381 research outputs found

    DataSheet_1_A comprehensive approach to assessing eutrophication for the Guangdong coastal waters in China.docx

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    Eutrophication is a global issue associated with increasing anthropogenic activities. Previous studies have mainly focused on nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in some typical estuaries and bays along the Guangdong coast, while integrated evaluations of eutrophication status based on ecological symptoms is still rare in this area. To better understand the health of the Guangdong coastal waters, two comprehensive methods including the Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS) and the Northwest Pacific Action Plan Common Procedure (NOWPAP CP) were employed with slight modifications. The study area was divided into eight coastal zones (Z1~Z8) based on multiple criteria including salinity, catchment range, and administrative division. The results of the modified NOWPAP CP method demonstrated a generally increasing trend in the degree and effects of nutrient enrichment along the Guangdong coast in the past 30 years mainly due to the increasing nutrients and chlorophyll a (Chl-a). The results of the modified ASSETS method revealed that the water quality was between moderate and high for most coastal zones during 2015-2018, with the highest score (0.83) in the northern part of the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). However, the ecological symptoms showed inconsistent spatial patterns with the water quality, being high or moderate high in Z2 (including Zhanjiang Harbor and Leizhou Bay), Z4~Z5 (representing the northern and southern parts of the PRE, respectively), and Z6 (containing Mirs Bay and Daya Bay) for severe ecological symptoms, such as high levels of Chl-a, frequent harmful algal blooms (HABs). Moreover, eutrophication in Z4~Z6 may further deteriorate due to the increasing nutrient loads driven by growing economy and population. Synthetically, Z2, Z4~Z6 were graded between poor and bad for the overall eutrophication conditions (OEC), while Z1 (including the western and southern parts of the Leizhou Peninsula) and Z7 (consisting of Honghai Bay and Jieshi Bay) had a good OEC. The application of the modified ASSETS method effectively identified areas of severe eutrophication problems and the prospect of nutrient load along the Guangdong coast. The assessment results revealed the spatiotemporal variations and potential trends in the eutrophication status, providing scientific basis for the coastal management related to nutrient problems.</p

    <i>N</i>‑Bromosuccinimide-Induced Aminocyclization–Aziridine Ring-Expansion Cascade: An Asymmetric and Highly Stereoselective Approach toward the Synthesis of Azepane

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    A novel <i>N</i>-bromosuccinimide induced aminocyclization–aziridine ring expansion cascade is reported. Substituted azepanes were isolated exclusively in good yields. The azepane products could be transformed into a number of functional molecules including piperidines, a bicyclic amine, and a bridgehead amide

    Synthesis of Reboxetine Intermediate and Carnitine Acetyltransferase Inhibitor via NBS-Induced Electrophilic Multicomponent Reaction

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    <i>N</i>-Bromosuccinimide-induced electrophilic multicomponent reaction has been applied to the synthesis of Reboxetine intermediate, a highly potent selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. By simply changing the olefinic partner, the synthesis of a carnitine acetyltransferase inhibitor, which contains a 2,6,6-trisubstituted morpholine system, can be accomplished

    Synthesis of Reboxetine Intermediate and Carnitine Acetyltransferase Inhibitor via NBS-Induced Electrophilic Multicomponent Reaction

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    <i>N</i>-Bromosuccinimide-induced electrophilic multicomponent reaction has been applied to the synthesis of Reboxetine intermediate, a highly potent selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. By simply changing the olefinic partner, the synthesis of a carnitine acetyltransferase inhibitor, which contains a 2,6,6-trisubstituted morpholine system, can be accomplished

    Multicomponent Approach in the Synthesis of 2,2,6-Trisubstituted Morpholine Derivatives

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    An efficient synthesis of 2,2,6-trisubstituted morpholine is described which involves a multicomponent process by simply mixing epichlorohydrin, <i>N</i>-bromosuccinimide, nosyl amide, and an olefin. The products contain chloride handles which are suitable for further modification

    Evapotranspiration Measurement and Crop Coefficient Estimation over a Spring Wheat Farmland Ecosystem in the Loess Plateau

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    <div><p>Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component of the surface energy balance and hydrological cycle. In this study, the eddy covariance technique was used to measure ET of the semi-arid farmland ecosystem in the Loess Plateau during 2010 growing season (April to September). The characteristics and environmental regulations of ET and crop coefficient (Kc) were investigated. The results showed that the diurnal variation of latent heat flux (LE) was similar to single-peak shape for each month, with the largest peak value of LE occurring in August (151.4 W m<sup>−2</sup>). The daily ET rate of the semi-arid farmland in the Loess Plateau also showed clear seasonal variation, with the maximum daily ET rate of 4.69 mm day<sup>−1</sup>. Cumulative ET during 2010 growing season was 252.4 mm, and lower than precipitation. Radiation was the main driver of farmland ET in the Loess Plateau, which explained 88% of the variances in daily ET (p<0.001). The farmland Kc values showed the obvious seasonal fluctuation, with the average of 0.46. The correlation analysis between daily Kc and its major environmental factors indicated that wind speed (Ws), relative humidity (RH), soil water content (SWC), and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) were the major environmental regulations of daily Kc. The regression analysis results showed that Kc exponentially decreased with Ws increase, an exponentially increased with RH, SWC increase, and a linearly decreased with VPD increase. An experiential Kc model for the semi-arid farmland in the Loess Plateau, driven by Ws, RH, SWC and VPD, was developed, showing a good consistency between the simulated and the measured Kc values.</p></div

    Self-Assembled Large-Area Annular Cavity Arrays with Tunable Cylindrical Surface Plasmons for Sensing

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    Surface plasmons that propagate along cylindrical metal/dielectric interfaces in annular apertures in metal films, called cylindrical surface plasmons (CSPs), exhibit attractive optical characteristics. However, it is challenging to fabricate these nanocoaxial structures. Here, we demonstrate a practical low-cost route to manufacture highly ordered, large-area annular cavity arrays (ACAs) that can support CSPs with great tunability. By employing a sol–gel coassembly method, reactive ion etching and metal sputtering techniques, regular, highly ordered ACAs in square-centimeter-scale with a gap width tunable in the range of several to hundreds of nanometers have been produced with good reproducibility. Ag ACAs with a gap width of 12 nm and a gap height of 635 nm are demonstrated. By finite-difference time-domain simulation, we confirm that the pronounced dips in the reflectance spectra of ACAs are attributable to CSP resonances excited in the annular gaps. By adjusting etching time and Ag film thickness, the CSP dips can be tuned to sweep the entire optical range of 360 to 1800 nm without changing sphere size, which makes them a promising candidate for forming integrated plasmonic sensing arrays. The high tunability of the CSP resonant frequencies together with strong electric field enhancement in the cavities make the ACAs promising candidates for surface plasmon sensors and SERS substrates, as, for example, they have been used in liquid refractive index (RI) sensing, demonstrating a sensitivity of 1505 nm/RIU and a figure of merit of 9. One of the CSP dips of ACAs with a certain geometry size is angle- (0–70 degrees) and polarization-independent and can be used as a narrow-band absorber. Furthermore, the nano annular cavity arrays can be used to construct solar cells, nanolasers and nanoparticle plasmonic tweezers

    Correlations between the questionnaire score and various IFs of 30 phthalmologic journals.

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    <p>Correlations between the questionnaire score and various IFs of 30 phthalmologic journals.</p

    Quantity and citations of each type of document published by 30 ophthalmologic journals.

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    <p>Quantity and citations of each type of document published by 30 ophthalmologic journals.</p

    Effects of Combined Application of Biogas Slurry and Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Aggregation and C/N Distribution in an Ultisol

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    <div><p>Unreasonable use of chemical fertilizer (CF) on agricultural soil leads to massive losses of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in tropical and subtropical areas, where soil conditions are unfavorable for aggregate formation. This study evaluated the effects of combined application of biogas slurry (BS) plus CF on soil aggregation and aggregate—associated C/N concentration and storage in an Ultisol. Six treatments included: no fertilizer (T1), CF only (T2), partial (15% (T3), 30% (T4) and 45% (T5)) substitution of TN with BS and BS only (T6). Soil mechanical—stable aggregates (MSAs) formation and stability as well as MSAs—associated C/N concentration and storage were observed in different aggregate sizes (>5, 5–2, 2–1, 1.0–0.5, 0.50–0.25 and <0.25 mm). The proportion of MSAs >5 mm significantly increased with BS substitution (T5), while the proportions of MSAs 1.0–0.5 mm, MSAs 0.50–0.25 mm and MSAs <0.25 mm significantly decreased. Both mean weight diameter and geometric mean diameter were highest in T5, which improved soil aggregation stability as well as resulted in significantly higher SOC and TN concentrations and storage in MSAs >0.5 mm that constituted 72–82% of MSAs. Stepwise regression analysis showed that MSAs >5 mm, SOC in MSAs >5 mm and TN in MSAs >5 mm were the dominant variables affecting aggregate stability. Meanwhile SOC in MSAs <0.25 mm and TN in MSAs 2–1 mm were independent variables affecting SOC and TN concentrations in bulk soils. Therefore, certain rate of combined application of BS plus CF is an effective, eco—friendly way to improve soil quality in an Ultisol.</p></div
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