3,406 research outputs found
Coherence scale of coupled Anderson impurities
For two coupled Anderson impurities, two energy scales are present to
characterize the evolution from local moment state of the impurities to either
of the inter-impurity singlet or the Kondo singlet ground states. The high
energy scale is found to deviate from the single-ion Kondo temperature and
rather scales as Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction when it
becomes dominant. We find that the scaling behavior and the associated physical
properties of this scale are consistent with those of a coherence scale defined
in heavy fermion systems.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, extended versio
Singularity in self-energy and composite fermion excitations of interacting electrons
We propose that a composite fermion operator could have coherent excitations, where is the
fermion operator for interacting electrons and is the
number operator of the opposite spin. In the two-impurity Anderson model, it is
found that the excitation of this composite fermion has a pseudogap in the
Kondo regime, and has a finite spectral weight in the regime where the
excitation of the regular fermion has a pseudogap. In the latter
regime, the self-energy of is found to be singular near Fermi
energy. We argue that this composite fermion could develop a Fermi surface with
Fermi liquid behaviors but "hidden" from charge excitations in lattice
generalizations. We further illustrate that this type of excitations is
essential in addressing the pseudogap state and unconventional
superconductivity.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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