41 research outputs found

    Changeover from the discontinuous to continuous phase transitions in dissipative spin system with collective decay

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    We investigate the steady-state phase transitions in an all-to-all transverse-field Ising model subjected to an environment. The considered model is composed of two ingredient Hamiltonians. The orientation of the external field, which is perpendicular to the spin interaction, can be tuned to be along either xx-direction or zz-direction in each ingredient Hamiltonian while the dissipations always tend to flip the spins down to the zz-direction. By means of mean-field approximation, we find that the quasi continuous steady-state phase transition is presented as a consequence of the merging of two branches of steady-state solutions. The emergence of bistability is confirmed by analyzing the steady-state behaviors of a set of finite-size systems which is also revealed by the Liouvillian spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Steady-state phase diagram of a driven QED-cavity array with cross-Kerr nonlinearities

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    We study the properties of an array of QED-cavities coupled by nonlinear elements in the presence of photon leakage and driven by a coherent source. The main effect of the nonlinear couplings is to provide an effective cross-Kerr interaction between nearest-neighbor cavities. Additionally, correlated photon hopping between neighboring cavities arises. We provide a detailed mean-field analysis of the steady-state phase diagram as a function of the system parameters, the leakage, and the external driving, and show the emergence of a number of different quantum phases. A photon crystal associated to a spatial modulation of the photon blockade appears. The steady state can also display oscillating behavior and bistability. In some regions the crystalline ordering may coexist with the oscillating behavior. Furthermore we study the effect of short-range quantum fluctuations by employing a cluster mean-field analysis. Focusing on the corrections to the photon crystal boundaries, we show that, apart for some quantitative differences, the cluster mean field supports the findings of the simple single-site analysis. In the last part of the paper we concentrate on the possibility to build up the class of arrays introduced here, by means of superconducting circuits of existing technology. We consider a realistic choice of the parameters for this specific implementation and discuss some properties of the steady-state phase diagram.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Photon solid phases in driven arrays of nonlinearly coupled cavities

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    We introduce and study the properties of an array of QED cavities coupled by nonlinear elements, in the presence of photon leakage and driven by a coherent source. The nonlinear couplings lead to photon hopping and to nearest-neighbor Kerr terms. By tuning the system parameters, the steady state of the array can exhibit a photon crystal associated with a periodic modulation of the photon blockade. In some cases, the crystalline ordering may coexist with phase synchronization. The class of cavity arrays we consider can be built with superconducting circuits of existing technology.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    Quantum non-stationary phenomena of spin systems in collision models

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    We investigate the non-stationary phenomenon in a tripartite spin-1/2 system in the collision model (CM) framework. After introducing the dissipation through the system-environment collision for both Markovian and non-Markovian cases, we find the emergence of long-time oscillation in the dynamics of the system and the synchronization among subsystems. We connect the CM description and the quantum master equation in the continuous time limit and explain the existence of the stable oscillation by means of Liouvillian spectrum analysis. The time-dependence of the thermal property and the correlations are investigated, in particular we discuss the possibility of violation of the Landauer's principle in non-Markovian dynamics. In addition, we find that the imperfection of collective dissipation can be compensated by the randomness of the interaction sequence in our CM.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted versio

    Linked cluster expansions for open quantum systems on a lattice

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    We propose a generalization of the linked-cluster expansions to study driven-dissipative quantum lattice models, directly accessing the thermodynamic limit of the system. Our method leads to the evaluation of the desired extensive property onto small connected clusters of a given size and topology. We first test this approach on the isotropic spin-1/2 Hamiltonian in two dimensions, where each spin is coupled to an independent environment that induces incoherent spin flips. Then we apply it to the study of an anisotropic model displaying a dissipative phase transition from a magnetically ordered to a disordered phase. By means of a Pad\'e analysis on the series expansions for the average magnetization, we provide a viable route to locate the phase transition and to extrapolate the critical exponent for the magnetic susceptibility.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Dissipation induced quantum synchronization in few-body spin systems

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    We explore the synchronization phenomenon in quantum few-body spin system with the non-local dissipation by quantum trajectory approach. We find that even without external drive, the system can achieve spontaneous synchronization due to the interaction of non-local dissipation, and the time-dependent non-stationarity oscillations can be confirmed through the purely imaginary eigenvalues of the Liouvillian. We theoretically analyze the dissipative dynamics of the system and consider the measure to quantify synchronization through the stochastic quantum trajectories. In each quantum trajectory, it is also possible for the system to ignore dissipative process and build up oscillations in the long-time evolution. We finally investigate the robustness of the oscillations to perturbations, and determine the so-call the largest Lyapunov exponent to confirm the stability of oscillations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    All-optical non-Markovian stroboscopic quantum simulator

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    An all-optical scheme for simulating non-Markovian evolution of a quantum system is proposed. It uses only linear optics elements and by controlling the system parameters allows one to control the presence or absence of information backflow from the environment. A sufficient and necessary condition for the non-Markovianity of our channel based on Gaussian inputs is proved. Various criteria for detecting non-Markovianity are also investigated by checking the dynamical evolution of the channel.Comment: 7 figures. Typos are corrected and new reference is adde

    Soil Organic Carbon Content and Microbial Functional Diversity Were Lower in Monospecific Chinese Hickory Stands than in Natural Chinese Hickory–Broad-Leaved Mixed Forests

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    To assess the effects of long-term intensive management on soil carbon cycle and microbial functional diversity, we sampled soil in Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) stands managed intensively for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, and in reference Chinese hickory–broad-leaved mixed forest (NMF) stands. We analyzed soil total organic carbon (TOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) contents, applied 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis for structural analysis, and determined microbial carbon source usage. TOC, MBC, and WSOC contents and the MBC to TOC ratios were lower in the intensively managed stands than in the NMF stands. The organic carbon pool in the stands managed intensively for twenty years was more stable, indicating that the easily degraded compounds had been decomposed. Diversity and evenness in carbon source usage by the microbial communities were lower in the stands managed intensively for 15 and 20 years. Based on carbon source usage, the longer the management time, the less similar the samples from the monospecific Chinese hickory stands were with the NMF samples, indicating that the microbial community compositions became more different with increased management time. The results call for changes in the management of the hickory stands to increase the soil carbon content and restore microbial diversity