1,022 research outputs found
AMI en Latinoamérica Aproximación, análisis y propuesta de medición sobre el contexto de la Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional en América Latina
Esta tesis doctoral desarrolla una metodología para la evaluación de la alfabetización mediática e informacional (AMI), que se basa en los marcos propuestos por la UNESCO (2011, 2013) y la Comisión Europea (Celot y Pérez Tornero, 2009), brindando una adaptación de las recomendaciones diseñadas por estos dos grandes representantes de la AMI aplicable al contexto específico de América Latina. También hace una revisión de literatura sobre las teorías generales relacionadas con la alfabetización mediática e informacional, así como de estudios en AMI llevados a cabo en diferentes países, principalmente en los once seleccionados para esta investigación. De esta manera, se plantea un enfoque amplio sobre la AMI que tiene en cuenta diversos autores e instituciones que trabajan en este campo (ACRL, 2000; Ainley et al., 2012; NAP-ICTL, 2012; Pérez-Tornero, 2007; UNESCO, 2008; Celot y Pérez-Tornero 2009; Lau y Cortés, 2009; Renee Hobbs, 2010; UNESCO, 2011, 2013; Giraldo et al., 2014, entre otros). Teorías relacionadas con la edu-comunicación, la alfabetización mediática, estudios de medios, alfabetización informacional, alfabetización TIC/digital, alfabetizaciones múltiples, etc., han sido comparadas y analizadas. El resultado es la creación de un marco teórico sólido tanto sobre la competencia mediática como sobre la evaluación del contexto AMI. El estudio se basa en un profundo análisis de contenidos que sistematiza variables relacionadas con políticas públicas, planes de estudios, planes nacionales en TIC, seguridad cibernética y elementos relacionados con la AMI en general (alfabetización informacional, alfabetización digital, competencia mediática) en los once países estudiados. También tiene en cuenta un amplio cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 44 expertos en AMI provenientes de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panamá, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela. La investigación muestra cómo los países de América Latina se están adaptando a la sociedad del conocimiento -a velocidades bastante diferentes- y describe (y se centra en ello) un escenario de rápido movimiento en el que se observa la manera en que algunos países de la región comienzan a concentrar sus esfuerzos en acciones que van más allá de la fase embrionaria de generación de oportunidades de acceso a las TIC (infraestructura TI en general, programas 1:1, ciber-centros, construcción de redes, etc.). También muestra cómo los países del mismo nivel de ingresos (medio-alto) han llevado a cabo diferentes estrategias digitales que, en algunos casos, han conducido a resultados de alto impacto. El resultado de esta investigación es una propuesta de "Índice de preparación AMI" y un amplio primer mapeo de los factores que favorecen a la AMI en la región.This thesis develops an assessment methodology on Media and Information Literacy (MIL), which is based on the frameworks proposed by UNESCO (2011, 2013) and the European Commission (Celot & Pérez Tornero, 2009), adapting the directions given by these two major representatives in the field of MIL to the specific context of Latin America. It also makes a literature review on media and information literacy general theories as well as on MIL studies carried out in different countries, mainly in the eleven selected for this research. A broad approach to MIL is drafted taking into account several authors and institutions working on this field (ACRL, 2000; Ainley et al., 2012; NAP-ICTL, 2012; Pérez-Tornero, 2007; UNESCO, 2008; Celot & Pérez-Tornero, 2009; Lau & Cortés, 2009; Renee Hobbs, 2010; UNESCO, 2011, 2013; Giraldo et al., 2014, among others). Theories related to edu-communication, media literacy, media studies, information literacy, digital/ICT literacy, multiple literacies, etc. have been compared and analyzed. The result is the creation of a robust theoretical framework both on media competence and on MIL context assessment. The study relies on a deep content analysis that systematizes variables related to public policy, school curriculum, ICT plans, cyber-security, and media and information literacy elements (informational literacy, digital literacy, media competence) in the eleven countries studied. It also takes into account a comprehensive questionnaire with a sample of 44 MIL experts from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. The research shows how countries in Latin America are adapting to the Knowledge Society -at very different speeds- and describes (and focuses on) a fast-moving scenario where some countries of the region are starting to concentrate their efforts on actions that go beyond the embryonic stage of generating opportunities to access ICT (general IT infrastructure, 1:1 programs, cyber-centers, networks building, etc.). It also shows how countries on the same income level (mid-high) have run very different digital strategies which, in some cases, have led to high impact outcomes. The result of this research is a "MIL Readiness Index" proposal and a rich first mapping of the MIL enabling factors in the region
Predicting hepatotoxicity using ToxCast in vitro bioactivity and chemical structure
Presented at MCBIO
Additional file 3: of An evaluation of processing methods for HumanMethylation450 BeadChip data
Multidimensional scaling plot of distances between samples in COAD, scaling dimensions 1 vs 2, samples colored by plates. Euclidean distances between sample pairs are computed for a common set of 5000 features having the largest standard deviations across all samples. Features containing SNPs or mapping to the sex chromosomes were excluded. (PDF 7 kb
Additional file 4: of An evaluation of processing methods for HumanMethylation450 BeadChip data
Density distributions of Beta values for the Type I (solid lines) and Type II (dashed lines) probes for six PBLs replicates under different processing methods. (PDF 50 kb
Local Excitation Approximations to Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Excitation Energies in Solution
We derive, implement, and test three
different local excitation
approximations (LEAs) to time-dependent density functional theory
(TDDFT) that are designed to be extremely efficient for computing
excitations that are localized on a single chromophore surrounded
by explicit solvent molecules. One of these approximations is equivalent
to the “TDDFT for molecular interactions” [TDDFT(MI)]
method that we have introduced previously, which exploits non-orthogonal,
absolutely-localized molecular orbitals to approximate full TDDFT
for systems consisting of multiple, weakly-coupled chromophores. Further
approximations are possible when the excitation is localized on only
a single subsystem and are introduced here to reduce the cost of LEA-TDDFT(MI)
with respect even to TDDFT(MI). We apply these methods to compute
solvatochromatic shifts for the <i>n</i> → π*
excitations in aqueous acetone and pyridine. The LEA-TDDFT(MI) method
accurately reproduces the solvent-induced blue shifts in these systems,
at a significant reduction in cost as compared to conventional TDDFT
Group differences in the shareholding of large private shareholders.
Group differences in the shareholding of large private shareholders.</p
The shareholding of large private shareholders and banks’ industry loans.
The shareholding of large private shareholders and banks’ industry loans.</p
Large private shareholders and industrial loans of city commercial banks (Difference between groups).
Large private shareholders and industrial loans of city commercial banks (Difference between groups).</p
Large private shareholders, local industrial policies and industrial loans of city commercial banks (consider the timeliness of industrial policies).
Large private shareholders, local industrial policies and industrial loans of city commercial banks (consider the timeliness of industrial policies).</p
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