6 research outputs found
Household characteristic of the two groups.
a<p>The household head (HH) may participate in more than one insurance system.</p>**<p>Significance at 5%.</p>***<p>Significance at 1%.</p><p>Compare the intervention group and control group in baseline survey.</p
Average proportion of CHE before and after NCMS reimbursement policies.
<p>Average proportion of CHE before and after NCMS reimbursement policies.</p
The difference-in-difference regression model of household CHE (n = 108).
<p>R<sup>2</sup> = 0.199; F = 5.089; p = 0.000.</p
Univariate analysis of the risk factors for non-adherence to TB treatment among migrant PTB patients.
*<p><b>:Household income level:</b> 1) Lowest group (≤10000 RMB Yuan per year); 2) Lower group(10001–20000 RMB Yuan per year); 3) Higher group (20001–30000 RMB Yuan per year ); 4) Highest group (>30000 RMB Yuan per year).</p
Final model of the risk factors for non-adherence to TB treatment among migrant PTB patients.
<p>Final model of the risk factors for non-adherence to TB treatment among migrant PTB patients.</p
Location of the 12 study sites in Shandong province.
<p>Location of the 12 study sites in Shandong province.</p