38 research outputs found

    Radical-Enhanced Chinese Character Embedding

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    We present a method to leverage radical for learning Chinese character embedding. Radical is a semantic and phonetic component of Chinese character. It plays an important role as characters with the same radical usually have similar semantic meaning and grammatical usage. However, existing Chinese processing algorithms typically regard word or character as the basic unit but ignore the crucial radical information. In this paper, we fill this gap by leveraging radical for learning continuous representation of Chinese character. We develop a dedicated neural architecture to effectively learn character embedding and apply it on Chinese character similarity judgement and Chinese word segmentation. Experiment results show that our radical-enhanced method outperforms existing embedding learning algorithms on both tasks.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Using Network Processor to Establish Security Agent for AODV Routing Protocol

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    Network Processor (NP) is optimized to perform special network functionalities. It has highly parallel processing architecture to achieve high performance. Ad hoc network is an exciting research aspect due to the characters of self-organization、 dynamically changing topology and temporary network life. However, all the characters make the security problem more serious. Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is the main puzzle in the security of Ad hoc network. A novel NP-based security scheme is proposed to combat the attack in AODV routing protocol. Security agent is established by a hardware thread in NP. Agent can update itself at some interval by the trustworthiness of the neighbor nodes. Agent can trace the RREQ and RREP messages stream to aggregate the key information to link list and analyze them by intrusion detection algorithm. NS2 simulator is expanded to validate the security scheme. Simulation results show that NP-based security scheme is highly effective to detect and block DoS attack

    Hyperchloremia Is Associated With Poorer Outcome in Critically Ill Stroke Patients

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    Background and Purpose: This study aims to explore the cause and predictive value of hyperchloremia in critically ill stroke patients.Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of a prospectively collected database of adult patients with first-ever acute ischemic stroke (AIS) or intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) admitted to the neurointensive care unit (NICU) of a university-affiliated hospital, between January 2013 and December 2016. Patients were excluded if admitted beyond 72 h from onset, if they required neurocritical care for less than 72 h, and were treated with hypertonic saline within 72 h or had creatinine clearance less than 15 mL/min.Results: Of 405 eligible patients, the prevalence of hyperchloremia ([Cl−] ≄ 110 mmol/L) was 8.6% at NICU admission ([Cl−]0) and 17.0% within 72 h ([Cl−]max). Thirty-eight (9.4%) patients had new-onset hyperchloremia and 110 (27.1%) had moderate increase in chloride (Δ[Cl−] ≄ 5 mmol/L; Δ[Cl−] = [Cl−]max − [Cl−]0) in the first 72 h after admission, which were found to be determined by the sequential organ failure assessment score in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Neither total fluid input nor cumulative fluid balance had significant association with such chloride disturbance. New-onset hyperchloremia and every 5 mmol/L increment in Δ[Cl−] were both associated with increased odds of 30-day mortality and 6-month poor outcome, although no independent significance was found in multivariate models.Conclusion: Hyperchloremia tends to occur in patients more severely affected by AIS and ICH. Although no independent association was found, new-onset hyperchloremia and every 5 mmol/L increment in Δ[Cl−] were related to poorer outcome in critically ill AIS and ICH patients.Subject terms: clinical studies, intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, mortality/survival, quality and outcomes

    Message format of DAD-h.

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    <p>Message format of DAD-h.</p

    Novel Duplicate Address Detection with Hash Function

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    <div><p>Duplicate address detection (DAD) is an important component of the address resolution protocol (ARP) and the neighbor discovery protocol (NDP). DAD determines whether an IP address is in conflict with other nodes. In traditional DAD, the target address to be detected is broadcast through the network, which provides convenience for malicious nodes to attack. A malicious node can send a spoofing reply to prevent the address configuration of a normal node, and thus, a denial-of-service attack is launched. This study proposes a hash method to hide the target address in DAD, which prevents an attack node from launching destination attacks. If the address of a normal node is identical to the detection address, then its hash value should be the same as the “Hash_64” field in the neighboring solicitation message. Consequently, DAD can be successfully completed. This process is called DAD-h. Simulation results indicate that address configuration using DAD-h has a considerably higher success rate when under attack compared with traditional DAD. Comparative analysis shows that DAD-h does not require third-party devices and considerable computing resources; it also provides a lightweight security resolution.</p></div

    ACSR comparisons between Pseudo-collision attack and SLAAC attack.

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    <p>ACSR comparisons between Pseudo-collision attack and SLAAC attack.</p

    Average traffic in 30 days.

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    <p>Average traffic in 30 days.</p

    Comparison of DAD-h with other security mechanisms.

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    <p>Comparison of DAD-h with other security mechanisms.</p

    Stateful Inspection Firewall Session Table

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    Stateful Inspection is a key technology to network devices such as routers and firewalls. Existing session table architectures of Stateful Inspection devices store all session information in a single entry, which causes high time cost of session table timeout processing. In this paper we present a new architecture which divides a session entry into two parts, and designs different data structures for each other. The new architecture can improve the performance of session table greatly. A new PATRICIA algorithm is proposed to organize session table, which is proved to be an optimal 2-ary trie for fixed-length match. An ASIC is implemented for the architecture and corresponding algorithms. Both theoretical and experimental results show that the new architecture has bette