757 research outputs found

    Significance linked connected component analysis plus

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    Dr. Xinhua Zhuang, Dissertation Supervisor.Field of Study: Computer Science."May 2018."An image coding algorithm, SLCCA Plus, is introduced in this dissertation. SLCCA Plus is a wavelet-based subband coding method. In wavelet-based subband coding, the input images will go through a wavelet transform and be decomposed into wavelet subband pyramids. Then the characteristics of the wavelet coefficients within and among subbands will be utilized to removing the redundancy. The rest information will be organized and go through entropy encoding. SLCCA Plus contains a series improvement method to the SLCCA. Before SLCCA, there are three top-ranked wavelet image coders. Namely, Embedded Zerotree Wavelet coder (EZW), Morphological Representation of Wavelet Date (MEWD), and Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT). They exploit either inter-subband relation among zero wavelet coefficients or within-subband clustering. SLCCA, on the other hand, outperforms these three coders by exploring both the inter- subband coefficients relations and within-subband clustering of significant wavelet coefficients. SLCCA Plus strengthens SLCCA in the following aspects: Intelligence quantization, enhanced cluster filter, potential-significant shared-zero, and improved context models. The purpose of the first three improvements is to remove redundancy information further while keeping the image error as low as possible. As a result, they achieve a better trade-off between bit cost and image quality. Moreover, the improved context lowers the entropy by refining the classification of symbols in cluster sequence and magnitude bit-planes. Lower entropy means the adaptive arithmetic coding can achieve a better coding gain. For performance evaluation, SLCCA Plus is compared to SLCCA and JPEG2000. On average, SLCCA Plus achieves 7% bit saving over JPEG 2000 and 4% over SLCCA. The results comparison shows that SLCCA Plus shows more texture and edge details at a lower bitrate.Includes bibliographical references (pages 88-92)

    A device-level characterization approach to quantify the impacts of different random variation sources in FinFET technology

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    A simple device-level characterization approach to quantitatively evaluate the impacts of different random variation sources in FinFETs is proposed. The impacts of random dopant fluctuation are negligible for FinFETs with lightly doped channel, leaving metal gate granularity and line-edge roughness as the two major random variation sources. The variations of Vth induced by these two major categories are theoretically decomposed based on the distinction in physical mechanisms and their influences on different electrical characteristics. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through both TCAD simulations and experimental results. This letter can provide helpful guidelines for variation-aware technology development
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