20,739 research outputs found
Jar Decoding: Non-Asymptotic Converse Coding Theorems, Taylor-Type Expansion, and Optimality
Recently, a new decoding rule called jar decoding was proposed; under jar
decoding, a non-asymptotic achievable tradeoff between the coding rate and word
error probability was also established for any discrete input memoryless
channel with discrete or continuous output (DIMC). Along the path of
non-asymptotic analysis, in this paper, it is further shown that jar decoding
is actually optimal up to the second order coding performance by establishing
new non-asymptotic converse coding theorems, and determining the Taylor
expansion of the (best) coding rate of finite block length for
any block length and word error probability up to the second
order. Finally, based on the Taylor-type expansion and the new converses, two
approximation formulas for (dubbed "SO" and "NEP") are
provided; they are further evaluated and compared against some of the best
bounds known so far, as well as the normal approximation of
revisited recently in the literature. It turns out that while the normal
approximation is all over the map, i.e. sometime below achievable bounds and
sometime above converse bounds, the SO approximation is much more reliable as
it is always below converses; in the meantime, the NEP approximation is the
best among the three and always provides an accurate estimation for . An important implication arising from the Taylor-type expansion of
is that in the practical non-asymptotic regime, the optimal
marginal codeword symbol distribution is not necessarily a capacity achieving
distribution.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory in April, 201
Neutral Color Superconductivity Including Inhomogeneous Phases at Finite Temperature
We investigate neutral quark matter with homogeneous and inhomogeneous color
condensates at finite temperature in the frame of an extended NJL model. By
calculating the Meissner masses squared and gap susceptibility, the uniform
color superconductor is stable only in a temperature window close to the
critical temperature and becomes unstable against LOFF phase, mixed phase and
gluonic phase at low temperatures. The introduction of the inhomogeneous phases
leads to disappearance of the strange intermediate temperature 2SC/g2SC and
changes the phase diagram of neutral dense quark matter significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. v2: references added, accepted for publication
in PRD. V3: Calculation of the neutral LOFF state clarified, typos corrected
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