22,901 research outputs found
LSP baryogenesis and neutron-antineutron oscillations from R-parity violation
R-parity and baryon number violating operators can be allowed in the
Supersymmetric Standard Model and thus lead to interesting baryon number
violating processes such as neutron-antineutron oscillations and baryogenesis
of the Universe via the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP).
Adopting the LSP baryogenesis mechanism realized by the late decay of the
axino, we identify a single coupling lambda''_313 as a common origin for the
matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe as well as potentially observable
neutron-antineutron oscillation rates. From this, rather strong constraints on
the supersymmetry breaking masses and the axion decay constant are obtained.
The favoured parameter space of lambda''_313 ~ 0.1 and sub-TeV masses for the
relevant sparticles is readily accessible by the current and future LHC
searches.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, added references, version accepted for
publication in JHE
Hierarchically Clustered Representation Learning
The joint optimization of representation learning and clustering in the
embedding space has experienced a breakthrough in recent years. In spite of the
advance, clustering with representation learning has been limited to flat-level
categories, which often involves cohesive clustering with a focus on instance
relations. To overcome the limitations of flat clustering, we introduce
hierarchically-clustered representation learning (HCRL), which simultaneously
optimizes representation learning and hierarchical clustering in the embedding
space. Compared with a few prior works, HCRL firstly attempts to consider a
generation of deep embeddings from every component of the hierarchy, not just
leaf components. In addition to obtaining hierarchically clustered embeddings,
we can reconstruct data by the various abstraction levels, infer the intrinsic
hierarchical structure, and learn the level-proportion features. We conducted
evaluations with image and text domains, and our quantitative analyses showed
competent likelihoods and the best accuracies compared with the baselines.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Under review as a conference pape
Observation of Topologically Stable 2D Skyrmions in an Antiferromagnetic Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
We present the creation and time evolution of two-dimensional Skyrmion
excitations in an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Using a
spin rotation method, the Skyrmion spin textures were imprinted on a sodium
condensate in a polar phase, where the two-dimensional Skyrmion is
topologically protected. The Skyrmion was observed to be stable on a short time
scale of a few tens of ms but to have dynamical instability to deform its shape
and eventually decay to a uniform spin texture. The deformed spin textures
reveal that the decay dynamics involves breaking the polar phase inside the
condensate without having topological charge density flow through the boundary
of the finite-sized sample. We discuss the possible formation of half-quantum
vortices in the deformation process.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Role of thermal friction in relaxation of turbulent Bose-Einstein condensates
In recent experiments, the relaxation dynamics of highly oblate, turbulent
Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) was investigated by measuring the vortex decay
rates in various sample conditions [Phys. Rev. A , 063627 (2014)] and,
separately, the thermal friction coefficient for vortex motion was
measured from the long-time evolution of a corotating vortex pair in a BEC
[Phys. Rev. A , 051601(R) (2015)]. We present a comparative analysis of
the experimental results, and find that the vortex decay rate is
almost linearly proportional to . We perform numerical simulations of
the time evolution of a turbulent BEC using a point-vortex model equipped with
longitudinal friction and vortex-antivortex pair annihilation, and observe that
the linear dependence of on is quantitatively accounted for
in the dissipative point-vortex model. The numerical simulations reveal that
thermal friction in the experiment was too strong to allow for the emergence of
a vortex-clustered state out of decaying turbulence.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Band Gap Closing in a Synthetic Hall Tube of Neutral Fermions
We report the experimental realization of a synthetic three-leg Hall tube
with ultracold fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice. The legs
of the synthetic tube are composed of three hyperfine spin states of the atoms,
and the cyclic inter-leg links are generated by two-photon Raman transitions
between the spin states, resulting in a uniform gauge flux penetrating
each side plaquette of the tube. Using quench dynamics, we investigate the band
structure of the Hall tube system for a commensurate flux .
Momentum-resolved analysis of the quench dynamics reveals that a critical point
of band gap closing as one of the inter-leg coupling strengths is varied, which
is consistent with a topological phase transition predicted for the Hall tube
system.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
Monomial Relization of Crystal Bases for Special Linear Lie Algebras
We give a new realization of crystal bases for finite dimensional irreducible
modules over special linear Lie algebras using the monomials introduced by H.
Nakajima. We also discuss the connection between this monomial realization and
the tableau realization given by Kashiwara and Nakashima.Comment: 15 page
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