3,876 research outputs found

    Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for associated production of top squarks and charginos at the CERN LHC

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    We present the calculations of the complete next-to-leading order (NLO) inclusive total cross sections for the associated production processes ppt~iχ~k+Xpp\to \tilde{t}_i\tilde{\chi}_k^-+X in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Our calculations show that the total cross sections for the t~1χ~1\tilde{t}_1\tilde{\chi}_1^- production for the lighter top squark masses in the region 100 GeV <mt~1<< m_{\tilde{t}_1}< 160 GeV can reach 1 pb in the favorable parameter space allowed by the current precise experiments, and in other cases the total cross sections generally vary from 10 fb to several hundred fb except both mt~1>m_{\tilde{t}_1}> 500 GeV and the t~2χ~2\tilde{t}_2\tilde{\chi}_2^- production channel. Moreover, we find that the NLO QCD corrections in general enhance the leading order total cross sections significantly, and vastly reduce the dependence of the total cross sections on the renormalization/factorization scale, which leads to increased confidence in predictions based on these results.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures, RevTex4. Journal-ref adde

    A three-loop radiative neutrino mass model with dark matter

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    We present a model that generates small neutrino masses at three-loop level due to the existence of Majorana fermionic dark matter, which is stabilized by a Z2 symmetry. The model predicts that the lightest neutrino is massless. We show a prototypical parameter choice allowed by relevant experimental data, which favors the case of normal neutrino mass spectrum and the dark matter with m \sim 50-135 GeV and a sizable Yukawa coupling. It means that new particles can be searched for in future e+e- collisions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    tcVt\to cV via SUSY FCNC couplings in the unconstrained MSSM

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    We recalculate the branching ratios for tcVt\to cV (V=g,γ,ZV=g,\gamma,Z) induced by SUSY FCNC couplings within the general unconstrained MSSM framework using mass eigenstate approach. Our results show that the branching ratios for these decays are larger than ones reported in previous literatures in the MSSM with R-parity conservation, and they can reach 104\sim 10^{-4}, 106\sim 10^{-6}, and 106\sim 10^{-6}, respectively, for favorable parameter values allowed by current precise experiments. Thus, the branching ratios for tcgt\to cg and tcγt\to c\gamma may be measurable at the LHC.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, minor changs in the Table

    Spin Correlations in top quark pair production near threshold at the ee+ e^- e^+ Linear Collider

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    We investigate the spin correlations in top quark pair production near threshold at the ee+ e^- e^+ linear collider. Comparing with the results above the threshold region, we find that near the threshold region the off-diagonal basis, the optimized decomposition of the top quark spins above the threshold region, does not exist, and the beamline basis is the optimal basis, in which there are the dominant spin components: the up-down (UD) component for eLe+e_L^- e^+ scattering and the down-up (DU) component for eRe+e_R^- e^+ scattering can make up more than 50% of the total cross section, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, minor modification

    Adaptive Tag Selection for Image Annotation

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    Not all tags are relevant to an image, and the number of relevant tags is image-dependent. Although many methods have been proposed for image auto-annotation, the question of how to determine the number of tags to be selected per image remains open. The main challenge is that for a large tag vocabulary, there is often a lack of ground truth data for acquiring optimal cutoff thresholds per tag. In contrast to previous works that pre-specify the number of tags to be selected, we propose in this paper adaptive tag selection. The key insight is to divide the vocabulary into two disjoint subsets, namely a seen set consisting of tags having ground truth available for optimizing their thresholds and a novel set consisting of tags without any ground truth. Such a division allows us to estimate how many tags shall be selected from the novel set according to the tags that have been selected from the seen set. The effectiveness of the proposed method is justified by our participation in the ImageCLEF 2014 image annotation task. On a set of 2,065 test images with ground truth available for 207 tags, the benchmark evaluation shows that compared to the popular top-kk strategy which obtains an F-score of 0.122, adaptive tag selection achieves a higher F-score of 0.223. Moreover, by treating the underlying image annotation system as a black box, the new method can be used as an easy plug-in to boost the performance of existing systems

    Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for pair production of neutral Higgs bosons at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    We present the calculations of the complete NLO inclusive total cross sections for pair production of neutral Higgs bosons through bbˉb\bar b annihilation in the minimal supersymmetric standard model at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In our calculations, we used both the DREG scheme and the DRED scheme and found that the NLO total cross sections in the above two schemes are the same. Our results show that the bbˉb\bar b-annihilation contributions can exceed ones of gggg fusion and qqˉq\bar q annihilation for h0H0h^0H^0, A0h0A^0h^0 and A0H0A^0H^0 productions when tanβ\tan\beta is large. In the case of μ>0\mu>0, the NLO corrections enhance the LO total cross sections significantly, which can reach a few tens percent, while for μ<0\mu<0, the corrections are relatively small, and are negative in most parameter space. Moreover, the NLO QCD corrections can reduce the dependence of the total cross sections on the renormalization/factorization scale, especially for μ<0\mu<0. We also use the CTEQ6.1 PDF sets to estimate the uncertainty of LO and NLO total cross sections, and find that the uncertainty arising from the choice of PDFs increases with the increasing mA0m_{A^0}.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figures, minor changes, some references added, a version to appear in PR

    Evidence of the side jump mechanism in the anomalous Hall effect in paramagnets

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    Persistent confusion has existed between the intrinsic (Berry curvature) and the side jump mechanisms of anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in ferromagnets. We provide unambiguous identification of the side jump mechanism, in addition to the skew scattering contribution in epitaxial paramagnetic Ni34_{34}Cu66_{66} thin films, in which the intrinsic contribution is by definition excluded. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the AHE further reveals that the side jump mechanism is dominated by the elastic scattering

    Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to the Direct Top Quark Production via Model-independent FCNC Couplings at Hadron Colliders

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    We calculated the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to the cross sections for direct top quark productions induced by model--independent flavour changing neutral current couplings at hadron colliders. The NLO results increase the experimental sensitivity to the anomalous couplings. Our results show that the NLO QCD corrections enhance the leading order (LO) total cross sections at the Tevatron Run 2 about 60% for both of κtcg\kappa_{tc}^g and κtug\kappa_{tu}^g couplings, and enhance the LO total cross sections at the LHC about 40% for κtcg\kappa_{tc}^g couplings and 50% for κtug\kappa_{tu}^g couplings, respectively. Moreover, the NLO QCD corrections vastly reduce the dependence of the total cross sections on the renormalization or factorization scale, which leads to increased confidence in predictions based on these results.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; published versio

    How are ego-centric networks of researchers coupled?

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    Scientific knowledge creation can be viewed as social-economic activities, which inspires us to explore researchers' interpersonal capital and its impact on scientific performance. In this study, we investigate on multiple types of interpersonal relationships between researchers, including co-authorship, author citation, and social relation, which are considered as interpersonal capital of researchers. Thus, three types of ego-centric networks (ECNs) are constructed by using the data from Twitter and Web of Science. The composition of social networks and the coupling relationships between ECNs in terms of the same researchers are analyzed. The preliminary results on the field of Cheminformatics show that most researchers tend to interact with research related accounts in social networks. The coupling degree between co-authorship networks and author citation networks is significantly higher than that between co-authorship networks and friend networks. Researchers are more likely to collaborate with the researchers who have close scholarly communication with them than the friends from social networks. This study contributes to the understanding of interpersonal relationship in scientific community. Future research will focus on the impact of interpersonal capital on scientific performance