37 research outputs found
Expression profiles of genes involved in specific functions.
<p>The red-green heat maps were drawn according to FPKM value. The Gray units represent zero for FPKM value. (a) Heat map for nuclear hormone receptor E75; (b) Heat map for amylase; (c) Heat map for myosin heavy chain type a (partial); (d) Heat map for calcified cuticle protein.</p
Length distribution of all-unigenes after clustering unigenes in each group.
<p>X axis represents sequence length intervals. Y axis represents the number of unigenes in each interval.</p
Observatoires ruraux à Madagascar : pourquoi, comment et que faire ? : analyse à partir des outils théoriques de l'économie des organisations
Figure S2. Validation of the interaction between csa-miR-4018a or csa-miR-4018b and Mapkk3–3′-UTR. (PDF 841 kb
Partial functional categories and genes involved in early development of <i>L. vannamei</i>.
<p>Partial functional categories and genes involved in early development of <i>L. vannamei</i>.</p
Embryonic and larval stages during early development of <i>L. vannamei.</i>
<p>(Z, M and P are modified from Hertzler PL, 2009). The developmental stages drawn in this figure include zygote, 4-cell, blastula, gastrula, limb bud embryo, larva in membrane, NI, NIII, NVI, ZI, ZII, ZIII, MI, MII, MIII and P1.</p
Additional file 1: of Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis
Table S1. Sequences of identified known miRNAs in C. savignyi. (DOCX 108 kb
HCA and PCA plots for five samples using FPKM value of unigenes.
<p>(a) Hierarchical clustering analysis plot. The height represents the Euclidean distance; (b) Principal components analysis plot. X axis represents PC1 that explains 78.7% and Y axis represents PC2 that explains 11.2% of the total variability for gene expression.</p
Information of primers used for real time PCR.
<p>Information of primers used for real time PCR.</p
The top ten enriched KEGG pathways.
<p>The top ten enriched KEGG pathways.</p
COG classification of all-unigenes.
<p>Unigenes were classified into 25 function classes. The columns represents the number of unigenes in each class.</p