25 research outputs found
Pollen morphology of selected species from the family Solanaceae
<p>The pollen grains of 38 species and one variety of 17 genera in the family Solanaceae were studied using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Among them, the pollen morphology of 13 species was described for the first time. Our results suggested that the exine ornamentation of pollen grains could be divided into 11 types, made up of three types (cerebroid, granulate-perforate-punctate and rugulate-perforate) which were observed for the first time in Solanaceae, and other normal types (granulate, granulate-perforate, punctate, reticulate, rugulate, rugulate-striate, spinulose-perforate, striate). In addition, the studied species have pollen grains that differ in size, shape, equatorial view, polar view, aperture features and exine ornamentation, confirming that Solanaceae is a eurypalynous family. Furthermore, the intergeneric and intrageneric relationships of Solanaceae were explored. These results could provide a palynological basis for classification and systematic study of Solanaceae.</p
Pollen morphology of Chinese Sileneae and its systematic significance
<p>Pollen morphology of 58 species and two subspecies of the genera <i>Agrostemma</i>, <i>Cucubalus</i>, <i>Lychnis</i> and <i>Silene</i> of Chinese Sileneae was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Among them, 50 species and one subspecies were reported for the first time. The results demonstrate that the number of pores and pollen surface ornamentation have important systematic significance. The surface ornamentation can be divided into four types, namely microechinate-perforate, microechinate-punctate, microechinate-reticulate and microechinate-punctate-perforate. The palynological characteristics support that (i) <i>Cucubalus</i> and <i>Lychnis</i> should be classified into <i>Silene</i>; (ii) <i>Agrostemma</i> and <i>Silene</i> are sister groups; and (iii) the infrageneric classification of <i>Silene</i> still needs further study.</p
The pollen of <i>Solanum</i> L. and its systematic significance
<p>The morphology of 75 different pollen grains from 67 species of genus <i>Solanum</i> L., two species of genus <i>Cyphomandra</i> Sendt., and six species of genus <i>Lycianthes</i> (Dunal) Hassl. was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Among them, the pollen of 66 species is described for the first time. Our results suggest that the sexine ornamention of <i>Solanum</i>, <i>Cyphomandra</i> and <i>Lycianthes</i> is extremely similar, but the apertures of genus <i>Solanum</i> and <i>Cyphomandra</i> are not syncolpate while those of genus <i>Lycianthes</i> are syncolpate. Overall, we argued that the <i>Solanum</i> species studied demonstrated sufficient pollinic heterogeneity in their shapes, aperture feature and sexine ornamentation to enable their palynological characterisation and support the point of view that the genus <i>Cyphomandra</i> should be merged into <i>Solanum</i>, but <i>Lycianthes</i> should be an independent genus from the aspect of palynology.</p
Pollen morphology of Polygonatae and its systematic significance
<p>The pollen morphology of 54 species and one variety of seven genera in Polygonatae including <i>Clintonia</i>, <i>Disporopsis</i>, <i>Disporum</i>, <i>Maianthemum</i>, <i>Polygonatum</i>, <i>Smilacina</i> and <i>Streptopus</i> was observed and studied in detail; of these, nine species were reported for the first time. Our results showed that the surface ornamentation of pollen grains of the studied materials could be divided into seven types, namely gemmate, granulate-foveolate, perforate, reticulate, rugulate, rugulate-perforate and verrucate. In line with previous studies, we believe that (i) <i>Smilacina ginfushanicum</i> should be classified into the genus <i>Heteropolygonatum</i> rather than the genus <i>Smilacina</i>; (ii) <i>Polygonatum</i> should be divided into section <i>Polygonatum</i> and section <i>Verticillata</i>; (iii) <i>Smilacina</i> and <i>Maianthemum</i> should be combined as one genus, i.e. <i>Maianthemum sensu lato</i>; and (iv) <i>Clintonia</i>, <i>Disporum</i> and <i>Streptopus</i> should be separated from the tribe Polygonatae.</p
An energy-efficient failure detector for vehicular cloud computing
<div><p>Failure detectors are one of the fundamental components for maintaining the high availability of vehicular cloud computing. In vehicular cloud computing, lots of RSUs are deployed along the road to improve the connectivity. Many of them are equipped with solar battery due to the unavailability or excess expense of wired electrical power. So it is important to reduce the battery consumption of RSU. However, the existing failure detection algorithms are not designed to save battery consumption RSU. To solve this problem, a new energy-efficient failure detector 2E-FD has been proposed specifically for vehicular cloud computing. 2E-FD does not only provide acceptable failure detection service, but also saves the battery consumption of RSU. Through the comparative experiments, the results show that our failure detector has better performance in terms of speed, accuracy and battery consumption.</p></div
<p>It remains unclear whether plant lncRNAs are responsive to Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel blocking. When using the Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel blocker, LaCl<sub>3</sub>, to treat germinated wheat seeds for 24 h, we found that both root length and mitosis were inhibited in the LaCl<sub>3</sub>-treated groups. The effect of the Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel blocker was verified in three ways: a [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub>cyt</sub> decrease detected using Fluo-3/AM staining, a decrease in the Ca content measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and an inhibition of Ca<sup>2+</sup> influx detected using Non-invasive Micro-test Technology. Genome-wide high throughput RNA-seq and bioinformatical methods were used to identify lncRNAs, and found 177 differentially expressed lncRNAs that might be in responsive to Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel blocking. Among these, 108 were up-regulated and 69 were down-regulated. The validity of identified lncRNAs data from RNA-seq was verified using qPCR. GO and KEGG analysis indicated that a number of lncRNAs might be involved in diverse biological processes upon Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel blocking. Further GO analysis showed that 23 lncRNAs might play roles as transcription factor (TF); Moreover, eight lncRNAs might participate in cell cycle regulation, and their relative expressions were detected using qPCR. This study also provides diverse data on wheat lncRNAs that can deepen our understanding of the function and regulatory mechanism of Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel blocking in plants.</p
Query accuracy probability vs. detection time in Wireless.
<p>Query accuracy probability vs. detection time in Wireless.</p
Architecture of vehicular cloud computing.
<p>Architecture of vehicular cloud computing.</p