolic tick boxing is seen through collaboration that is limited to high profile spend categories, enabling organisations to demonstrate compliance while simultaneously retaining local decision-making for less visible, but larger areas of spend. The findings expose choice mechanisms in public procurement by exploring tensions arising from collaborative procurement strategies within, and between, organisations. Multiple stakeholders' perspectives add to current thinking on how organisations create institutional logics to avoid institutional pressure to procure collaboratively and how stakeholders legitimise their actions
Scaling properties of small-scale fluctuations in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
This is the final version of the article. Available from IOP via the DOI in this record.Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the majority of natural systems, including the interstellar medium, the solar corona, and the solar wind, has Reynolds numbers far exceeding the Reynolds numbers achievable in numerical experiments. Much attention is therefore drawn to the universal scaling properties of small-scale fluctuations, which can be reliably measured in the simulations and then extrapolated to astrophysical scales. However, in contrast with hydrodynamic turbulence, where the universal structure of the inertial and dissipation intervals is described by the Kolmogorov self-similarity, the scaling for MHD turbulence cannot be established based solely on dimensional arguments due to the presence of an intrinsic velocity scale-the Alfvén velocity. In this Letter, we demonstrate that the Kolmogorov first self-similarity hypothesis cannot be formulated for MHD turbulence in the same way it is formulated for the hydrodynamic case. Besides profound consequences for the analytical consideration, this also imposes stringent conditions on numerical studies of MHD turbulence. In contrast with the hydrodynamic case, the discretization scale in numerical simulations of MHD turbulence should decrease faster than the dissipation scale, in order for the simulations to remain resolved as the Reynolds number increases
Dynamic Alignment and Exact Scaling Laws in MHD Turbulence
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is pervasive in astrophysical systems.
Recent high-resolution numerical simulations suggest that the energy spectrum
of strong incompressible MHD turbulence is . So far, there has been no phenomenological theory that
simultaneously explains this spectrum and satisfies the exact analytic
relations for MHD turbulence due to Politano & Pouquet. Indeed, the
Politano-Pouquet relations are often invoked to suggest that the spectrum of
MHD turbulence instead has the Kolmogorov scaling -5/3. Using geometrical
arguments and numerical tests, here we analyze this seeming contradiction and
demonstrate that the -3/2 scaling and the Politano-Pouquet relations are
reconciled by the phenomenon of scale-dependent dynamic alignment that was
recently discovered in MHD turbulence.Comment: Published versio
Solitary dynamo waves
Abstract Long dynamo waves are a characteristic feature of interface dynamo models with spatially localized α and Ω effects. The evolution of such waves is described by the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Solutions to this equation take the form of solitary waves, breathers, and snoidal and cnoidal waves, and represent nonlinear waves of magnetic activity that migrate towards the equator, as observed on the Sun. Averaging techniques extend the theory to longer times and relate the amplitude of these waves to the dynamo number
Flux expulsion with dynamics
In the process of flux expulsion, a magnetic field is expelled from a region of closed streamlines on a TR1/3 m time scale, for magnetic Reynolds number Rm ≫ 1 (T being the turnover time of the flow). This classic result applies in the kinematic regime where the flow field is specified independently of the magnetic field. A weak magnetic ‘core’ is left at the centre of a closed region of streamlines, and this decays exponentially on the TR1/2 m time scale. The present paper extends these results to the dynamical regime, where there is competition between the process of flux expulsion and the Lorentz force, which suppresses the differential rotation. This competition is studied using a quasi-linear model in which the flow is constrained to be axisymmetric. The magnetic Prandtl number Rm/Re is taken to be small, Rm large, and a range of initial field strengths b0 is considered. Two scaling laws are proposed and confirmed numerically. For initial magnetic fields below the threshold bcore = O(UR−1/3 m ), flux expulsion operates despite the Lorentz force, cutting through field lines to result in the formation of a central core of magnetic field. Here U is a velocity scale of the flow and magnetic fields are measured in Alfv´en units. For larger initial fields the Lorentz force is dominant and the flow creates Alfv´en waves that propagate away. The second threshold is bdynam = O(UR−3/4 m ), below which the field follows the kinematic evolution and decays rapidly. Between these two thresholds the magnetic field is strong enough to suppress differential rotation leaving a magnetically controlled core spinning in solid body motion, which then decays slowly on a time scale of order TRm
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