63,679 research outputs found
On the equivalence of regularization schemes
We illustrated via the sunset diagram that dimensional regularization
'deforms' the nonlocal contents of multi-loop diagrams with its equivalence to
cut-off regularization scheme recovered only after sub-divergence were
subtracted. Then we employed a differential equation approach for calculating
loop diagrams to verify that dimensional regularization deformed the 'low
energy' contents before subtraction. The virtues of the differential equation
approach were argued especially in non-perturbative perspective.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex, no figure, revised version, new style,to appear in
Factorization of Radiative Leptonic Decays of and Mesons Including the Soft Photon Region
In this work, we study the radiative leptonic decays of and
mesons using factorization approach. Factorization is proved to be valid
explicitly at 1-loop level at any order of . We consider the contribution in the soft photon region
that . The numerical
results shows that, the soft photon region is very important for both the
and mesons. The branching ratios of is , which is about times of the result obtained by only considering
the hard photon region . And for the case of , the result of the branching ratio is .Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1409.035
Factorization of Radiative Leptonic Decays of and Mesons
In this work, we study the factorization of the radiative leptonic decays of
and mesons, the contributions of the order are taken into account. The factorization is proved to
be valid explicitly at the order . The hard kernel is obtained. The numerical results are
calculated using the wave-function obtained in relativistic potential model.
The contribution is found to be very
important, the correction to the decay amplitudes of
is about . For mesons, the contributions are more important.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. Version to appear in Nucl. Phys.
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